Karin Johansson Blight

OSS’s Professor Henry ‘Harry’ Murray and: 1) MK Ultra Gottlieb’s protégé John Gittinger, and 2) The ‘Unabomber’ Ted Kaczynski.

Was ‘ideology’, such as Nazi ideology, part of MK Ultra’s mind control experiments (e.g. to motivate somebody to kill)?

November 2022


The information on this 1-page ppt slide is part of an exploration of whether CIA's MK Ultra's mind control subprojects except for experiments using drugs, hypnosis and torture, also included propaganda and 'brainwash', to influence and control the minds of youth (individuals and groups) using far-right ideology. And if so, the impact this may have had to the situation today. Are there observable direct links, a trail, that can be found, similar to that observed by Kinzer (2020) [1] but in terms of the spread of the far-right globally, including in Sweden (such as through William Pierce's Turner Diaries, Tim May's (1994) Cyphernomicon, the KKK, Alt-right (incl bbs, servers, internet)? The information on this slide is a relevant to information in [2] and [3]. Any information that the CIA and/or FBI (or UK security services for that matter) may have on this, would be in the public interest to know about. This would be helpful in order to stop the spread of the far-right.

OSS’s [Office of Strategic Services] Professor Henry ‘Harry’ Murray and:

  1. MK Ultra Gottlieb’s protege John Gittinger: “Early in the war, General Donovan got another idea from the British, whose psychologists and psychiatrists had devised a testing program to predict the performance of military officers. Donovan thought such a program might help OSS [Office of Strategic Services] sort through the masses of recruits who were being rushed through training. To create an assessment system for Americans, Donovan called in Harvard psychology professor Henry ‘Harry’ Murray. [...] the Murray’s system became a fixture in OSS, testing Americans and foreign agents alike. Some of Murray’s young behavioral scientists, like John Gardner [psychologist], would go on to become prominent in public affairs, and, more importantly, the OSS assessment program would be recognized as a milestone in American psychology . It was the first systematic effort to evaluate an individual’s personality n order to predict his future behavior. After the war, some of Murray’s assistants would go on to establish OSS-like systems at large corporations, starting with AT&T. [...] In the postwar years, Murray would be superseded by a young Oklahoma psychologist John Gittinger... [...] Gittinger’s methods would become an integral part of everyday Agency operations, and he would become Sid Gottlieb’s protege” (page 18-20 [4]). “Gittinger created a unique systems for assessing personality and predicting future behavior. He called his method- appropriately- the Personality Assessment System (PAS)” (page 175 [5], see also [6]). “With PAS CIA had a handy tool for social engineering.” (page 189 [7]).

  2. The ‘Unabomber’ Ted Kaczynski: “It was the confluence of two streams of development that transformed Kaczynski into the Unabomber. One stream was personal, fed by his anger toward his family and those who he felt had slighted or hurt him, in high school and college. The other derived from his philosophical critique of society and its institutions, and reflected the culture of despair he encountered at Harvard and later. The Murray experiment, containing both psychological and philosophical components, may well have fed both streams.” [8][9]

    Note: "Stanley Lovell reasoned that a good way to kill Hitler- and the OSS man was always looking for the ideas- would be to hypnotically control a German prisoner to hate the Gestapo and the Nazi regime and then to give the subject a hypnotic suggestion to assassinate the Fuhrer. The OSS candidate would be let loose in Germany where he would take the desired action, 'being under a compulsion that might not be denied,' as Lovell wrote. Lovell sought advice on whether this scheme would work from New York psychiatrists Lawrence Kubie and from the famed Menninger brothers, Karl and William. The Menningers reported that the weight of the evidence showed hypnotism to be incapable of making people do anything that they would not otherwise do. Equally negative, Dr. Kubie added that if a German prisoner had a logical reason to kill Hitler or anyone else, he would not need hypnotism to motivate him. [...] Lovell and his coworkers apparently accepted this sceptical view of hypnosis, as did the overwhelming majority of psychologists and psychiatrists in the country. At the time, hypnosis was considered a fringe activity. [...] Yet there were a handful of serious experimenters in the field who believed in its military potential. The most vocal partisan of this view was the head of the Psychology Department at Colgate University, George 'Esty' Estabrooks. Since the early 1930s, Estabrooks had periodically ventured out from his sleepy upstate campus to advise the military on applications of hypnotism. [...] Estabrooks realized that the only certain way to know whether a person would commit a crime like murder under hypnosis was to have the person kill someone” (page 20-21 [1]).

QUESTIONS: Considering the Nazi support provided by CIA and Fort Detrick and the methods used by Sidney Gottlieb (and/or others involved in MK ULTRA):

1) Did Bluebird/Artichoke/MKUltra include ‘testing’ and developing the ideas of Stanely Lovell, in favour of separation policies, apartheid and the US far-right, by being involved in/providing financial and/or operational support to the creation of the Aryan Nation's The Order?

2) Was Sidney Gottlieb (and/or others involved in MK ULTRA) involved with far-right youth groups such as Youth for Wallace or the National Youth Alliance [10] e.g. for mind control study purposes as well as to steer ‘motivations’ for assassination purposes? Was far-right ideology experimented with to present people with ‘logical’ reasons to kill so that they ‘would not need hypnotism to be motivated’? Did CIA MK ULTRA focus on far-right radicalisation of individuals and groups? Was one such group the KKK? And/or John Birch Society [11]?

3) If so, to what extent might that have contributed to the spread of far-right ideology within the US and globally?

4) And/or, did Sidney Gottlieb know William Pierce?

[1] MK Ultra and manuals to Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and CIA ‘black sites' (Quote from Kinzer 2020). November 2022. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16984.78085.

[1] MK Ultra and manuals to Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and CIA ‘black sites' (Quote from Kinzer 2020). November 2022. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16984.78085.

[2] OSS/CIA personality assessments to predict behavior: psychologist John Gittinger- Sidney Gottlieb’s protégé, and “PAS”. Was PAS used in South Africa to promote apartheid? September 2022. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16061.74722.

[3] Johansson Blight, K. OSS CIA MK Ultra: Were there subprojects funding/involving far right youth organisations ? October 2022. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36491.57128/1. This document has the DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14533.73442.

[4] Marks, J. (1979). The search for the “Manchurian Candidate”. The CIA and Mind Control. The Secret History of the Behavioural Sciences. London: W.W. Norton & Company Ltd.

[5] Marks, J. (1979). The search for the “Manchurian Candidate”. The CIA and Mind Control. The Secret History of the Behavioural Sciences. London: W.W. Norton & Company Ltd.

[6] Johansson Blight, K. OSS/CIA personality assessments to predict behavior: psychologist John Gittinger- Sidney Gottlieb’s protege, and “PAS”. Was PAS used in South Africa to promote apartheid? September 2022. DOI: 1O.1314O/RG.2.2.16061.74722.

[7] Marks, J. (1979). The search for the “Manchurian Candidate”. The CIA and Mind Control. The Secret History of the Behavioural Sciences. London: W.W. Norton & Company Ltd.

[8] Chase, A. (2000). A lesson in hate. The Guardian 22 June, at: https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2000/jun/22/features11.g.

[9] Johansson Blight, K. “Stress-test”, War on Terror, Cambridge Analytica and Dissociation 4Aug2020. August 2020. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21539.68642.

[10] Johansson Blight, K. OSS CIA MK Ultra: Were there subprojects funding/involving far right youth organisations? October 2022. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36491.57128/1.

[11] Johansson Blight, K. OSS CIA MK Ultra: Were there subprojects funding/involving far right youth organisations? October 2022. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36491.57128/1.

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14533.73442 <researchgate.net/publication/365473021>