Book Compilations Order

    Industrial Society and Its Future

      Draft versions (pre-June 1995)

      Washington post version (1995)

      First prison corrected version (2003)

      Feral House version (2010)

      Wilderness Front version (2021)

      Latest Fitch & Madison version (2022)

    Truth versus Lies

      Original Draft

      Context Books Copy

      Volunteers Draft

    Technological Slavery

      1st Edition

      2nd Edition

      3rd Edition

      4th Edition

        Volume 1

        Volume 2

    Anti-Tech Revolution

      1st Edition

      2nd Edition

  Chronological Order


    Industrial Society and Its Future



    Technological Slavery — 1st Edition

    Technological Slavery — 2nd Edition


    Anti-Tech Revolution — 1st Edition


    Anti-Tech Revolution — 2nd Edition

    Technological Slavery — 4th Edition


    Unknown Date

  Categorical Order

    Life Close to the Wild

    Political Books

      Industrial Society and Its Future

      Technological Slavery

      Anti-Tech Revolution

    Autobiographical Sketches









        Various Issues

        Updated thoughts on his manifesto


        Critique of some leftists

        Critique of some rightists

    Published Correspondences

    Newspaper & Magazine Articles & Letters to the Editor




    Fictional Stories


    Drawings & Diagrams

     Musical Works & Covers

      Original Compositions



    Mathematical Work

    Crafting Work

     Gardening Work

Book Compilations Order

Industrial Society and Its Future

Draft versions (pre-June 1995)

Ted didn’t name all the authors influencing his writing of the manifesto as “he had sent letters (in his own name, without bombs) to the authors he admired, and he feared that citing them would provide leads for the FBI.” But they are archived at the Uni. of Michigan.

Washington post version (1995)

First prison corrected version (2003)

Corrected grammar.

Feral House version (2010)

First book published version Ted was happy with, with corrected grammar and the diagram is deleted.

Wilderness Front version (2021)

Includes a short preface where Ted explains some of the few ways his views have evolved in a different direction since writing the manifesto and the diagram is deleted.

Latest Fitch & Madison version (2022)

Includes updated passages and footnotes, plus the diagram is deleted.

Truth versus Lies

Original Draft

Misses out appendices and updates Ted wrote later:

Context Books Copy

Includes some updates and appendices Ted wanted. But lawyers toned down some of the language due to libel fears and deleted parts out of copyright fears. The book was stopped mid-printing and the publisher went out of business not long after:

Volunteers Draft

Used the original draft as a basis, but included some updates and appendices we know Ted wanted from his correspondence with the publisher.

Abbreviated names have been replaced with real names based on Envelope X, since it’s often over 50 years since many of the events transpired.

Plus, secondary footnotes have been added for clarity and to mark where various people’s names are first mentioned:

Technological Slavery

1st Edition

2nd Edition

3rd Edition

4th Edition

Volume 1

Volume 2

Coming soon. The book will at least includes these 5 texts:[1][2]

It’s possible the book will also contain older texts such as:

Anti-Tech Revolution

1st Edition

2nd Edition

Chronological Order


Industrial Society and Its Future



Technological Slavery — 1st Edition

Technological Slavery — 2nd Edition


Anti-Tech Revolution — 1st Edition


Anti-Tech Revolution — 2nd Edition

Technological Slavery — 4th Edition


Unknown Date

Categorical Order

Life Close to the Wild

Political Books

Industrial Society and Its Future

Technological Slavery

The full book was taken down after a threatening email from the publisher, but you can see the indexes at the top of this page and some of the component texts whose copyright ownership are in doubt:

Anti-Tech Revolution

The same note for the book above applies to this book:

Autobiographical Sketches









Various Issues

Updated thoughts on his manifesto


Critique of some leftists

Critique of some rightists

Published Correspondences

Newspaper & Magazine Articles & Letters to the Editor




Fictional Stories


Drawings & Diagrams

Musical Works & Covers

Original Compositions



Mathematical Work

Crafting Work

Gardening Work

[1] Publisher’s website.

[2] Reddit comment from an insider in the know.