#title Books captioned in "Ted's" letters sorted alphabetically by author #date #source <[[https://harbor.klnpa.org/california/islandora/object/cali%3A1849][harbor.klnpa.org/california/islandora/object/cali%3A1849]]> #lang en #pubdate 2023-08-09T08:17:10 #authors #topics The UNABOM Investigation #notes Chart listing author, title and related "Ted" documents. | AUTHOR | TITLE | DOCUMENT/PAGE | | The periodical, The Skeptical Inquirer, is noted individually when an author and/or title is available | Skeptical Inquirer, The | T-33; T-34; T-56; T-78; T-79; T-103;T-140; T-156 | | Adams, Andy | Log of a Cowboy, The | T-48, Pg 1 | | Allen, Jerry | Sea Years of Joseph Conrad, The | T-20, Para 35 | | Alsop, Joseph | FDR - A Remembrance | T-143 | | Altamirano | Navidad en Las Montanas | T-55, Pg 2 | | Apostol, T. M. | Advanced Calculus | T-102, Pg 2 | | Author Unknown | Schizophrenias - Yours and Mine, The | T-40, Pg 3, Para 3; T-77 | | Bouchard, Thomas J. & Lykken, David T. | Genetic vs. Environmental Influences in the Development of Human Personality, Science (article) | T-100, Pgl | | Braddy, Haldeen | Mexico and the Old Southwest (Poems) | T-10 | | Brooks, Lester | Great Civilization of Ancient Africa | T-114 | | Carcopino, Jerome | Daily Life in Ancient Rome | T-7 | | Carlyle, Thomas | French Revolution, The | T-7; T22; T-84, Pg 1, Para 2 | | Carriage, Horacio | Tacho, El (The Roof) Short Story | T-9 | | Conrad, Joseph | Heart of Darkness | T-20, Para 5; T-52; T-85, Pg 8 | | Conrad, Joseph | Secret Agent, The | T-156 | | Conrad, Joseph | Outpost of Progress, An | T-20, Para 40 | | Conrad, Joseph | Mirror of the Sea | T-24, Pg 2; T-85, Pg 1 | | Creed, Thomas L. | Subliminal Deception, Skeptical Inquirer, Vol 11, No 4 | T-103, Pgl | | CSICOP (Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal) | Skeptical Inquirer, The | T-79 | | Davalos, Juan Carlos | Fort of Tacuil, The | T-28 | | DeCamp, L. Sprague | Ancient Engineers, The | T-44 | | DelGado, Jose N. R. | Physical Control of the Mind | T-2, Pg 3 | | Deutscher, Isaac | Stalin, A Political Biography, New York, 1967 | T-104; T-114, Pgs 1, 2 | | Donaldson, Kenneth | Insanity Inside Out | T-43, Pg 3 | | Drinnon, Richard | White Savage: The Case of John Dunn Hunter Schoken Books, 1972 | T-104, Pgl | | Eaves, L. J. Eysenck, H. J. & Martin, N.J. | Genes, Culture and Personality: An Empirical Approach | T-108, Pgl | | Ellul, Jacques | Technological Society, The | T-2, Pg 10; T-85; Pg 9; T-120 | | Epstein, Jack | Along the Gringo Trail | T-24 | | Evans-Pritchard, E. E. | Nuer - A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic Peoples, The Oxford University Press, 1972 | T-81 | | Eysenck, H. J. | Sense and Nonsense in Psychology | T-34, Pg 10 | | Fineman, Mark, B. (Assoc. Prof.) | Skeptical Inquirer Vol IV, No 2 Winter 1979-80 | T-34 | | Frazer, (FNU) | Golden Bough | T-138, Pg 7 | | Galados, Benito Perez | Dona Perfecta (Novel) | T-102, Pgs 1,2, 4 | | Galsworthy, John | Shadows | T-52 | | Garber, Judy & Seligman, E. P. (edited by both) | Human Helplessness: Theory and Applications, Academic Press, 1980 | T-103, Pgl | | Gimbutas, Maria | Slavs, The | T-114 | | Glass, David, C. & Singer, J. E. | Urban Stress: Experiments on Noise and Social Stressors, Academic Press, 1972 | T-110, Pgs 1, 3 | | Gonzalez, Manuel del Rio | Juarez, Su Vida y Su Obra | T-105, Pgl | | Granivet, Angel | Hombres Del Norte | T-19, Para 1, 2; T-20, Para 6 | | Griffin, C. W. | Frontier Freedoms and Space Age Cities, Saturday Review, 2/7/70 | T-130 | | Harris, Thomas A. | I’m OK - You’re OK | T-34, Pg 9 | | Hayes, K. J. | Psychological Reports, Science - Vol 10, 299, 1962 (article) | T-107, Pgs 1, 4 | | Helfer, Otto J. | World of the Huns, The 1973 | T-78 | | Hollander, Paul | Survival of the Adversary Culture, The: Social Criticism and Political Escapism in American Society | T-104, Pgl | | Hooper, Finley | Greek Realities | T-140 | | Hunter, John D. | Manners and Customs of the Indians | T-141 | | I.D. London | Some Consequences for History and Psychology of Langmuir’s Concept of Convergence and Divergence of Phenomena Psychology Review, vol 53, | T-114 | | Ibanez, Vicente Blasco | Arroz y Tartana | T-113, Pgs 1, 2 | | Ibarguiengoitia | Old Pedro’s Crime | T-86 | | Ibarguiengoitia | Thunders of August, The | T-86 | | Iturribarria, Jorge Fernando | Benito Juarez Porfino Diaz: Hechos Historicos de la Vida Estos Proceres de la Reforma | T-105 | | Jared Diamond | Third Chimpanzee, The | T-111 | | Jean-Aubry, G. | From Joseph Conrad: Life and Letters | T-52 | | Jean-Aubry, G. | Life and Letters From Joseph Conrad | T-25; T-52; T-53 | | Kahn and Weiner | Year 2000, The. | T-2, Pg 10 | | Kanter, Donald L. & Mirvis, Philip | Cynical American, The: Living in an Age of Discontent and Disillusion Publisher: Joey Bass | T-102, Pgs 2, 5 | | Kearney, Jack | Tracking: A Blueprint for Learning How Pathway Press | T-101, Pgs 1,2 | | Kelley, John, L. | General Topology | T-105, Pg 2 | | Kephart, Horace | Book of Camping and Woodcraft | T-13;T-164 | | Kirk, Donald R. | Wild Edible Plants of the Western United States | T-15, Pg 1; T-87, Pg 2 | | Kirk, (FNU) | Fruit of the C. Foctidissima (Re: buffalo Gourd.) | T-16 | | Klass, Philip | UFO's Identified Skeptical Inquirer | T-33 | | Leiby, June | Beneath the Mask | T-31 | | Leikind, Bernard & Dennett, William (UI) | Investigations of Firewalking Skeptical Inquirer Fall 1985, Vol 10, No 1 | T-156 | | Leydet, Francois | Coyote, The: Defiant SongDog of the West | T-151,Pgs 1,2 | | London, Perry | Behavior Control | T-2, Pg 10 | | London, Jack | Road, The | T-112, Pgs 1, 2 | | Lyle, David | Esquire Magazine, 1967 The Human Race Has Maybe Thirty-Five Years Left. | T-119(G), (F) Article found in Ted’s trunk at his mother’s home. | | Mackay, G. | Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, The | T-54 | | Mackey, G. | Foundations of Quantum Theory | T-55, Pg 1 | | Maugham, W. Somerset | Summing Up, The | T-52; T-55, Pg 1, 2; T-54; Pg 1 | | Maugham, Somerset | Razor's Edge, The | T-19, Para 15; T-66, Pg 1 | | Morley, Sylvanus G. | Ancient Maya, The | T-8 | | Muenscher, Walter Conrad | Poisonous Plants of the United States | T-6 | | Newspaper | Saturday Review | T-25; T-85; T-130; T-133;T-137; T-148 | | Nietzsche | Zarathustra Zaranthustra’s Prologue, 4 | T-3, Pg 2; T-18, Pg 2 | | Nisbett, R.E. & Ross, L. | Human Inference: Strategies and Shortcomings of Social Judgement, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall, 1980 | T-109, Pgs 1,3 | | Nunez | Cabeza de Vaca | T-47;T-51; T-52; T-55; T-56 | | Orozco, Fernando | La Gue*** de Treirt akos Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy | T-54 | | Orwell, George | Homage to Barcelona (The librarian indicated this may be Catalonia, not Barcelona) New York, Harcourt, 1952 | T-109, Pgs 1, 2 | | Orwell, George | 1984 | T-3; T-66, Pg 1 | | Parati, (FNU) | Geller Papers, The | T-79 | | Pasek, Jan Chrystostom | Memoirs | T-106 | | Premanand, B. | Levitation, Miracles in India Skeptical Inquirer Spring 1989, Vol 13 | T-156 | | Quiroga, Horacio | Flies, The: Replica of the Dead Man | T-8 | | Quiroga, Horacio | Wild Colt, The | T-26; T-29 | | Quiroga, Horacio | Juan Darien | T-17, Pg 7 | | Quiroga, Horacio | Nuestro Primor Cigarro (Our First Cigarette) | T-11, Pg 3, Line 15 | | Quiroga, Horacio | Conductor del Rapido, El | T-80 | | Rand, James | Geller, (Uri) | T-140 | | Robertiello | Your Own True Love | T-34, Pg 10 | | Rose, W.J. | From Serfdom to SelfGovernment Memoirs of a Polish Village Mayor | T-113 | | Royal Spanish Academy | Outline of a New Grammar of the Spanish Language | T-58 | | Scarr, S. & McCartney, K. | Child Development, Science - Vol 54, 424, 1983 (article) | T-107, Pg 1 | | Segal, Ronald | Leon Trotsky: A Biography | T-108, Pg 1; T-104 | | Seligman, Martin, E. P. | Learned Optimism | T-106; T-115 | | Seligman, Martin, E. | Depression | T-103, Pgl | | Sherwood and Taylor | Calculus | T-17, Pg 6 | | Sierra, Justo | Juarez Su Obra y Su Tiempo | T-105, Pg 1 | | Smith, Colin | Collins Spanish and English Dictionary, The | T-77 | | Speer, Albert | Spandau | T-17, Pg 5 | | Speer, Albert | Inside the Third Reich | T-17, Pg 5 | | Spinder, Herbert J. | Study of Maya Art, A Dove Publications, New York, 1975 | T-29 | | Stanley, Henry M. | How I Found Livingstone | T-20, Para 7 | | Starkie, Walter | Raggle Taggle | T-38, Pg 2, Para 1; T-41, Pg 1; T- 51 | | Stein, Gordon | Lore of Levitation, The Skeptical Inquirer, Spring 1989, Vol 13 | T-156 | | Stuart, Granville | Forty Years on the Frontier | T-81 | | Sulimirski | Sarmatians, The | T-42, Pg 5; T-44 | | Terrill, Ross | Mao: A Biography Harper and Row, 1980. | T-111 | | Thomas, W. I. and Zaniecki, F. | Polish Peasant in Europe and America, The Vol I | T-115 | | Thucydides | History of the Peloponnesian War | T-140 | | Turnbull, Colin | Wayward Servants: The Two Worlds of the African Pygmies | T-61 | | Turnbull, Colin | Forest People, The | T-10, T-22, Para 13; T-24; T-61 | | Turnbull, Colin | Man In Africa | T-113 | | Valdes, Armando Palacio | La Novela de un Novelista | T-110, Pgs 1, 2 | | Valdes, Armando Palacio | Novela de un Novelista, La | T-110 | | Voxman | Method for Trombone or Baritone | T-156 | | Waterman, John T. | History of German Language | T-23, Pg 3, Para 1 | | Weissman, Gerald | Aspirin Scientific American Magazine Jan 1991 | T-90 | | Welch, Galbraith | Africa Before They Came | T-115 | | White, Robert (Editor) | Study of Lives Essays on Personality in Honor of Henry Murray, The | T-106, Pgl | | White, K. R. | Psychological Bulletin, Vol 86, 461 (1982) Science (article) | T-107, Pgl | | Womack, John Jr. | Zapata and the Mexican Revolution | T-49, Pg 1 | | Womack, John Jr. | Zapata and the Mexican Revolution Vintage Book, 1968 | T-49;T-51 | | Zamora, Cristobal, A. | Pastor, El: la Perso y la Obra de Benito Juarez Vistas Dentro de Marco Singular de Su Epoca | T-105, Pg 1 | | Zhores and Medvedev, Roy | Question of Madness, A | T-33 |