A depressing story of trauma and complicity in atrocities. Merejildo Grijalva was born in Mexico to the Opata Indian tribe, but he and his mother were kidnapped by Apache Indians when he was a child. After about ten years he fled to the US where he then helped the U.S. Army track down and murder Apaches under the claimed justification of the killings being ‘retaliatory raids’.
The original English magazine can likely only be found within some US libraries or bought online and posted cheaply within the US, it's on our wishlist of texts to scan up and add to the website.
Finally, if anyone feels like typing up this Spanish translation it would likely make for a more readable and quotable format to at least one other first language Spanish person. Plus, it could also be automatically translated back into English for skim reading.
Jacqueline Meketa
Grijalva's Revenge on the Apaches
(Ted Kaczynski’s Spanish Translation)

Photo scans

Typed up Spanish
La Venganza de Grijalva en los Apaches
Jacqueline Meketa
A la banda merodeodora de Apaches bien adentrada en Mexico, no les parecia sino un incidente rutinario al nino. Al llevarselo al chico aterrado y griton, no tenian la menor idea de que en los anos venideros la tribu pagaria caro esa accion.
Merejildo Grijalva tenia cerca de diez anos en 1853 cuando se le arrebato al seno de su familia y hogar en una pequenita aldea de Sonora unas cien millas al sur de la frontera estadounidense. Esos apaches de Arizona, miembros de una de las badas de Cochise, le forzaron a permanecer con ellos durante los anos siguientes y aun le hicieron acompanarlos en sus frecuentes correrias en Mexico para hurtar qanado. Pero, aunque aprendio las costumbres y tecnicas de los apaches, nunca olvido su origen, y a medida que crecia, buscaba una opurtunidad de escaparse.
No se sabe como recobro Grijalva su libertad. Pero antes del verano de 1864, a los once anos de ser capturado, estaba crecido y trabajaba de guia, explorador y interprete por la guarnicion de Fort Bowie, Arizona. Grijalva pudo obtener tal empleo porque el comandante militar del territorio, el General Games Carleton, entusiasmado con el buen exido de su redada para prender a los Navajos en Nuevo Mexico por un ejercito de tejanos que se empenaban en conquestarlo por los Estados Confederados. ...
Automatic translation for skim reading
Grijalva's Revenge on the Apaches
Jacqueline Meketa
To the Merodeodora band of Apaches well entered in Mexico, they seemed only a routine incident to the child. When taking it to the terrified boy and shouted, they had no idea that in the years that the tribe would pay that action.
Merejildo Grijalva had about ten years in 1853 when his family and home in a small village of Sonora a hundred miles south of the US border was snatched. Those Arizona Apaches, members of one of Cochise's Bades, forced him to stay with them during the following years and still made them accompany them in their frequent runners in Mexico to steal qanado. But, although he learned the customs and techniques of the Apaches, I never forget their origin, and as he grew up, he was looking for an opurtunity to escape.
It is not known how Grijalva recovers his freedom. But before the summer of 1864, at eleven years of being captured, he was grown and worked as a guide, explorer and interpreted by the Fort Bowie garrison, Arizona. Grijalva was able to obtain such an employment because the military commander of the territory, General Games Carleton, excited about the good exid of his raid to turn on Navajos in Nuevo Mexico for an army of Texans who began to conquer him by the Confederate states. ...
Original English
The original English magazine can likely only be found within some US libraries or bought online and posted cheaply within the US, it's on our wishlist of texts to scan up and add to the website.
The same magazine issue looks to have had a sad window into many dark aspects of US history: