#title "Why did you do it?" #lang en #pubdate 2023-02-11T00:17:05 #sku H39 #author Ted Kaczynski #date #topics Ted's Prison Correspondence #source [[https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2697421-Why-Why-did-you-do-it.html][documentcloud.org]] Over the years, Kaczynski has replied to dozens of letters in which he defended his actions. He has never expressed remorse. ** Letter 1 Dear John, In the past you have assured me repeatedly that you believe in my innocence. I've been somewhat concerned that my guilty plea may have shaken your belief, so I want to remind you that people sometimes plead guilty without being so, because that may represent the least undesirable alternative in a given legal situation, and I want to assure you that I am not in fact the Unabomber. With continued gratitude for your friendship and support Ted ** Letter 2 August 26, 2000 Dear [redacted] To begin with, I am somewhat irritated by your apparent assumption that I am the Unabomber. You must be aware that I am legally challenging the validity of my conviction. DO you imagine I would be doing so if I were really the Unabomber? Use your common sense. ** Letter 3 February 18, 2005 Dear Mrs. Wilson, You ask why the novel Ice Brothers, by your late husband, Sloan Wilson, was chosen by the Unabomber to conceal a bomb. I have never admitted to being the Unabomber (except in my guilty plea, which was involuntary), but I assume that anyone who wanted to conceal a bomb in a hollowed-out book would be indifferent to the content of the book and would consider only those of its characteristics that were relevant to his purpose, such as its size and shape. So it was probably mere chance that the Unabomber selected a copy of Ice Brothers.