A Text Comparison of the ‘T’ (Ted) Documents and the ‘U’ (Unabom) Documents
The UNABOM investigation
A Text Comparison of the ‘T’ (Ted) Documents and the ‘U’ (Unabom) Documents
T-1. Throughout this letter Ted writes of nature, e.g., “the kinds of woods one finds in Illinois...;” “Mushroom hunter’s field guide;” “I found 4 edible plants...” “...parsnip roots...” (edible plants/roots also mentioned in T-9, T-13, T-15, T-16, T-84, T-87, T-169.) |
U-14. Paragraph 198 “When primitive man needed food he knew how to find and prepare edible roots,...” |
T-1. “...I drove up to Humboldt county for deer hunting.” “...we hunted together...” “...details of hunting and fishing laws-...” “...deer hunting is very exciting.” |
U-14. Paragraph 75 “A young man goes through the power process by becoming a hunter, hunting not for sport or for fulfilment but to get meat that is necessary for food.” U-14. Paragraph 198 ...how to track game...” |
T-1. "But where to learn all that stuff?" (“stuff” also used in T-9, T-22, T-23, T-27, T-31, T-33, T-34, T-35, T-39, T-49, T-59, T-61, T-66, T-77, T-79, T-81, T-82, T-84, T-85, T-120) |
U-7. "We would not want anyone to think that we have any desire to hurt professors who study Archaeology, history, literature or harmless stuff like that..." U-11. "We are very pleased that you've offered to publish our stuff, and we thank you..." “...be to our advantage if we can get our stuff published.” “...we’d like to get our stuff published...” “So to increase our chances of getting our stuff published...” U-14. Paragraph 223 "Some readers may say, 'This stuff about leftism is a lot of crap..." |
T-1. “More or less ignorant,...” (“more or less” also mentioned in T-2, T-13, T-17, T-22, T-25, T-28, T-52, T-54, T-66, T-73, T-76, T-91, T-92, T-143, T-170.) |
U-14. Paragraph 10 “We argue that modern leftists tend to have such feelings (more or less repressed)...” U-14. Paragraph 192 “..the majority of the population, are more or less, susceptible..” (“more or less” used throughout U-14.) |
T-1. “...presumably to get any bucks he might see.” (“presumably” is also mentioned in T-2, T-13, T-16, T-17, T-22, T-25, T-34, T-36, T-40, T-48, T-91, T-61, T-74, T-78, T-84, T-90, T-91, T-117, T-136, T-143.) |
U-9. Page 1 “Presumably, whoever published it would hope to profit by doing so.” U-9. Page 5 “...so presumably the sweat...” U-14. Paragraph 149 “Presumably, research will continue...” (“presumably” is recorded six times throughout U-14.) |
T-1. “...if they haven’t gotten...” (“gotten” also mentioned in “T-6, T-31, T-38, T-43, T-45, T-84, T-91.) |
U-14. Paragraph 161 “But we have gotten ahead of our story.” U-14. Paragraph 170 “Technology has gotten the human race into a fix...” U-14. Paragraph 194 “...to acquire political power until the system has gotten itself into such a mess...” U-14. Note 26 “Many societies in the past have gotten by with little or no formal law-enforcement.” |
T-2. Page 1 “...technical progress will inevitably result in the extinction of individual liberty....” (“liberty” also used in T-19, T-33, T-119, T-128, T-129, T-130, T-137) |
U-14. Paragraph 97 “...people deserved liberty only...” |
T-2. Page 1 “One might--possibly--imagine certain conditions of society in which freedom could coexist with (UI) technology, but these conditions do not actually exist, and we know of no way to bring them about, so that, in practice, scientific progress will result in the extinction of individual liberty.” (technology vs. freedom mentioned in T-119.) |
U-14. Paragraph 125 “So it goes in the conflict between technology and freedom. “ U-14. Paragraph 127 “A technological advance that appears not to threaten freedom often turns out to threaten it very seriously later on.” U-14. Paragraph 130 “Technology advances with great rapidity and threatens freedom at many different points...” (technology vs. freedom mentioned throughout U-14.) |
T-2. Page 1 “...it is argued...” (“argued” is also used in T-55) |
U-14. Paragraph 151 “...we have argued...” U-14. Paragraph 173 “It might be argued...” U-14. Paragraph 195 “It is argued...” U-14. Paragraph 195 “It might even be argued...” U-14. Note 5 “It may be argued...” |
T-2. Page 1 “...technical progress will inevitably result in the extinction of individual liberty.” T-2. Page 4 “Technological progress is the basic cause of the continual increase in the number of rules and regulations.” (“technical progress” also mentioned in T-137.) |
U-9. Page 7 “As for the people who wilfully and knowingly promote economic growth and technical progress, in our eyes they are criminals, and if they get blown up they deserve it.” U-12. Page 2 “...technological progress would lead to a society tormented by a variety of social and psychological problems.” U-14. Paragraph 113 “...freedom and technological progress are incompatible.” U-14. Paragraph 128 “While technological progress AS A WHOLE continually narrows our sphere of freedom,...” U-14. Paragraph 170 “...technical progress will lead to other new problems that CANNOT be predicted in advance...” |
T-2. Page 1 “...in practice, scientific progress will result...” T-2. Page 15 “...will become in practice compulsory.” (“in practice” also used in T-84.) |
U-14. Paragraph 73 “But in practice...” U-14. Paragraph 117 “...usually happens in practice...” U-14. Paragraph 148 “...but in practice...” U-14. Paragraph 148 “In practice, the word ‘abuse’ tends to be...” |
T-2. Page 1 “Toward the end of this essay we propose...” | U-14. Paragraph 181 “What we propose...” |
T-2. Page 23 “I propose that you join me...” | U-14. Paragraph 183 “The positive ideal that we propose is nature.” |
T-2. Page 1 “Propaganda and image-making techniques.” T-2. Page 2 “...the role of movies, television, and literature,...often consciously adopt certain points of view and thus serve as propaganda.” (propaganda also used in T-34, T-80, T-122.) |
U-14. Paragraph 73 “Propaganda is not limited to commercials and advertisement...” U-14. Paragraph 73 “...the content of entertainment programming is a powerful form of propaganda.” U-14. Paragraph 130 “...propaganda and other psychological techniques...” U-14. Paragraph 147 “Then there are the methods of propaganda, for which the mass communications media provide effective vehicles.” U-14. Paragraph 174 “...they may use propaganda or other psychological or biological techniques...” |
T-2. Page 2 “...mass entertainment...” (T-55 also has “...mass entertainment media...”) |
U-14. Paragraph 147 “...mass communications media...” U-14. Paragraph 156 “...mass entertainment...” (Used four times) |
T-2. Page 2 “...mold the attitude...” |
U-2. Page 1 “...influences public attitude...” U-7. Page 1 “...manipulating people’s attitudes.” U-14. Paragraph 73 “...manipulate public attitudes or behavior.” |
T-2. Page 2 “(2) A growing emphasis among educators on "guiding" the child's emotional development, coupled with an increasingly scientific attitude toward education. Of course, educators have always in some degree attempted to mold the attitudes of their pupils,...” T-119. Page 6 “A growing number of educators want to take over from the parents the task of molding the personality of the child and superintending his emotional development .” |
U-14. Paragraph 148 “Education...is becoming a scientific technique for controlling the child's development.” |
T-2. Page 2 “Educational psychology...” T-2. Page 6 “...educational psychology develops...” |
U-14. Paragraph 161 “...techniques of educational psychology...” |
T-2. Page 3 “...direct physical control...” | U-14. Note 5 “...direct personal access...” |
T-2. Page 3 ”...superhuman computers with intellectual capacities...” T-131. Page 1 “...superhuman computers predicted in 15 years...” T-137. “...(computers with superhuman intellectual capacities...” |
U-12. Page 1 “...super-intelligent computers (if this occurs)?” |
T-2. Page 4 “...these computers will be wholly under the control of the scientific, bureaucratic, and business elite.” T-2. Page 10-11 “...let us not keep this technology in the hands of a scientific elite,...” T-2. Page 14 “Even if London’s scheme of freedom through ‘awareness’ were feasible, it could,...be carried out only by an elite of intellectuals, businessmen, etc.” |
U-11. “...all decisions have to be made by a small elite of leaders and experts who necessarily wield all the power,...Even if the motives of this elite were...” U-12. “The elite groups get the fulfilment,...The elite groups who create technological progress...” U-14. Paragraph 174 “...but control over large systems of machines will be in the hands of a tiny elite...the elite will have greater control...” U-14. Paragraph 190 “...between the mass of the people and the power-holding elite of industrial society (..., scientists, upper-level business executives,...)...” U-14. Paragraph 191 “...between power-elite (which wields technology)...(between power-elite and ordinary people, between technology and nature);... technological power-elite...the conflicts of power-elite vs ordinary people, technology vs nature.” (U-14 mentions the word elite a total of eleven times.) |
T-2. Page 4 “...the number of rules and regulations.” T-2. Page 16 “...governed by extensive rules and regulations.” “...these rules and regulations will come to be rules and regulations governing the structure of the human mind.” |
U-14. Paragraph 66 “...exploited in the number of rules and regulations13...” U-14. Paragraph 71 “...modern man is strapped down by a network of rules and regulations...” U-14. Paragraph 130 “Technology advances...and threatens freedom...(...rules and regulations,...).” U-14. Paragraph 197 “(You need a licence for everything and with the licence come rules and regulations).” |
T-2. Page 5 “Moreover, many devices of fundamental importance...” (“moreover” also mentioned in T-9, T-17, T-20, T-22, T-29, T-34, T-39, T-44, T-48, T-66, T-74, T-79, T-85, T-91, T-118, T-120.) |
U-11. “Moreover, if we’re not mistaken, Penthouse...” U-12. “Moreover, it is possible that at some time in the future the population explosion,...” U-14. Paragraph 65 “Moreover, where goals...” |
T-2. Page 5 “...controlled by large organizations...” (“large--corporations and governments” also mentioned in T-130.) |
U-9. Page 3 “...opposition to the power of governments and other large organizations.” U-14. Paragraph 19 “...member of a large organization...” U-14. Paragraph 83 “...identification with a large organization...” U-14. Paragraph 94 “...especially from any large organization...” U-14. Paragraph 208 “...technology that depends on a large-scale social organization.” (“large organization(s)” mentioned throughout U-14.) |
T-2. Page 5 “...power-hungry scoundrels...” |
U-14. Paragraph 165 “...power-hungry types...” U-14. Paragraph 217 “...leftists of the most power-hungry type....” |
(several references to power-hungry types throughout U-14). |
T-2. Page 5 “...consequence of technological progress, because to allow technology to be exploited...would result in disaster. |
U-12. Page 2 “...the sense of power involved in bringing about technological progress while the average man gets only the consequences of their social experiments.” U-12. Page 2 “...the negative SOCIAL consequences of technological progress.” U-12. Page 3 “...the SOCIAL consequences of technological progress as highly negative.” (technological progress mentioned five times in U-12.) U-14. Paragraph 48 “The degree of crowding that exists today and the isolation of man from nature are consequences of technological progress.” (technical/technological progress mentioned nine times in U-14.) |
T-2. Page 7. “...a desire to do their jobs more effectively.” (“more effectively” also mentioned in T-8, T-55, T-120.) |
U-9. “...more effectively because...” U-12. “...more effectively because...” U-14. Paragraph 139 “...more effectively.” |
T-2. Page 7 “Think of all the misery suffered as a result of Victorian repressions, sexual perversions...” | U-14. Note 2 “During the Victorian period many oversocialized people suffered from serious psychological problems as a result of repressing or trying to repress their sexual feelings.” |
T-2. Page 8 “...we will have drifted into large-scale manipulation.” |
U-14. Paragraph 118 “...dependent on large-scale systems...” U-14. Paragraph 208 “technology that depends on large-scale social organization.” U-14. Paragraph 229 “The leftist is oriented toward large-scale collectivism.” |
T-2. Page 8 “...complete engineering of | U-4. “...being informed about computers |
the human personality.” T-2. Page 9 “...genetic, and other forms of human engineering...” T-2. Page 10 “...human engineering, the linking of human minds with computers,...” T-2. Page 13 “...there will always be the temptation to eliminate the worst of this behavior through human engineering.” |
won’t enable anyone to prevent... genetic engineering (to which computers make an important contribution),...” U-12. Page 1 “...what will be the consequences of genetic engineering?” U-14. Paragraph 122 “...genetic engineering of humans...” U-14. Paragraph 123 “...genetic engineering of human beings.” U-14. Paragraph 124 “A code of ethics applicable to genetic engineering...a means of regulating the genetic constitution of human beings.” U-14. Paragraph 124 “ANY genetic engineering of human beings, ..” U-14. Paragraph 128 “...genetic improvements taken together will make the human being into an engineered product...” U-14. Paragraph 133 “...prevent genetic engineering from being applied to human beings,...” U-14. Paragraph 149 “Genetic engineering of human beings..” |
T-2. Page 9 “...totally collective society, ...” | U-14. Paragraph 198 “...COLLECTIVE power of primitive society was negligible compared to the COLLECTIVE power of industrial society.” |
T-2. Page 10 “...which enable primitive man to live off the country have been lost.” (“primitive man/people(s)” also mentioned in T-10, T-16, T-85, T-140.) |
U-14 records the word “primitive” approximately thirty times; e.g., primitive peoples, primitive cultures, primitive societies, etc. U-14. Paragraph 45 “...primitive man suffered from less stress and frustration...” U-14. Paragraph 68 “...primitive man is physically less secure...” U-14. Paragraph 69 “...primitive man is powerless against some of the things that threaten him:...” U-14. Paragraph 70 “(...general way how the condition of modern man differs from that of primitive man.)” U-14. Paragraph 75 “...primitive man feels that his work is done...” “It is not the primitive man, who has used his body daily for practical purposes,...” U-14. Paragraph 115 “Among primitive peoples...” U-14. Paragraph 147 “Many primitive peoples...” |
T-2. Page 10 “...components of a huge machine which provides for our physical needs...” |
U-14. Paragraph 2 “...mere cogs in the social machine.” U-14. Paragraph 41 “...immense social machine.” U-14. Paragraph 97 “...needs of the social machine...” |
T-2. Page 10 “...technology invades the domain of the mind...” |
U-14. Paragraph 160 “...technology is increasingly applied to the human body and mind...” U-14. Paragraph 219 “...harbors in some corner of his mind a negative attitude...the leftist has to re-educate him.” |
T-2. Page 11 “...sphere of freedom...” T-2. Page 20 “...sphere of freedom...” |
U-14. Paragraph 93 “...the sphere of human freedom.” U-14. Paragraph 111 “...narrowing our sphere of freedom.” U-14. Paragraph 125 “...continually encroaches on freedom...” U-14. Paragraph 128 “...narrows our sphere of freedom...” U-14. Paragraph 133 “...invade our sphere of freedom...” U-14. Note 24 “...economic freedom (with suitable limitations and restraints)....” |
T-2. Page 11 “...gratifying the liberal intellectual’s esthetic sensibilities...” T-2. Page 11 “...that liberal intellectuals...” |
U-14. Paragraph 17 “...modern leftish intellectuals...” U-14. Paragraph 27 “Leftists of the oversocialized type tend to be intellectuals...” U-14. Paragraph 174 “...soft-hearted liberals...” |
T-2. Page 12 “...the psychological engineering is superfluous.” (“superfluous” also mentioned in T-59, T-134.) |
U-14. Paragraph 174 “...the masses will be superfluous, a useless burden on the system.” |
T-2. Page 13 “...psychological manipulation...” (“psychological manipulation” also mentioned in T-118, T-120.) |
U-14. Paragraph 73 “...psychological pressure or manipulation...” U-14. Paragraph 94 “...manipulation or supervision from anyone...” U-14. Paragraph 155 “Thus the manipulation of an individual to adjust him to the system is seen as a ‘cure’ for a ‘sickness’...” |
T-2. Page 14 “The resources of an organized society are just too great for any individual to resist no matter how much he knows.” (“organized society” also used in T-119, “organized decentralized society” used in T-135) |
U-14. Paragraph 183 “... regulation by organized society...” U-14. Paragraph 184 “It will relieve the worst of the pressure on nature so that the scars can begin to heal. It will remove the capacity of organized society to keep increasing its control over nature (including human nature).” U-14. Paragraph 214 “...this implies management of nature and of human life by organized society,...” |
T-2. Page 14 “...spend long hours studying...” T-6. “...spend too much time studying...” |
U-14. Paragraph 115 “...children are pushed into studying...which most do grudgingly.” U-14. Paragraph 119 “...spend the bulk of their time studying subjects that most of them hate.” |
T-2. Page 15 “...mind-augmentation...” |
U-14. Paragraph 146 “Drugs that affect the mind are only one example of the new method of controlling human behavior...” U-14. Paragraph 149 “Neurology may provide other avenues for modifying the human mind.” U-14. Paragraph 152 “Each new step in the assertion of control over the human mind will...” U-14. Paragraph 160 “...as technology is increasingly applied to the human body and mind, man himself will be altered as radically as his environment and way of life have been.” U-14. Paragraph 164 “... for them to solve will be those of understanding the human body and mind and intervening in their development.” |
T-2. Page 16 “...dumb animal in a world of supermen.” |
U-14. Paragraph 43 “It is true that some individuals seem to have little need for autonomy. Either their drive for power is weak or they satisfy it by identifying themselves with some powerful organization to which they belong. And then there are unthinking, animal types...” U-14. Paragraph 174 “They will have been reduced to the status of domestic animals.” |
T-2. Page 16 “An important point: London does not even consider the question of (UI) engineering in infancy...” (“important point” also mentioned in T-92.) |
U-14. Paragraph 127 “(Note this important point that we have just illustrated with the case of motorized transport:...” |
T-2. Page 18 “...but it might (with luck) induce them to vote...” (“induce” is mentioned in T-42, “inducing” is mentioned in T-122, “induced” mentioned in T-89, “inducement” mentioned in T-90.) |
U-14 Paragraph 148 “...but in practice they usually serve as methods for inducing individuals to think and behave as the system requires.” U-14. Paragraph 152 “Each new step in the assertion of control over the human mind will be taken as a rational response to a problem that faces society, such as curing alcoholism, reducing the crime rate or inducing young people to study science and engineering.” |
T-2. Page 19 “...the extremely rapid changes brought on by science itself.” |
U-14. Paragraph 48 “...excessive rapidity of social change...” U-14. Paragraph 50 “...rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects...” U-14. Paragraph 53 “Crowding, rapid change and the breakdown of communities have been widely recognized as sources of social problems.” U-14. Paragraph 56 “...change in American frontier society was very rapid and deep. U-14. Paragraph 58 “It would be possible to give other examples of societies in which there has been rapid change...” U-14. Paragraph 130 “Technology advances with great rapidity...” |
T-2. Page 19 “...since the United States is the world’s most technologically advanced country.” |
U-14. Paragraph 1 “...who live in ‘advanced’ countries...” “...suffering even in ‘advanced’ countries.” |
T-2. Page 20 “...this ignores the fundamental question, namely:...” (“namely” also mentioned in T-23, T-33, T-119.) |
U-14. Paragraph 156 “...society’s most important psychological tools for enabling people to reduce (or at least temporarily escape from) stress, namely, mass entertainment.” |
T-2. Page 20 “...let us not be dogmatic.” |
U-14. Paragraph 21 “...hostile or dogmatic terms?” U-14. Paragraph 230 “...by arrogance or by a dogmatic approach to ideology.” |
T-2. Page 20 “...or at any rate slowing it drastically,...” (“at any rate” also mentioned at T-79, T-91, T-132.) |
U-14. Paragraph 57 “...but at any rate it satisfied the pioneer’s need for the power process.” U-14. Paragraph 143 “In the past, human nature has been approximately constant, or at any rate has varied only within certain bounds.” U-14. Paragraph 165 “...but at any rate the human race would be given a new chance.” U-14. Paragraph 211 “At any rate it is clear that rapid development.” |
T-2. Page 20 “...technological encroachment.” |
U-14. Paragraph 130 “...invasion of privacy through surveillance devices and computers, etc.)” U-14. Paragraph 132 “...oppose technological invasions of freedom...” U-14. Paragraph 139 “...encroachment on freedom).” |
T-2. Page 20 “...social expedience;...” (“social expedience” mentioned twice in T-2.) |
U-14. Paragraph 137 “...economic expedience...” |
T-2. Page 23 “...continual narrowing of the possibilities that exist in the world.” |
U-14. Paragraph 93 “...progressively narrowing the sphere of human freedom.” U-14. Paragraph 111 “...progressively narrowing our sphere of freedom.” U-14. Paragraph 128 “While technological progress AS A WHOLE continually narrows our sphere of freedom...” |
T-3. Page 1. Paragraph 1. “I agree with your decision about not fishing for pure ‘sport’.” (“sport” also used in T-20, T-85.) |
U14. Paragraph 75 “A young man goes through the power process by becoming a hunter, hunting not for sport...” |
T-3. Page 1. Paragraph 2. “I don’t know if Epstein understands ‘wilderness’ in our terms--but I did say in my letter to him that by ‘wilderness’ I meant a place where our nearest neighbor would be 5 miles away air-line.” (“wilderness” also mentioned in T-13, T-20, T-22, T-24, T-39, T-74, T-84, T-85, T-119). |
U14. Paragraph 5 “For example, since there are well developed enviromental and wilderness movements we have written very little about enviromental degradation or the destruction of wild nature, even though we consider these to be highly important.” U-14. Paragraph 55 “...many nuclear families lived by choice in such isolation, having no neighbors within several miles...” |
T-6. “...but it’s safe on the other hand to write to America.” (“on the other hand” also used in T-7, T-11, T-13, T-15, T-17, T-19, T-20, T-22, T-25, T-26, T-30, T-31, T-33, T-34, T-35, T-36, T-38, T-39, T-40, T-41, T-45, T-52, T-61, T-64, T-66, T-74, T-76, T-79, T-80, T-81, T-82, T-84, T-85, T-91, T-92, T-93, T-97, T-117, T-120, T-138) |
U-7. “On the other hand, we believe...” U-14. Paragraph 39 “We use the term ‘surrogate activity’ to... On the other hand...” U-14. Paragraph 75 “In primitive societies life... Many modern people, on the other hand,...” U-14. Paragraph 165 “But suppose on the other hand that...” U-14. Paragraph 174 “On the other hand it is possible...” U-14. Note 11 “Is the drive for endless material...On the other hand...” |
T-6. “In spite of my new book,...” (“in spite of” also used in T-85, T-91.) |
U-14. Paragraph 132 “...technology as it progressed would find ways , in spite of any barriers...” U-14. Paragraph 161 “Thus, in spite of all its technical advances...” |
T-7. Last Paragraph “...hunting and gathering wild fruits...killing an animal for it’s meat...” (T-85, Page 2 talks about hunting for meat.) |
U14. Paragraph 38 “...time and energy in hunting, though they certaintly didn’t need the meat...” U14. Paragraph 75 “...hunting not for sport...but to get meat that is necessary for food.” |
T-7. “...as a cause of, the Industrial Revolution...” “Is it possible...hard work started with the Industrial Revolution?” |
Industrial Revolution is mentioned numerous times betwen the U12 and U14 documents. Some examples are: U-12. “...who initiated the Industrial Revolution...” U-14. Paragraph 160 “The industrial revolution has radically altered man’s...way of life.” U-14. Paragraph 170 “The industrial revolution was supposed to eliminate poverty...” “...the industrial revolution technology has been creating new problems...” U-14. Paragraph 184 “Only with the industrial revolution did the effect of human society on nature become really devastating.” |
T-9. “...partial destruction of the ozone layer in the atmosphere, which is caused by release of fluorocarbons in various technological activities, including but not restricted to use of these gasses in aerosol cans.” T-60. Page 1 “They predict that in the coming years there will be increasingly more drought [footnote* because of the ‘greenhouse effect.’” |
U-12. “...the effects of some of their lost gambles: ozone depletion, the greenhouse effect,...” U-14. Paragraph 169 “No one knows what will happen as a result of ozone depletion, the greenhouse effect and other environmental problems...” U-14. Paragraph 118 “Thus pesticide or chemical use near a creek may contaminate the water supply hundreds of miles downstream, and the greenhouse effect affects the whole world.” |
T-9. “...factory-made...” |
U-9. NY Times “...factory-made appearance,...” U-14. Paragraph 209 “Without factory-made parts...” |
T-12. "...so that the religious ideas are transformed as absurd empirical assertions,..." (“assertions/assertion also mentioned in T-76, T-79, T-91, T-117, T-133.) |
U-14. Paragraph 152 "Each new step in the assertion of control over the human mind will be taken as a rational response to a problem that faces society,..." U-14. Paragraph 231 "...impossible for us to formulate our assertions more precisely or add all the necessary qualifications..." |
T-13. “...urban life satisfaction is generally way off in the future, and when we finally gain our object, we seldom get enough satisfaction to justify the long...In the wilderness life;...I suspect all this has something to do with the modern obsession with physical security and longevity. | U-14. Paragraph 74 “We suggest that moden man’s obsession with longevity, and with maintaining physical vigor....is a symptom of unfulfilment resulting from deprivation with respect to the power process.” |
T-13. "...except one afternoon when it got to 5 above, or thereabouts,...” (“or thereabouts” also mentioned in T-8, |
U-14. Paragraph 210 "The enthusiasm for ‘progress’ is a phenomenon peculiar to the modern form of society, and it seems not to have existed prior to the 17th century or |
T-19, T-120) | thereabouts." |
T-13. “...so you’d have to figure out your own variations...” (“you’d” also mentioned in T-19, T-22, T-27, T-33, T-38, T-39, T-43, T-48, T-55, T-85, T-91, T-139, T-140.) |
U-4. Page 2 “If you’d have any brains you would have realized that there are a lot of people who resent bitterly the way techno-nerds like you are changing the world.” |
T-17. “Identification needed is driver’s licence & certified copy...” (“licence” also mentioned in T-79) |
U-14. Paragraph 197 “You need a licence for everything and with the licence comes rules and...” |
T-19. "’...he advocates approach those of anarchism;...’" T-19. “...will seem incomprehensible to those who have seen him as a kind of theoretical anarchist:...” |
U-3. “We are an anarchist group...” U-7. Page 2 “...but anyone who will read the anarchist...” (“anarchist” used several times throughout U-7.) U-9. Page 2 “...to associate us with anarchism...” U-9. Page 2 “...there is a NONVIOLENT anarchist movement...most people in America today who would describe themselves as anarchists.” (“anarchist(s)” used six times throughout U-9.) U-14. Note 34 "This statement refers to our own particular brand of anarchism. A wide variety of social attitudes have been called 'anarchist,' and it may be that many who consider themselves anarchists would not accept our statement of paragraph 215. It should be noted, by the way, that there is a nonviolent anarchist movement whose members probably would not accept FC as anarchist and certainly would not approve of FC's violent methods.” |
T-20. “That kind of emotive writing is by no means characteristic of...” (“by no means” is also mentioned in T-22, T-40, T-61, T-91.) |
U-14. Paragraph 8 “We by no means claim to be telling...” U-14. Paragraph 68 “...but he is by no means helpless against...” U-14. Paragraph 226 “...fairly tolerant people by no means prevents leftism...” |
T-20. "It seems to me that if one is going to allow any value to that type of literary criticism, then it must be regarded as a kind of parasitic art form..." (“parasitic art form” also mentioned in T-85.) |
U-14. Paragraph 17 "Art forms that appeal to modern leftist intellectuals tend to focus on sordidness, defeat, and despair, or else they..." |
T-20. "Still, it is plausible conjecture that Conrad..." (“conjecture” also mentioned in T-25, T-28, T-34, T-44, T-76, T-85, T-161.) |
U-14. Paragraph 173 "If the machines are permitted to make all their own decisions we can't make any conjecture as to the results, because it is impossible to guess how such machines might behave." |
T-21. “All I can do is offer you my humble apology,...” (“apology/apologized/apologizing also mentioned in T-33, T-34, T-35, T-43, T-66, T-76, T-85, T-91, T-116, T-118, T-138, T-141, T-144.) |
U-10. “We apologize for sending you...” U-13. Paragraph 8 “We apologize for sending you...” U-9. Page 2 “.... we owe an apology to the radical environmentalist...” |
T-22. "You probably don’t appreciate the effort of will that I have to make in order to refrain from giving offensive replies...” (“refrain from” also mentioned in T-26, T-80, T-81, T-85, T-131, T-138.) |
U-14. Paragraph 230 "However, the most dangerous leftist of all may be certain oversocialized types who avoid irritating displays of aggressiveness and refrain from advertising their leftism,..." |
T-22. "...non-technologic peoples seem to live in a world where ‘the practical and esthetics essentials were unified.’” (“unified” also mentioned in T-76) |
U-14. Paragraph 121 "...modern technology is a unified system in which all parts are dependent on one another..." (“unified” mentioned in U-14 six times.) |
T-22. “...that it isn’t just a matter of disdainful mess.” (“mess” also used in T-24, T-25, T-31, T-135.) |
U-14. Paragraph 47 “...until the system has gotten itself into such a mess that...” |
T-22. " You seem to sneer at mere 'practical economy.'" T-22. “There is a tendency for intellectuals to sneer...” |
U-14. Paragraph 78 "(We don’t mean to sneer...We do sneer at people who ARE content with servitude.)" |
T-22. “...isn’t just a matter of disdainful mess.” (“a matter of” also mentioned in T-23, T-25, T-90, T-92, T-116, T-117, T-120, T-166.) |
U-14. Paragraph 26 “And socialization is not just a matter of morality...” |
U-14. Paragraph 190 “As a matter of strategy one should avoid...” U-14. Paragraph 190 “It is merely a matter of attitude whether you blame the advertising industry...” |
T-22. “OK, how about this...” (“OK/ok also mentioned in T-23, T-25, T-30, T-31, T-33, T-34, T-48, T-52, T-65, T-74, T-79, T-92, T-120, T-144, T-143, T-157, T-160.) |
U-14. Paragraph 125 “The powerful one says, ‘OK, let’s compromise.’” U-14. Note 29 “Maybe you think this is OK because the treatment...” |
T-24. “... but since you're a sucker for philosophy...” (“suckers” also mentioned in T-151.) |
U-14. Paragraph 190 “...marketing industry, which has suckered him into buying...” U-14. Note 13 “The conservatives are just taking the average man for a sucker,...” |
T-25. “...venerable and highly, conservative institution...” (“conservative” also mentioned in T-51, T-79.) |
U-14. Paragraph 50 “The conservatives are fools!” U-14. Paragraph 118 “Conservatives and some other advocate....” U-14. Note 30 “(some conservatives use it this way),...” |
T-25. “...I read a newspaper article about contamination of the Missoula city water supply,...” (contamination of water supplies is mentioned in T-27, T-49, T-61, T-64.) |
U14. Paragraph 118 “...pesticde or chemical use near a creek may contaminate the water supply...” |
T-25. Page 4 “...but also the risk of having a limb permanently crippled by the bite.” |
U-11. Page 6 “The bomb that crippled the right arm of a graduate student in electrical engineering and damaged a computer lab at U. Of Cal.” |
T-26. “...nor was his display of energy constrained by any norms.” (“norms” is also in T-63.) |
U-14. Paragraph 26 “...we are socialized to conform to many norms of behavior that do not fall under the heading of mortality.” |
T-26. “...on the other hand I think you have an inner toughness that would enable you to perform well if circumstances forced you to exert yourself under difficult conditions...” |
U-14. Paragraph 34 “...leisured, secure aristocracies that have no need to exert themselves usually become bored, hedonistic, and demoralized...” U-14. Paragraph 38 “When people do not have to exert themselves to satisfy their physical needs they often set up artificial goals for themselves.” U-14. Paragraph 61 “Seldom do you have to exert yourself seriously, and in any case you have hardly any autonomy in work...” (“exert” used several times in U-14.) |
T-28. ”...there is no way of travelling side by side. ...that when travelling...” (“travelling” is also mentioned in T-29, T-43, T-48.) |
U-14. Paragraph 109 “But it was a step along the road that the English-speaking world was already travelling...” |
T-29. “According to that book on Mexican-American that I sent you, they don’t like being considered as nonwhite. I don’t really think of them as nonwhite, myself.” | U-14. Paragraph 40 “In modern industrial society...who work for the rights of nonwhite minorities.” |
T-29. “The ones I’ve seen look as if they have more Spanish than Indian blood, though it’s true that most Mexicans do have a greater or lesser amount of Indian blood.” |
U-14. Paragraph 42 “...need a greater or lesser degree of autonomy...” U-14. Paragraph 58 “...the power process to a greater or lesser extent.” U-14. Paragraph 85 “...the power process to a greater or lesser extent.” |
T-31. “So, you'll understand that with the way things are around here now I often suffer from tension, anger, frustration, etc.,” “...but under the influence of any sort of worry, anger, frustration, etc.,” (“frustration and anger” also mentioned in T-34, T-92.) |
U-9. Page 7 “You’ll ask why we are so angry. You would do better to ask why there is so much anger and frustration.” U-14. Paragraph 59 “The more drives there are in the third group, the more there is frustration, anger, eventually defeatism, depression, etc.” U-14. Note 6 “Frustration leads to anger, anger to aggression,...” U-14. Note 7 “DIAGRAM OF SYMPTOMS RESULTING FROM DISRUPTION OF THE POWER PROCESS ... Frustration Anger ...” |
T-31. “...things would get so built up around here that I would find my cabin and myself isolated in the middle of a huge shopping center.” (“isolated” also mentioned in T-13, T-64, T-84, T-91, T-137.) |
U-7. “The FBI has tried to portray these bombings as the work of an isolated nut.” U-7. “...filing trigger mechanisms out of scraps of metal or searching the sierras for a place isolated enough to test a bomb.” U-14. Paragraph 57 “In those days an entire county might have only a couple of hundred inhabitants and was a far more isolated and autonomous entity...” |
T-31. “It would be different if I leeched off the welfare dept.,...” | U-14. Paragraph 116 “...the number of people who cannot or will not adjust to society’s requirements: welfare leeches,...” |
T-31. “...I should mention that they aren’t going to clear-cut it - ...” (“clear-cut” is also in T-31, T-80.) |
U-14. Paragraph 138 “Technology presents clear-cut material advantages...” |
T-33. “I take the liberty of returning your...” | U-1. “I am taking the liberty of sending you...” |
T-33. “...I regret any bother that I caused you,...” (“regret” also mentioned in T-45, T-59, T-85, T-91, T-116, T-143.) |
U-9. Page 6 “A bomb package that we mailed to ...when she opened it. We certaintly regret that.” U-12. Page 4 “We have no regret about the fact that our bomb blew up...” |
T-33. “If a 200-lb. bully beats up...” “...I very much regret having bullied...” | U-14. Paragraph 19 “The leftist is not...egotist, a bully, a self-promoter, a ruthless competitor.” |
T-33. “I wouldn’t blame you if you hated my guts for it.” (“guts” also mentioned in T-23, T-64, T-120.) |
U-14. Paragraph 224 “True, SOME leftists do have the guts to oppose the totalitarian...” |
T-34. Page 1 “Clearly you don't realize that every time I bring up that issue...” (“clearly” also mentioned in T-63, T-76, T-91, T-92, T-152, T-170.) |
U-7. Paragraph 4 “Clearly you are in a position...” U-14. Paragraph 14 “Clearly they are nagged by a fear...” U-14. Paragraph 30 “Clearly they sometimes do so...” U-14. Paragraph 88 “Clearly his emotional involvement with nuclear power.” U-14. Paragraph 121 “Clearly you can’t have much progress in medicine...” (“clearly” mentioned numerous times throughout U-14.) |
T-34. “...when they attribute my resentment to some kind of a mental aberration,...” | U-14. Paragraph 58 “...the kind of massive behavioral aberration...” |
T-39. Page 4 “...all that technological crap...” (“crap” is also in T-22, T-41, T-76, T-77, T-82, T-84, T-91, T-120, T-127, T-157.) |
U-14. Paragraph 223 “This stuff about leftism is a lot of crap.” |
T-40. Paragraph 1 “...and by other factors that I consider to be non-rational, and I just..” | U-13. Page 1 “...or do they often concentrate exclusively on the non-rational motivations behind speech or behavior.” |
T-40. Page 2. Paragraph 2 “..most of the hard-core brain theorists would recommend him...” | U-14. Paragraph 97 “FC’s conception of freedom is not that of Bolivar, Hu, Chang or other bourgeois theorists. The trouble with such theorists is that they have made the development...” “...the theories are designed to serve the needs of the theorists...” |
T- 42. “I’ll tell you (UI) that --- taking (UI) the (UI) Polish broads having been...” (“broads” also mentioned in T-44, T-76, T-84.) |
U-14. Paragraph 11 “‘Broad’ and ‘chick’ were merely the feminine equivalents of ‘guy,’ ‘dude’ or ‘fellow.’” |
T-45. “They were not content with vilifying him, but they let him know unequivocally the terrible punishment...” (“unequivocally” also mentioned in T-92.) |
U-14. Paragraph 29 “since to the majority of people many of its applications will seem obviously and unequivocally good...” U-14. Note 26 “If you think that more-effective law-enforcement is unequivocally good because it suppresses crime,...” |
T-49. “...urban-intellectual types...” T-91. “...upper-middle-class types...” (“types” also mentioned in T-42, T-53) |
U-14. Paragraph 7 “...collectivists, ‘politically correct’ types, ... leftism is not so much a movement or an ideology as a psychological type, or rather a collection of related types.” U-14. Paragraph 165 “...(power-hungry types...” U-14. Paragraph 213 “...influx of leftish types...” U-14. Paragraph 230 “...certain bourgeois types...” (“types” mentioned several times in U-14.) |
T-50. “...but does not discards the human nature nor presents them as foul,...” (“human nature” also mentioned in T-66.) |
U-14. Paragraph 143 “...human nature has been approximately constant,...” U-14. Paragraph 144 “Thus human nature has in the past put certain limits on the development of societies.” (“human nature” mentioned 12 times in U-14.) |
T-52. “...infinitive object of serving as direct object of "like" (UI) might analyse the sentence differently,...” (“analyse” also mentioned in T-93, T-138; “analysing” in T-120.) |
U-2. Page 1 “In it I am attempting to analyse the factors in society at large...” |
T-53. “...is inclined to lay a claim of exclusive superiority for his own amongst all the other tasks of the human mind.” (“exclusive” is also mentioned in T-92.) |
U-7. “Whoever agrees to publish the material will have exclusive rights, to reproduce it for a period.” U-9. “...whoever agreed to publish the manuscript was to have exclusive rights to it for six months,...” U-9. “The reason we offered exclusive rights (temporarily) was to provide an incentive for publication of the manuscript.” U-11. Page 2 “...(or arrange for its publication elsewhere) reasonably soon, then they will have exclusive rights to the material...” U-11. Page 3 “...we are sending you an ‘exclusive’ that you can point in Penthouse if you like.” U-11. “EXCLUSIVE TO PENTHOUSE” |
T-55. Page 2 “...stinks.” (“stinking” also used in T-74, T-92.) |
U-14. Paragraph 179 “It would be better to dump the whole stinking system and take the consequences.” |
T-55. Page 3 “...mere entertainment,...” (“mere” also mentioned in T-22, T-26, T-80, T-85, T-117, T-119.) |
U-2. Page 1. Paragraph 2 “...mere collection...” U-14. Paragraph 2 “...mere cogs...” U-14. Paragraph 87 “...mere curiosity...” U-14. Paragraph 94 “...mere permissiveness...” U-14. Paragraph 97 “...mere means...” U-14. Paragraph 151 “...mere chance.” |
T-55. “It is a silly prejudice of the intellectual that his is the only one that counts.” (“silly” also mentioned in T-74, T-91, T-156.) |
U-9. Page 4 “...kind of a fascination with wood is about as silly as it can get.” |
T-55. “But the trouble is...” (“the trouble is” is also mentioned in T-1, T-29, T-76, T-79, T-85, T-119, T-120.) |
U-13. “The trouble with psychologists is...” U-14. Paragraph 205. “The trouble is...” U-14. Note 12 “...the trouble is...” |
T-55. “...the average man...” (“the average man” also mentioned in T-85, T-131.) |
U-12. “...the average man...” U-14. Paragraph 174 “...the average man...” U-14. Paragraph 194 “...the average man...” U-14. Note 13 “...the average man.” U-14. Note 33 “...the average man.” |
T-55. “...sophisticated about human psychology...” “...psychological sophistication...” | U-14. Paragraph 214 “...sophisticated psychological techniques...” |
T-55. “...the trash on TV...” (“the garbage put on TV” in T-119.) |
U-14. Paragraph 156 “...the trashiness on television,...” |
T-57. Page 1 “I wish I could do something to help out - he seems like a very decent sort of fellow.” (“fellow” also mentioned in T-17, T-22, T-85, T-86.) |
U-14. Paragraph 223 “It’s quite true that many leftists, possibly even a numerical majority, are decent people who..” U-14. Paragraph 11 “‘Broad’ and ‘chick’ were merely the feminine equivalents of ‘guy’, ‘dude’ or ‘fellow’. |
T-59. Page 1 “Some three years ago,....” (“some...years ago” also mentioned in T-85, T-156.) |
U-7. “We made our first bomb some seventeen years ago...” |
T-59. Page 2 “So we headed out cross the prairie to enjoy the beauty of nature - except that ‘beauty of nature’ doesn’t quite capture what I mean. Nature represents not only beauty, but peace and happiness and freedom and a lot of other stuff of that sort.” | U-14. Paragraph 184 “Most people will agree that nature is beautiful; certainly it has tremendous popular appeal.” |
T-61. Page 3 “...the second section should contain all the hard facts relevant to the case.” | U-11. Page 7. Line 31 “3. No ideology or political system can get around the hard facts of life in industrial society.” |
T-76. “On the contrary, they did a rotten job.” (“on the contrary” also mentioned in T-91, T-117.)(“to the contrary” mentioned in T-50, T-82, T-118.) |
U-14. Paragraph 28 “On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle,...” U-14. Paragraph 139 “On the contrary, it is in the interest of the system...” U-14. Paragraph 164 “On the contrary, once the hard times are over...” |
T-76. "What I was afraid of was that you would make a fool of yourself and be exploited, and by someone (Linda E) whom I found thoroughly contemptible..." “...I found her thoroughly contemptible...” | U-14. Paragraph 176 "This seems to us a thoroughly contemptible way for the human race to end up,..." |
T-76. "They exhibited a kind of dignified, philosophical stoicism when undergoing severe hardships." (“stoically” also mentioned in T-84.) |
U-14. Paragraph 69 "But he can accept the risk of diseases stoically." |
T-76. "They exhibited a kind of dignified, philosophical stoicism when undergoing severe hardships." |
U-14. Paragraph 26 "In many oversocialized people this results in a sense of constraint and powerlessness that can be a severe hardship..." |
T-79. “...were by people in the ‘hard’ sciences...” | U-14. Note 3 “Not necessarily including specialists in engineering or the ‘hard’ sciences” |
T-80. "On the other hand, when someone is tormented by strange visions and disagreeable feelings that pass through his head owing to a hereditary peculiarity of brain chemistry it seems absurd to refrain from calling his condition a disease.” (“tormented” also mentioned in T-91.) |
U-12. "Nor did it occur to them that in the West itself technological progress would lead to a society tormented by a variety of social and psychological problems.” |
T-80. "...so you either have to write a long essay, or be content with an incomplete and imprecise expression of your opinion..." |
U-14. Paragraph 110 “They are expressed in imprecise language that allows latitude for interpretation.” U-14. Paragraph 231 "Throughout this article we've made imprecise statements and statements that ought to have had all sorts of qualifications and reservations attached to them;..." |
T-80. "(He spared the king and nobles no doubt from prudence; but I think it likely that he really believed in religion..." (“prudent” also mentioned in T-152.) |
U-14. Paragraph 139 "Thus, while practical considerations may eventually force the system to take a rational, prudent approach to environmental problems,..." |
T-80. "It seems that one day in one of the halls of the University of Salamance there have been a theological disputation on the question of grace, free will, an predestination." | U-14. Paragraph 183 "And with wild nature we include human nature, by which we mean those aspects of the functioning of the human individual that are not subject to regulation by organized society but are products of chance, or free will, or God (depending on your religious or philosophical opinions)." |
T-84. “...where the culture has still not been completely taken over by the worldwide technological-industrial ‘culture’ ...” |
U-7. Page 2 “...is the destruction of the worldwide industrial system.” U-7. Page 2 “...anyone who will read...journals will see that opposition to the industrial- technological system is widespread and growing.” U-11. “The thrust of rebellion will be against the industrial-technological system...” U-14. Paragraph 2 “The industrial-technological system may survive ....” U-14. Paragraph 77 “...industrial-technological society suffers...” U-14. Chapter Title of Paragraphs 111-113 “INDUSTRIAL-TECHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY CANNOT BE REFORMED” U-14. Paragraph 196 “...worldwide basis if the world economy is so unified...” (“industrial-technological system/society throughout U-14.) |
T-85. Page 1 “You can’t ‘separate the good from the bad’ because...” | U-14. Chapter Title of Paragraphs 121-124 “THE ‘BAD’ PARTS OF TECHNOLOGY CANNOT BE SEPARATED FROM THE ‘GOOD’ PARTS” |
T-85. Page 2 “What they think is what enable them to easily avoid any psychological conflict..." | U-14. Paragraph 186 “Most people hate psychological conflict. For this reason they avoid any serious thinking about difficult social issues, and they like to have such |
(“avoids psychological conflict” mentioned in T-118.) |
issues presented to them in simple, black-and-white terms...” U-14. Note 5 “People like to make their own decisions in small matters, but making decision on difficult, fundamental questions requires facing up to psychological conflict, and most people hate psychological conflict.” |
T-85 Page 2 “...people who even apart fro hunting destroy natural world through their presence in such numbers.” |
U-14. Paragraph 1 “...and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world,...” U-14. Paragraph 49 “For primitive societies the natural world provided a stable framework and therefore a sense of security.” |
T-85. Page 3 "Note the amount of make-believe violence in the entertainment media-in spite of the fact that in our culture that sort of thing is considered bad and unwholesome and so forth." | U-14. Paragraph 147 “The entertainment industry serves as an important psychological tool of the system, possibly even when it is dishing out large amounts of sex and violence.” |
T-85. Page 5 "I don't believe in any moral code... One of the principal justifications - or rather rationalizations - given for moral training is that it promotes human welfare... but, what I would argue is that a strongly developed morality and system of inhibitions exacts a psychological price that is too much to pay..." |
U-9. “...revolutionaries...they have no reason to abide by its moral code.” U-14. Paragraph 24 “ A person is said to be well socialized if he believes in and obeys the moral code of his society and fits in well as a functioning part of that society.” U-14. Paragraph 25 “The moral code of our society is so demanding that no one can think, feel and act in a completely moral way.” |
T-85. Page 5 "...it’s disagreeable to admit the extent to which we've been influenced by all that brainwashing-attitudes to which we are constantly exposed in school, in books, in the mass communication media, etc." |
U-14. Paragraph 148 “His path will be much easier if he thinks and behaves as the system requires. In that sense the system is acting for the benefit of the individual when it brainwashes him into conformity).” U-14. Paragraph 152 “When parents send their children to Sylvan Learning Centers to have them manipulated into becoming enthusiastic about their studies,...It may be that some of these parents wish that one didn’t have to have specialized training to get a job and that their kid didn’t have to be brainwashed into becoming a computer nerd. |
T-85. Page 2 "..we come from a world where there is a gross excess of people... who destroy the natural world through their very presence in such numbers..." | U-12. “...it is possible that at some time in the future the population explosion,...may lead to a sudden drastic lowering of life expectancy.” |
(overpopulation problems also mentioned in T-119, T-128, T-136, T-137.) |
U-14. Paragraph 47 “Among the abnormal conditions present in modern industrial society are excessive density of population, insolation of man from nature, excessive rapidity of social change and the breakdown of natural small scale communities such as the extended family, the village or the tribe.” (overpopulation problems also mentioned in U-14. Para. 169 and 170.) |
T-90. “...I thank you for it in advance.” | U-2. “I thank you in advance for...” |
T-91. Page 2 “...but there has always been an important counter-strain of envy...” |
U-14. Paragraph 184 “Nature makes a perfect counter-ideal to technology...” U-14. Note 30 “A further advantage of nature as a counter-ideal to technology...” |
T-91. Page 2 “I could mention other incidents in which he wilfully embarrassed me...” |
U-9. Paragraph 7 “As for people who wilfully and knowingly promote economic growth...” U-14. Paragraph 173 “But we are suggesting neither that the human race would voluntarily turn power over to the machines nor that the machines would wilfully seize power.” |
T-91. Page 3 “I was expected to earn for you the prestige and status that you were too lazy to earn for yourself.” “...but the real motive was your own greed for prestige and status.” (“prestige” also mentioned in T-2.) |
U-14. Paragraph 29 “Many leftists push for affirmative action, for moving black people into high-prestige jobs,” U-14. Paragraph 175 “...endless competition for positions of prestige and power.” (“prestige” mentioned throughout U-14.) |
T-91. Page 7 “...I was even foolish enough to look for any moral support from you...” | U-14. Paragraph 173 “It might be argued that the human race would never be foolish enough to hand over all power to the machines.” |
T-91. Page 7 “By throwing me on my own inner resources you made me psychologically self-reliant.” T-91. Page 8 “...my social self-confidence was pretty well destroyed.” T-91. Page 13 ”...good social skills and social self-confidence.” T-91. Page 13 “...had very little social self-confidence. ...experienced so much rejection both at home and in school that had very little social self-confidence. ...the age of 20 my social self-confidence was destroyed...” T-91. Page 15 “...lack the necessary self-confidence and social skills. (“self-reliant” also mentioned in T-156; self-confidence also mentioned in T-29.) |
U-14. Paragraph 16 “Words like ‘self-confidence,’ ‘self-reliance,’ ‘initiative,’ ‘enterprise,’ ‘optimism,’...play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary.” U-14. Paragraph 44 “...that self-esteem, self-confidence and a sense of power are acquired.” U-14. Paragraph 56 “19th century American society had an optimistic and self- confident tone, quite unlike that of today's society8.” |
T-91. Page 8 “Suppose for that period of years whenever you touched - let us say - a banana,...” (“let us say” also mentioned in T-138, T-139.) |
U-14. Paragraph 39 “...merely in order to have some goal to work toward, or let us say, merely for the sake of ‘fulfilment.’” |
T-91. Page 9 “I became an outsider...” | U-14. Note 22 “...leave out of the picture ‘outsider’ values like the idea that wild nature...” |
T-91. Page 10 “Assuming for the moment...” | U-14. Paragraph 157 “Assuming for the moment that industrial society survives...” |
T-91. Page 10 “But whatever one may think...” (“one may” also mentioned in T-118.) |
U-14. Paragraph 57 “One may well question...” U-14. Paragraph 1 “One may become angry... When going somewhere one may be in a hurry, or one may be in a mood to travel... One may want to do one’s work in a different way,...” |
T-91. Page 11 “...in a situation that had disastrous consequences for me.” (“disastrous consequences” also mentioned in T-136.) |
U-14. Paragraph 1 “The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.” U-14. Paragraph 167 “...and the bigger the system grows, the more disastrous the consequences of its breakdown...” |
T-91. Page 17 “...my life in the woods has been ruined by ‘progress’.” |
U-14. Paragraph 48 “The degree of crowding that exists today and the isolation of man from nature are consequences of technological progress.” U-14. Paragraph 113 “freedom and technological progress are incompatible.” |
T-92. Page 1 “It is a matter of life and death, and this is not an exaggeration.” | U-14. Paragraph 94 “Freedom means being in control (either as an individual or as a member of a SMALL group) of the life-and-death issues of one’s existence:...” |
T-92. Page 1 “...but only if I had the bankbook in my own hands so that I could withdraw money myself...Apparently she likes power and wants to keep it in her own hands.” |
U-14. Paragraph 70 “Thus, primitive man for the most part has his security in his own hands (either as an individual or as a member of a SMALL group.” U-14. Paragraph 128 “...all these technical advances taken together have created a world in which the average man’s fate is no longer in his own hands or in the hands of his neighbors and friends,...” U-14. Note 12 “people are dependent on the system for their security rather than having it in their own hands.” U-14. Note 12 “Possession of a gun puts that aspect of their security in their own hands.” |
T-92. Page 7 “By ANY MEANS NECESSARY, you have to bring about the following:...” |
U-9. Page 6 “The industrial-technological system has got to be eliminated, and to us almost any means that may be necessary for that purpose are justified.” |
T-117. “...to criticize this mode of thinking...” |
U-14. Paragraph 155 “...any mode of thought...” |
T-117. “...reminds me of Catholicism.” |
U-14. Paragraph 30 “...or is simply stagnant ‘Catholicism’, main-line Protestantism.” |
T-117. “Against the contributions of other...” |
U-4. “...computers make an important contribution...” |
T-118. Page 1 “...an instalment now ...” (Common spelling is “installment”) |
U-7. Page 5 “...first instalment...of first instalment, second instalment... of second instalment...” U-11. Page 2 “...first instalment,...” U-11. Page 3 “...after the first instalment appears.” |
T-118. Page 1 “...I’m not motivated by antagonism.” |
U-7. Page 6 “By terrorism we mean actions motivated by a desire to influence the development of a society and intended to cause injury or death to human beings.” U-7. Page 6 “By sabotage we mean similarly motivated actions intended to destroy property without injuring human beings.” U-9. Page 7 “They have to be motivated by some strong emotional force. What is the motivating force in our case:...anger.” U-14. Paragraph 35 “Many leftists are motivated also by hostility,...” |
T-118. Page 3 “...doesn’t stand up.” | U-14. Paragraph 87 “...just doesn’t stand up.” |
T-118. Page 4 “...’deep down inside’ you feel weak;...” |
U-14. Paragraph 16 “...deep inside, he feels like a loser.” |
T-119. Page 3 “Why should we continue to donate our tax money to the technologists through federal research grants so that they can use us as pawns in their game of ’progress’?” | U-12. Page 2 “EVERY MAJOR TECHNICAL ADVANCE IS ALSO A SOCIAL EXPERIMENT. These experiments are performed on the public by the scientists and by the corporations and government agencies that pay for their |
T-131. Page 2 “The average man today is turning into a pawn in a big game played by scientists, businessmen and bureaucrats. What can be done about it? The federal government spends large amounts of our tax money in support of scientific research. A good first step would be to cut off most of these funds.” |
research. The elite groups get the fulfilment, the exhilaration, the sense of power involved in bringing about technological progress while the average man gets only the consequences of their social experiments.” U-14. Paragraph 92 “Thus science marches on blindly, without regard to the real welfare of the human race or to any other standard, obedient only to the psychological needs of the scientists and of the government officials and corporation executives who provide the funds for research.” |
T-119. Page 1 “Each baby when it is born will have its mind adjusted by scientists... anxious to be useful to the community.” |
U-14. Paragraph 151 “...human beings will be adjusted to suit the needs of the system27.” U-14. Paragraph 178. “If man is not adjusted to this new environment by being artificially re-engineered,...” |
T-119. Page 2 “...wilderness lands are worth preserving. But it will probably be destroyed for the same reason that most wilderness lands have been destroyed...” | U-14. Paragraph 5 “...since there are well developed environmental and wilderness movements we have written very little about environmental degradation or the destruction of wild nature, even though we consider these to be highly important.” |
T-119. Page 6 “Sex ‘education’ properly should be called sex indoctrination, because sex ‘education’ courses usually seek not merely to provide students with the bald facts, but also to influence the students' attitudes toward sex.” |
U-14. Paragraph 153 “Sex education is obviously useful, yet the effect of sex education (to the extent that it is successful) is to take the shaping of sexual attitudes away from the family and put it into the hands of the state as represented by the public school system.” U-14. Paragraph 229 “...tends to be for gun control, for sex education and other psychologically "enlightened" educational methods, for social planning, for affirmative action, for multiculturalism.” |
T-119. Page 6 “The issue is whether parents have a right to try to guide their own children's sexual attitudes or whether these attitudes are going to be engineered on a mass basis by educational psychologists.” |
U-14. Paragraph 174 “...people will have to be biologically or psychologically engineered...” U-14. Paragraph 174 “These engineered human beings...” U-14. Paragraph 176 “...unless they were biologically or psychologically engineered to adapt them to such a way of life.” U-14. Paragraph 177 “... physical and mental qualities to a significant extent (possibly to a very great extent) will be those that are engineered into them...” |
T-119. Page 6 “...when it comes to child-rearing.” |
U-14. Paragraph 148 “...any method of child-rearing...” U-14. Paragraph 154. “...methods of child-rearing...” U-14. Paragraph 219. “...all child rearing...” U-14 Note 26 “...methods of child-rearing,...” |
T-119. Page 6 “...if we don’t fight it by reading Aldous Huxley's ‘Brave New World’ and its important sequel, ‘Brave New World Revisited.’” (“Brave New World Revisted” also mentioned in T-135.) |
U-14. Paragraph 170 “...to work the bugs out of their Brave New World...” |
T-119. Page 7 “...paints a glowing picture of the technological blessings that the 1970s will bring. But has he given some serious thought to the probable social consequences of some of these ‘blessings’?” | |
U-12. Page 2 “...far more difficult to foresee are the negative SOCIAL consequences of technological progress.” U-12. Page 3 “...are good reasons to consider the SOCIAL consequences of technological progress as highly negative.” |
T-119. Page 7 “...our society becomes more and more tightly organized and technological,...” (“tightly organized” also mentioned in T-128.) |
U-14. Paragraph 200 “...they will fall right back into the technological trap, because modern technology is a unified, tightly organized system,...” |
T-119. Page 8 “...society seems to follow a policy of always being ready to sacrifice a little bit of liberty for the sake of a little more security.” (security also used in T-13, T-26, T-36, T-74, T-85, T-120, T-129) |
U-14. Paragraph 49 “For primitive societies the natural world...provided a stable framework and therefore a sense of security.” U-14. Paragraph 67 “One of these drives is the need for security.” U-14. Paragraph 70 “...primitive man...has his security in his own hands...whereas the security of modern man is in the hands of persons or organizations...modern man's drive for security...his security is assured at the cost of only trivial effort, whereas in other areas he CANNOT attain security.” |
T-119. Page 9 “The individual today is not responsible for his own fate. Society takes care of him as long as he follows orders.” |
U-14. Paragraph 28 “...the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual. U-14. Paragraph 40 “...society takes care of one from cradle to grave.” U-14. Paragraph 229 “...duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual.” |
T-119. Page 10 “...attack ‘mental illness’ in children. (mental illness also used in T-40, T-80, T-156) |
U-14. Paragraph 18 “...concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests.” |
T-119. Page 10 “As this behavioral engineering grows more and more extensive and effective, people would become, to all intents and purposes, mere robots, designed and built to serve specific purposes, like automobiles or adding machines.” (“robots” also mentioned in T-129.) |
U-14. Note 28 ”...Claude Shannon was quoted in Omni (August, 1987) as saying, ” ‘I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I'm rooting for the machines.’ “ |
T-120. Page 1 “...at some time in the future...” |
U-3. Page 1 “...at some future time.” U-12. Page 3 “...at some time in the future...” |
T-120. Page 1 “Hence, if you feel...” (hence also use in T-2, T-22, T-28, T-39, T-76, T-85, T-138, T-139) |
U-14. Paragraph 19 “Hence the xx collectivism...” (hence used several times throughout U-14. |
T-120. Page 2 “...a powerful conviction that...” “...your inner conviction...” (conviction also used in T-91, T-135) |
U-9. Page 7 “...a detached conviction that...” U-14. Paragraph 218 “...a deep conviction that...” |
T-120. Page 2 “...’science’ - analytical thinking is one of the tools that science uses,...” |
U-2. Page 1 “...history of science,...” U-2. Page 1 “...given area of science,...” U-2. Page 1 “...interaction of science and society.” U-4. Page 1 “...in computer science.” U-11. Page 6 “...in the computer science building...” U-12. Page 1 “Science and the Citizen,” U-14. Paragraph 18 “...tend to dismiss reason, science,...” U-14. Paragraph 18 “...the leftist hates science...” U-14. Paragraph 38 “...have turned to science.” U-14. Paragraph 87 “Science and technology...” U-14. Paragraph 88 “...other areas of science...” U-14. Paragraph 89 “Science is a surrogate activity...” U-14. Paragraph 90 “...science is not a PURE surrogate activity...”. U-14. Paragraph 91 “Also, science and technology constitute...” U-14. Paragraph 92 “Thus science marches on blindly,...” U-14. Paragraph 119 “...to study science.” |
T-120. Page 2 “...’science’ - analytical thinking is one of the tools that science uses,...” (Con’t) |
U-14. Paragraph 121 “medical science depends on progress in chemistry, physics, biology, computer science...” U-14. Paragraph 145 “Science fiction?” U-14. Paragraph 152 “...to study science...” U-14. Paragraph 160 “... this sounds like science fiction, we point out that yesterday's science fiction...” U-14. Paragraph 170 “...’Science is going to fix all that! We will conquer famine, eliminate psychological suffering, make everybody healthy and happy!’” U-14. Note “This is no science fiction!” U-14. Paragraph 117 “...it would be utterly foolish...” |
T-120. Page 10 “...for the Technological Society itself. The technological society,...” (technological society also use in T-2, T-85) |
U-13. Page 1 ”... a future technological society...” U-14. Paragraph 51 “...a technological society...” U-14. Paragraph 117 “...technological society...” U-14. Paragraph 124 “...in a technological society.” |
T-120. Page 3 “Which one of us is still working at an urban job and so serving the technological system, and which one has chucked all that to be with what you would call the ‘spirits’ of the forest?” |
U-14. Paragraph 119 “...the technological system.” U-14. Paragraph 121 “...the whole technological system...” U-14. Paragraph 122 “...the technological system.” U-14. Paragraph 129 “...short of the overthrow of the whole technological system.” U-14. Paragraph 130 “...only by fighting the technological system...” |
T-120. Page 5 “...somewhere ‘deep down inside’ you...” (deep inside and /or deep down inside also used in T-45, T-117, T-118) |
U-14. Paragraph 15 “...deep inside, he feels like a loser.” |
T-120. Page 6 “... preserved your life from being utterly empty.” “...you wouldn't be utterly crushed,...” (utterly also used in T-22, T-162, T-166) |
U-14. Paragraph 177 “...organisms have been utterly transformed.” U-14. Paragraph 180 “... taking us all on an utterly reckless ride...” |
T-122. “It is therefore an imperative condition of social progress that we erect posts...” |
U-4. “But we do not believe that progress and growth are inevitable. “ U-7. Paragraph 4 “The people who are pushing all this growth and progress garbage deserve to be severely punished.” U-9. “who wilfully and knowingly promote economic growth and technical progress,” U-12. “But far more difficult to foresee are the negative SOCIAL consequences of technological progress. U-13. “Will they get better or worse with continued growth and progress?” U-14. Paragraph 97 Thus the bourgeois's "free" man has economic freedom because that promotes growth and progress; |
T-122. “...importance in these pollution-conscious times...” |
U-12. “...crowding, noise and pollution that have followed industrialization...” U-14. Paragraph 67 “...or how much pollution into our air.” U-14. Paragraph 68 “...environmental pollution, war...” U-14. Paragraph 88 “or study pollution...” |
T-122. “...analogous to the ‘scent posts’ of animals...” | U-14. Paragraph 21 “...situation of modern man is analogous to that...” |
T-127. “...any of these manuscripts into ordinary envelopes.” “I have now typed up a fourth manuscript...” |
U-7. “...once we have sent in the manuscript.” “If the answer is satisfactory, we will finish typing the manuscript and send it...” |
T-127. “so I hope they accept the damn thing.” | U-14. Paragraph 87 “...give a damn about...” |
T-127. “Three Worthy Artisans.” | U-14. Paragraph 16 “...teamsters, farmers or artisans...” |
T-128. Page 2 “...it would choose docile people who don’t make trouble;” |
U-14. Paragraph 65 “...sufficiently docile to go along obediently...” U-14. Paragraph 78 “...Individuals with a weak drive for power...These are docile types...” U-14. Paragraph 163 “...making people sufficiently docile so that their behavior no longer threatens the system.” U-14. Paragraph 175 “...will have to be ever more reliable, conforming and docile,” “...to engineer people to be docile...” |
T-129. Line 3 ”...by some form of behavioral engineering” |
U-14. Paragraph 58 “...massive behavioral aberration” U-2. Paragraph 1 “...and I am writing my dissertation on the development of the behavioral sciences...” U-2. Paragraph 2 “I have selected the behavioral sciences for study...” |
T-129. Line 5 “...if we want to have any individual liberty, we must recognize that we have to pay a certain price for it ...” |
U-14. Paragraph 84 “...with negative consequences for individual freedom.” U-14. Paragraph 111 “...high cost in individual freedom and local autonomy.” |
T-129. Line 19 & 20 “...increasingly strict regulations, some of which have already been proposed, regarding the use of automobiles...” | U-14. Paragraph 127 “When automobiles became numerous, it became necessary to regulate their use extensively.” |
T-129. Line 20 “...any mechanical device with any capacity to do physical harm...” |
U-12. Page 3 “...harm caused by technological progress...” |
T-130. Line 9 “...make them fit the restricted structure of society...” |
U-14. Paragraph 95 “...technological structure of the society...” U-14. Note 33 “...technological structure of a society...” |
T-130. Line 15 & 16 “...blame for our environmental problems on excessive individual freedom.” |
U-14. Paragraph 84 “...negative consequences for individual freedom...” U-14. Paragraph 111 “...for technology to strengthen the system at a high cost in individual freedom and local autonomy.” |
T-131. Page 1 “...including genetic engineering, electronic surveillance devices, superhuman computers...” |
U-4. Page 1 “...genetic engineering (to which computers make an important contribution)...” U-12. Page 1 “For the future what will be the consequences of genetic engineering? Of the development of super-intelligent computers...?” U-14. Paragraph 130 “(...genetic engineering, invasion of privacy through surveillance devices and computers, etc.) (U-14. Genetic engineering used in several other paragraphs - 122, 123, 124, 128, 133, 141, 149, 169, and 177) |
T-131. “It is commonly assumed that scientists are motivated mainly by a desire to benefit humanity.” | U-14. Paragraph 87 “Some scientists claim that they are motivated by ‘curiosity’ or by a desire to ‘benefit’ humanity.” |
T-131. Page 1</strong> “The supposed benefit to humanity is merely a rationalization that is sometimes used.” |
U-14. Paragraph 88</strong> “The ‘benefit of humanity’ explanation doesn’t work any better.” U-14. Paragraph 88 “Did this involvement stem from a desire to benefit humanity?” U-14. Paragraph 88 “...not from a desire to ‘benefit humanity’...” |
T-131.Page 1 “...’’scientists love science... because their egos are built around their scientific work.” | U-14. Paragraph 40 “Scientific work may be motivated in part by a drive for prestige,...” |
T-131. Page 2 “...at the expense of the freedom and dignity of the individual.” |
U -14. Paragraph 133 “...prevent it from being applied in such a way as to threaten freedom and dignity.” U-14. Paragraph 168 “...one has to balance struggle and death against the loss of freedom and dignity. To many of us, freedom and dignity are important...” |
T-131. Page 1 “...further advances only increase the power of huge organizations...” |
U-7. Page 3 “...we know how to increase the power of our explosives...” U-14. Paragraph 199 “...this will greatly INCREASE the power and freedom of INDIVIDUALS and SMALL GROUPS.” |
T-132. Page 1 “How I Blew UP Harold Snilly” |
U-7. Page 2 “We blew up Thomas Mosser last December...” U-9. Page 2 “We have no regret about the fact that or bombs blew up the ‘wrong’ man,...” U-12. Page 4 “We have no regret that our bomb blew up the ‘wrong’ man,... |
T-132. Page 2 “...ingredients of the mixture.” | U-7. Page 4 “It’s no fun to spend all your evenings preparing dangerous mixtures,...” |
T-133. “If the New Left activists ever came into power in this country, they would be fully as ready to suppress dissent as the John Birch Society would be.” |
U-14. Paragraph 214 “...leftism is driven by the need for power...” U-14. Paragraph 216 “The same will happen with leftists and technology: They will use it to oppress everyone else if they ever get it under their own control.” U-14. Paragraph 219 “Wherever leftism is in a position of power, it tends to invade every private corner and force every thought into a leftist mold.” |
T-134. “Some mathematicians kid themselves too. They (crossed out) Some claim to have proved that human mathematical researchers can never be replaced by computers. What they have actually proved is that there is no finite algorithm enabling a computer to solve every mathematical problem. But since there is no finite algorithm enabling a human to solve every mathematical problem either...” “...a computer will never be successful at introducing new axioms because it has no “mathematical intuition. But mathematical intuition is arrived at through experience. ...computers of the future will be able to develop mathematical intuition.” “Unfortunately, mathematicians, like other people, often kid themselves.” |
U-14. Paragraph 87 “For example, is an astronomer, a mathematician or an entomologist curious about the properties of isopropyltrimethylmethane?” U-14. Paragraph 115 “For example, the system needs scientists, mathematicians, and engineers.” U-14. Note 28 “And the mathematician Claude Shannon was quoted in Omni (August, 1987) as saying, ‘I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I’m rooting for the machines.’” |
T-134. “There is every reason to assume that computers will eventually possess creative capacities surpassing those of the greatest human geniuses.” |
U-14. Paragraph 172 “...the computer scientists succeed in developing intelligent machines that can do all things better than human beings can do them.” |
T-134. “...every reason to suppose...” | U-14. Paragraph 154. “...no reason to suppose...” |
T-134. “Such things are not as far in the future as the average person thinks.” |
U-14. Note 29. “This is no science fiction!” |
T-134. “...when machines can do anything better than any person, what will be the point of (crossed out) reason will there be for human existence?” |
U-14. Paragraph 173. “...the human race might easily permit itself to drift into a position of such dependence on the machines...” “At that stage, the machines will be in effective control.” |
T-134. “Because of this, I think that the further development of computers (word scribbled out) should be stopped.” |
U-14. Paragraph 164. “...system will stop developing further techniques for controlling human beings...” U-14. Paragraph 180. “We think it can be stopped, and we will give here some indications of how to go about stopping it.” |
T-134. “It is only necessary to cut off all government research grants which are used for computer research, and to forbid mammoth corporations to financially support computer research.” | U-14. Paragraph 92 “...the government officials and corporation executives who provide the funds for research.” |
T-134. “NOTE: Should you decide to print my letter, you do not have to include the following remarks; they would probably make the letter too long for you to print. If you print my letter, someone may pop up and object that it has been ‘proved’ that computers cannot be creative. Unfortunately, mathematicians, like other people, often kid themselves. | U-14. First page. “Regarding Note 16 of the following manuscript: If copyright problems make it impossible for this long quotation to be printed, then please change Note 16 to read as follows:” |
T-135. “Big Business and Big Government.” | U-14. Notes 13 “The conservatives are just taking the average man for a sucker, exploiting his resentment of Big Government to promote the power of Big Business.” |
T-136. “However, unless such laws are properly designed, they could have disastrous consequences for human freedom.” |
U-14. Paragraph 93 “We are going to argue that industrial-technological society cannot be reformed in such a way as to prevent it from progressively narrowing the sphere of human freedom.” U-14. Paragraph 163 “Human freedom mostly will have vanished, because individuals and small groups will be impotent vis-a-vis large organizations armed with supertechnology...” U-14. Paragraph 214 “Leftism is in the long run inconsistent with wild nature, with human freedom and with the elimination of technology.” |
T-137. “If this can be done, there will be a realistic possibility of stopping the increase in the complexity of our social organization that actually makes necessary the erosion of privacy and freedom. We will be sacrificing some of the materialistic benefits of technology, but there just isn’t any other way. |
U-14. Paragraph 132 “If reformers ever achieved a signal victory that seemed to set up a solid barrier against further erosion of freedom through technical progress, most would tend to relax and turn their attention to more agreeable pursuits.” U-14. Paragraph 112 “People anxious to rescue freedom without sacrificing the supposed benefits of technology will suggest naive schemes for some new form of society that would reconcile freedom with technology.” |
T-137. “ We must take vigorous measures to reverse the growth of our population and, more important, we must bring scientific progress in many areas to a halt by ceasing to provide research funds.” | U-14. Paragraph 194 “In order to avoid betraying or watering down their own ideology they would have to take vigorous measures to turn economic growth into economic shrinkage.” |
T-137. “We can’t eat our cake and have it too.” | U-14. Paragraph 185 “...well, you can’t eat your cake and have it too.” |
T-137. “They view the invasion of privacy as an isolated problem...” | U-4. "...being informed about computers won’t enable anyone to prevent invasion of privacy (through computers), genetic |
(“invasion/invades” also mentioned in T-2, T-80, T-119.) |
engineering (to which computers make an important contribution)...” U-14. Paragraph 68 "...nuclear accidents, carcinogens in food, environmental pollution, war, increasing taxes, invasion of his privacy by large organizations, nationwide social or economic phenomena that may disrupt his way of life." U-14. Paragraph 130 "...propaganda and other psychological techniques, genetic engineering, invasion of privacy through surveillance devices and computers, etc.)..." U-14. Paragraph 133 "Then genetic engineering would begin to invade our sphere of freedom, and this invasion would be irreversible..." |
T-138. "...Dave, because he has a little ego problem vis-a-vis big brother, resorted to further rationalizations in order to avoid having to make any concession to may reasoning..." | U-14. Paragraph 163 "...Human freedom mostly will have mostly will have vanished, because individuals and small groups will be impotent vis-a-vis large organizations armed with supertechnology and an arsenal of advanced psychological and biological tools for manipulating human beings..." |
T-138. "Now I want to make it clear that my decision to break off communications with Dave is neither frivolous nor petty - it's a very serious matter for me..." |
U-14. Paragraph 26 "...They lie, they commit petty thefts, they break traffic laws, they goof off at work..." U-14. Paragraph 40 "...It is enough to go through a training program to acquire some petty technical skill, than come to work on time and exert the very modest effort needed to hold a job..." |
T-138. "...And every few steps the man throws some of the seed against his wife's behind..." | U-14. Paragraph 148 "Other techniques strike deeper than the foregoing. Education is no longer a simple affair of paddling a kid's behind when he doesn't know his lessons and patting him on the head when he does know them..." |
T-140. Page 4 “...through training and practice, are able to control physical processes blood pressure, etc.) that are not normally under voluntary control. | U-14. Paragraph 106 “Societies develop through processes of social evolution that are not under rational human control. |
T-143. “In at least some of these interviews the psychologists seemed to be trying to get chummy with me, presumably in an attempt to get me to loosen up and reveal more of myself. Because I resented having been talked or manipulated into participating, I refused to loosen up or get chummy with them.” | U-14. Paragraph 65 “It was reported in the Wall Street Journal a few years ago that many of the franchise-granting companies require applicants for franchises to take a personality test that is designed to EXCLUDE those who have creativity and initiative, because such persons are not sufficiently docile to go along obediently with the franchise system.” |
T-144. “...unwilling to assert this positively.” |
U-14. Paragraph 232 “...in a position to assert confidently that...” |
T-147. "...They have shown that a (UI) very plausible report of a 'paranormal' phenomena turns out..." |
U-14. Paragraph 68 "...nationwide social or economic phenomena that may disrupt his way of life." U-14. Paragraph 225 "These phenomena appeared clearly in Russia and other countries that were taken over by leftists..." |
T-152. “At this point I decided it was prudent to get well out of his way, so I did.” |
U-14. Paragraph 139 “Thus, while practical considerations may eventually force the system to take a rational, prudent approach to environmental problems...” |
T-154. “On this trip I picked up a few scrapes and scratches - the first of a long series, as you will see.” |
U-14. Paragraph 125 “By forcing a long series of compromises on the weaker man, the powerful one eventually gets all of his land.” |
T-156. Page 4 “One might possibly see a connection between the physical abuse you suffered as a kid and the psychological abuse you inflicted on me during my teens.” | U-14. Note 6 “Frustration leads to anger, anger to aggression, often in the form of spouse or child abuse.” |
T-156. Page 4 “The psychologist claim that people who abuse their kids are usually people who were abused themselves as kids.” |
U-14. Paragraph 45 “When one does not have adequate opportunity to go through the power process the consequences are...spouse or child abuse.” U-14. Paragraph 148 “Child abuse in its gross and obvious forms is disapproved in most if not all cultures.” U-14. Paragraph 150 “Alienation, low self-esteem, depression, hostility, rebellion;...child abuse...All these threaten the very survival of the system.” U-14. Paragraph 219 “Activist have fought gross child abuse, which is reasonable.” |
T-157. Page 2 “Or it could be argued that since the system has increasingly interfered with my independent way of life here (by cutting down the woods, spraying pesticides that make me afraid to eat the wild herbs and berries, etc., etc., etc.),” | U-12. Page 2 “We emphasize that negative PHYSICAL consequences of scientific advances often are completely unforeseeable. (It probably never occurred to the chemists who developed early pesticides that they might be causing many cases of disease in humans.)” |
T-157. Page 2 “It would be futile to argue...” | U-14. Paragraph 130 “...would be futile.” |
T-157. Page 3 “...you actually are willing and able to provide...” | U-11. Page 2 “...the Washington Post is willing and able to publish...” |
T-162. “I had no sooner lifted...” | U-14. Paragraph 41 “The scientist no sooner solves one problem...” |
T-168. “ONE-TIME RIGHTS ONLY” (“ONE-TIME RIGHTS ONLY” also mentioned in T-169.) |
U-9. “The reason we offered exclusive rights...” |
T-169. “This article is suitable for publication in April or early May.” |
U-7. “After six months from the first appearance of the article ... so that anyone can reproduce or publish it.” U-7. “We must have the right to publish in the New york Times, Time or Newsweek, each year for three years...” U-9. “But it should be no longer than necessary and in any case must not exceed one year, unless you publish in the Times...” U-11. “The NY Times is to have first claim on the right to publish the manuscript ... then the Washington Post, and after that Penthouse.” U11. “If neither the NY Times nor the Washington Post has published the material, or begun to publish it in serial form, or caused it to be published elsewhere, or announced a definite date for its publication, within 3 months from the day the present letter is postmarked, then Penthouse can publish the material, and will have exclusive rights to it for six months in accord with the conditions stated in out letters to NY Times. BUT, Penthouse must publish the material (or publish the first instalment, if it is to be serialized) within two months after the expiration of the 3 month period we’ve just mentioned, and publication of the entire manuscript must be completed within about six months...” |
A copy of a 1967 Esquire Magazine article, “The Human Race Has, Maybe, Thirty-Five Years Left,” by David Lyle, was found among other documents in Ted’s trunk at Wanda Kaczynski’s house.
A comparison of the last three (3) paragraphs of six-page article is as follows:
“Esquire Magazine” | “U” Documents |
“The control of human behavior by artificial means will have become by the year 2000 a frightening possibility. Govemment---’big brother’ —might use tranquilizers, or hallucinogens like L.S.D., to keep the population from becoming unruly or overindependent.” | U-14. Paragraph 157 “Assuming that industrial society survives, it is likely that technology will eventually acquire something approaching complete control over human behavior....Hallucinations can be induced or moods changed by drugs.” |
“More and more subtle forms of conditioning will lead people to react in predictable ways desired by government or by commercial interests without people quite knowing how they are hoodwinked.” | U-14. Paragraph 159 “Will public resistance prevent the introduction of technological control of human behavior? It certainly would if an attempt were made to introduce such control all at once. But since technological control will be introduced through a long sequence of small advances, there will be no rational and effective public resistance.” |
“Which sounds like Buck Rogers stuff, until you remember that the gravity belt is here,...” | U-14. Paragraph 160 “To those who think that all this sounds like science fiction, we point out that yesterday’s science fiction is today’s fact.” |