Title: Unabomber lists self as ‘prisoner’ in Harvard directory
Topic: News Stories
Date: May 23, 2012
Source: bostonglobe.com

Ted Kaczynski — the domestic terrorist known as the Unabomber, who is serving life in prison for sending deadly mail bombs — will not be able to attend his 50th class reunion at Harvard College. But he did contribute a bizarre entry to the alumni report for the class of 1962

While many of his classmates sent in lengthy updates on their lives for the 2½-inch-thick "red book," the entry for Theodore John Kaczynski contains only nine lines.

The listing says his occupation is "prisoner," and his home address is "No. 04475-046, US Penitentiary — Max, P.O. Box 8500, Florence, CO 8126-8500."

Under the awards section, the listing says, "Eight life sentences, issued by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, 1998."

He lists one publication under his name, "Technological Slavery," published by Feral House in 2010. In addition, he indicates that he lived in Eliot House, a student residence at Harvard.

Kaczynski's name was also included in a state-by-state listing of the alumni at the back of the book.

The widow of one of Kaczynski's victims said she was "disappointed in Harvard."

Susan Mosser — widow of Thomas Mosser, a 50-year-old advertising executive who was killed in December 1994 when a package exploded in the kitchen of their New Jersey home — said: "Kaczynski is a con artist. He's a serial killer; he's a murderer. . . . Everything is a game for him to push people's buttons."

She said she thinks that if Harvard did not publish Kaczynski’s information, he would have tried to sue the school for excluding it.

A Harvard Alumni Association spokesman confirmed that Kaczynski submitted the entry and said it was considered to be within the guidelines set for the book, which is titled, "Harvard and Radcliffe Classes of 1962 — Fiftieth Anniversary Report."

The alumni association later issued an apology in a statement. "While all members of the class who submit entries are included, we regret publishing Kaczynski's references to his convictions and apologize for any distress that it may have caused others," the statement said.

"I don't fault them on that," said one of Kaczynski's classmates, John Higginson.

He said the entries are written by the alumni, and rather than making Harvard look bad, the entry makes Kaczynski look bad for writing it.

Kaczynski evaded the FBI for nearly 20 years while killing three people and injuring 23 others with bombs sent through the US mail.

Last year, a federal judge in California ordered that auction proceeds of about $225,000 from the sale of writings and papers seized from Kaczynski's cabin be disbursed to Mosser and three other relatives of his victims, court records show.

A former lawyer for Kaczynski, Erin Jolene Radekin of Sacramento, represented him during the restitution phase of his case and said by phone Wednesday that she had not been in contact with him in some time.

Court records suggest that in recent years Kaczynski has been aware of his possible reentry into the headlines. In a letter to Radekin in 2010, Kaczynski appeared concerned that buyers of his papers would publish them without his permission.

"Ask the court to order the government to make clear to all potential purchasers of my papers that they will be acquiring the papers only as physical property and that they will acquire no literary rights in the papers," he wrote to Radekin, according to a court filing.

Alli Knothe can be reached at aknothe@globe.com. Travis Andersen can be reached at tandersen@globe.com. Follow him on Twitter @TAGlobe.