Johnatan B. Gymwell

Antitainment Manifesto

1. The majority of the people living in the present technological society are slaves. A slave is someone who will accept any amount of abuse as long as he gets to keep his life. A slave is someone with no long-term goals. A slave is someone who is content with being pushed around like a leaf on the wind. A slave is someone who doesn’t have a strong “NO!”.

2. It is only possible to help someone who seeks help. It is fruitless to offer a hand to someone who fell if he has no desire to stand up. It is fruitless for a doctor to diagnose and prescribe pills to a person who has no desire to be cured, because he won’t be taking those pills anyway.

3. Our time is a precious resource, and we should never spend it on slaves who are content with their slavery. Once upon a time, a group of prisoners tried to escape the prison. They spent time breaking the lock on the door, and breaking the chains on a prisoner who never expressed the desire to escape. When they finished breaking the last chain, they quickly ran out of prison. The man whose cell they opened, and whose chains they broke, remained to sit in his cell. Of the escaped prisoners, the one who was the slowest runner got caught by prison guards. They wasted precious time on a person who didn’t want help and lost a comrade as a result.

4. Everyone who wants to be saved ought to put in some effort. Once upon a time, there was a flood and the water level kept rising. A man in a boat offered to a priest to get in the boat. The priest said, “No need, the Lord will save me”. Another boat passed by and offered help, but the priest gave the same reply. Soon after, the priest drowned.

Once in heaven, he asked God “Why didn’t you save me? I had faith in you”. God shrugged and said, “I sent you a boat twice”.

5. There is nothing contradictory about using technology to defeat the technological system. The technological system is using humans in its struggle against the human species. And quite successfully so. A judo master uses the momentum of the very opponent that he is trying to slam to the ground.

6. The fact that the use of technology is necessary to defeat the technological system, doesn’t justify any and all uses of technology. Just like we need water to live, but that doesn’t justify drowning ourselves.

7. For us to win against the technological system, we must have some control over our interactions with technology. It is possible for a person to use a tank to destroy two other tanks. But for it to be possible, he has to actually be driving the tank. If he is just stuck inside the tank that’s moving on its own, then it’s very unlikely that he will destroy other tanks, and very likely that he will get hurt.

8. We accept it as a fact that is outside of our power, that we can’t save everyone. Just like we accept that there are waves on the surface of the sea, and just like we accept that there are stars in the sky.

9. We do not reject everyone who is unaware that the technological system itself, governed by the principle of efficiency is the problem. There are some people who aren’t slaves, that believe that the problem is Freemasons, Jews, Jesuits, or some other shady minority. Some of these people can be won over by honest discourse. Many of them had very little if any exposure to bioconservative literature.

10. Since we aren’t going to use awareness of the problem as the dividing line between people who are worth our time and people who aren’t worth our time, another dividing line is needed.

11. As the technological system progresses further, it becomes less efficient for it to use a human being to perform a particular task. For example, the more advanced AI for driving cars becomes, the less efficient it is for the technological system to use humans to drive cars.

12. The number of humans on the planet has risen drastically between the 19th and 21st centuries, because it was efficient for governments and the technological system for it to rise. More people means more taxpayers, more engineers, etc.

13. We will soon reach a point where there are more humans than it is efficient for the technological system to use.

14. Some politicians might want to prevent the depopulation from occurring, but they will be unable to stop it, because governments are competing with each other for efficiency.

15. Mass entertainment is a tool for genocide. What I mean by this is that mass depopulation would be impossible if there wasn’t mass entertainment to keep people’s minds preoccupied. We already know what happened to horses when cars became more efficient. It doesn’t take a genius to realize what will happen to humans when we become inefficient. It only takes a thinking person, and mass entertainment is the tool that the technological system uses to drastically reduce the amount of thinking.

16. The technological system is like a parasite devouring its host, and mass entertainment is like anesthesia used by the parasite to prevent the host from reacting to the pain.

17. For the human species to survive, some humans must get off the anesthesia. This might mean feeling more pain, but it also means having a chance to survive.

18. I hereby define “antitainment” as a conscious effort to minimize own consumption of mass entertainment. Antitainment might be difficult at first, but those who practice it will get better at it.

19. As the dividing line between people who are worth our time, and people who aren’t, we shall use antitainment. People who practice antitainment are worth our time, and people who don’t aren’t.

20. Most of us need to work, and work should be done efficiently. Efficiently as in, increasing the amount of money earned, decreasing the amount of time spent, and decreasing the amount of damage done to the body and the soul. Working efficiently means more time for resting and contributing to the bioconservative movement.

21. Resting well is mandatory. Go to sleep when you are tired. Chew your food properly. Take time to enjoy nature. A guy that’s lifting weights at the gym for 20 hours per day won’t make any muscle. Resting well is necessary to maintain a healthy body, healthy mind, and strong will.

22. The present objective of the bioconservative movement is not to create some kind of foolproof plan for defeating the technological system and the tyranny of efficiency. The present objective is to form both local and online communities.

23. The vast majority of us will not have a bunch of geniuses in the neighborhood to refine ideas with. The exchange of ideas must, in significant part, be done online.

24. Support the right to free speech online and the right to post anonymously. There are some downsides to these, but they are petty in comparison with the benefits. Governments and big corporations absolutely will censor critiques of technology if given the chance. There is already plenty of censorship regarding vaccines and artificial hormones, and there is no reason to believe that there won’t be more technologies that will be declared off-limits for criticism.

25. Local communities are essential for surviving and staying sane. If there is literally no one in your area practicing antitainment, then either bring such people or you move elsewhere. If you have a family house, remember that your ancestors left that house as a tool for you to survive and thrive, and not as a prison.

26. Make children. Regardless of how much of it is due to genetics and how much of it is due to parenting, ideology is highly heritable, and the majority of cases where children didn’t inherit the ideology of their parents include abusive households.

27. If possible, keep your children out of public schools. Public schools today are much worse than they were when you were attending. Teachers are less competent and more stressed. The curriculum includes more propaganda. All the kids now have smartphones and are using them to consume mass entertainment, usually even during a class.