A text dump on how many Loompanics Unlimited books are downloadable
Title: Loompanics! The Story of the World’s Most Extreme DIY Books
Author: Daz Lawrence
Date: May 30, 2023
Source: <weirdbones.co.uk/loompanics-the-story-of-the-worlds-most-extreme-diy-books/>
Loompanics was your go-to one-stop shop for ‘grey area’ and ‘very black indeed area’ books for thirty years. At this risk of this sounding like one of those cataract-viewed pieces which suggest everything in the old days was better, pre-internet, to find out anything beyond the mainstream, whether it be weird films, bootlegged music, or counterculture books, required a certain amount of digging. This almost always required sending off an SAE to an address that may or may not exist to receive a catalogue of what was available. What you received in return could be little more than a scrawled list of what someone had for sale (think eBay but with crayons) or, if you were lucky, a nice stapled catalogue of a world you didn’t know existed. Tiny typewritten listings of gigs recorded on string and yoghurt pots pressed onto butterscotch-coloured vinyl; 9th-generation video nasties on unmarked video cassettes which required 90 minutes of you pressing the tracking button and swearing/crying; books promising you ways to unpick locks, build a bazooka and decipher codes. What?!
Loompanics was founded by publisher and editor, Mike Hoy, in 1975 in East Lansing, Michigan. A self-proclaimed anarchist, he named the company after National Lampoon magazine, at the time one of the premier vehicles for cutting satire. Thinking ahead, he thought that it may help his advertising in the magazine by incorporating ‘lampoon’, though circumstances meant that the magazine flew the roost well before Mike had dug his nails in.
The aim was always to challenge the norm – to question authority, and the government, and to forge your own path. Above all, it rallied against censorship and asked that people be allowed to have all the information possible to make their own decisions. Initially, Mike published relatively thin volumes written by himself, as well as selling questionable books from other publishers which fit in with his own mindset. The business grew to the extent that larger premises and distribution were required and in 1982 he moved the business to Port Townsend, Washington, on the recommendation of his friend, R. W. Bradford, future publisher of Liberty magazine. By now, Hoy was being sent manuscripts directly from authors and had developed a catalogue of books which covered an extraordinary variety of subjects but always written with great care and knowledge – usually as the writer had significant personal experience of their given subject.
Loompanics specialised in non-fiction, in fact, many of the books could be considered ‘do it yourself’ manuals. How to avoid paying tax; how to fake ID; how to hide things (like, REALLY hide things); how to manufacture drugs; how to make your own weapons – these weren’t books you’d ever find in stores. However, it wasn’t all crime, hedonism and illegal practices – there were guides on self-sufficiency, one of Loompanics’ biggest sellers being ‘Rancho Costa Nada: The Dirt Cheap Desert Homestead’ by Phil Garlington, a guide to building a life in the dust by a man who had lived that life through no fault of his own. There were volumes on living sustainable lifestyles – ‘Dumpster Diving – The Advanced Course’; ‘How to Build an Underground House’; ‘How to Disappear Completely and Never be Found’. There were guides to self-publishing; homeschooling; cooking food in the wild; even founding your own country.
Once you’d found Loompanics, you became part of a secret guild. As well as a rather hefty annual catalogue, you’d be sent thinner volumes periodically of recently-published books or pamphlets or those about to sell out. It was quite overwhelming as to where to start and even though you had no intentions, it was difficult to resist learning how to make explosives, pick a lock or read about the lives of obscure eccentrics or religious crackpots.
Of course, Amazon’s limitless inventory means that some of the unwieldy books Loompanics distributed are now easily available (sometimes, admittedly, at a healthy price) – John Fisher’s guides to uninhabited islands; John Q. Newman’s ‘Be Your Own Dick: Private Investigating Made Easy‘, Jan Bondeson’s books on human deformity. Nothing to spook to horses, as such, but books which otherwise were unlikely to be stocked by mainstream bookstores ‘back in the day’. Those that did attract suspicion led to Hoy being investigated and interviewed by both police in Europe and the FBI – he was found to have committed no crime in publishing the books in both cases. “Sold for information purposes only!” was regularly emblazoned on both books and their catalogues, a bit like ‘Have I Got News for You’s’ use of ‘allegedly’ – unlikely to help much in court but better than nothing.
In 2006, Mike Hoy called it a day. Ironically, the ability to advertise his wares to millions more potential customers was stifled quickly by Amazon, eBay and Google, who weren’t risking having any books which might get them into trouble on their platforms. In any case, the secret information contained within much of his inventory was now free for all to read on the internet without so much as a self-addressed envelope required. At 60 years of age, Hoy was unwilling to adapt to a digital world and his stock was sold off to both individuals and other publishers.
Hoy was once asked what he thought the implications were of a child getting hold of one of his books on drug manufacture:
“In the first place, I do not sell to fourth graders, but for the sake of argument, let’s say that I did sell a copy of ‘Secrets of Meth’ to a 9-year-old – what could the “harm” possibly be? Here is a brief excerpt from that book:
‘Another way of doing the electric cell method of turning the propenyl benzene into phenylacetone is given in the Journal of Organic Chemistry article, Volume 49. If, at the conclusion of passing current through the reaction mixture, a little 1% solution of sulfuric acid is added and stirred for an hour, the product of the cell in 98% yield of the same glycol by the formic acid and peroxide method.’
That is from page 72. Now, I submit that if we had a fourth grader who could actually understand that passage, what we ought to do is give that kid a state-of-the-art laboratory and get the hell out of his way. A guy like that might discover a cure for cancer, or something. A phenom like that ought to be encouraged to study chemistry.”
Daz Lawrence
Fill your Loompanic boots here!
Title: Ace Backwards interviews Michael Hoy of Loompanics Unlimited
Authors: Ace Backwards & Michael Hoy
Date: March 1991
Source: Flipside. No. 71. March 1991. <archive.org/details/flipsideissue71>
Basically, Loompanics publishes and sells the weirdest fucking books you’ll ever get your noggin on. In an underground increasingly stagnated with “rules”, politically correct conformity, and knee-jerk radicalism, Loompanics boldly goes where no brians have gone before — busting up taboos, thinking repressed thoughts, and generally stirring up the shit.
Ace: Well, I guess the first question is: how did you get started publishing and selling all these strange books?
Michael: Well, I wanted to figure out some way of making a living without having a job. I’ve always been interested in book and stuff. The first thing I thought of to publish was an index to the first 4 years of National Lampoon Magazine From that I made up the name of the company, because it sounds sort of official. But I could see it was going to take years before I could earn a living publishing, so I figured in the meantime I’d start selling books from other publishers So that’s what I started doing My stuff mostly is, pretty much what an individual can do to help himself kind of like practical anarchy ... armchair theorizing how a person can actually beat the system and stuff like that.
Ace: It’s sort of hard to define, but there’s definitely a Loompanics book’ and a ’’book” that wouldn’t be a “Loompanics book”. What would you say separated the two?
Michael: It’s a little tough to define. The ideal Loompanics is one where the author takes an outrageous subject, and writes a very serious, straight forward “how to” book about it. Such as “The Complete Guide to Lock Picking” or “Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture” or something like that. “How To Start Your Own Country”, that’s a Loompanics book.
Ace: What was that one essay “A Modest Proposal” where the writer went on about solving the hunger problem by eating children. How much of that do you see, in your approach, as satire...
Michael: They are serious, but the satire is that they exist. I mean a book like “Successful Armed Robbery”. Ok, that’s totally serious but it’s still funny and outrageous that such a thing like that exists. I guess the funniest thing about it is that it Is real, and straight forward and practical. There’s books out there like the “Road Kill Cookbook”, for example, which is not really a road kill cookbook, you know what I mean?
Ace: But reality is getting so strange these days that you never really know.
Michael: Yeah. I guess one thing that would separate a Loompanics Book with an outrageous title, with some other publishers books with outrageous titles, is that Loompanics has to do with stuff that Is serious and is real. It is the subject matter that makes them strange or off the wall.
Ace: That’s the first thing I notice when people thumb through your catalog and see “How To Kill” volumes one through six. It’s always the same reaction At first they’re shocked, then they think it’s a joke, then they start reading it, the next thing you know they start reading straight through the catalog.
Michael: We are living in a really strange reality. We just had an eight year regime where the leader of the Free World was a bad actor. Is that funny or is that serious? the craziness of Loompanics just picks up an appetite for certain things in the craziness of the reality that they see around them.
Ace: I can see how my stuff might kinda fit in because one of the Fines that I always have in my head is the fine line between reality and satire that gets thinner every day...
Michael: Really, the stuff that you’ve been putting out on the war, the TV / video game type of war reporting that we’re getting — is that funny or is it serious? (Laughter)...
Ace: When I was being interviewed yesterday (by the Carbondale Nightlife in Illinois) the first tiling this guy asked was about Loompanics, and he was sort of half joking, he said “How do those guys keep from getting arrested?” He was amazed that you could put this stuff out I was wondering if you have had trouble along those lines?
Michael: No, we’ve never had any trouble The only possible way that I could see a publisher getting busted would be if the guy actually put out something that was classified secret or something like that. Or maybe if you did something like kiddie porn or something like that.
Ace: There was the Judas Priest trial where they actually took a heavy metal band and charged them with attempted murder because the guy committed suicide while listening to their record, which supposedly urges people to commit suicide. It’s absurd, but I could see as things gel more repressive...
Michael: I think you’re mistaken about that I think that was a civil lawsuit, not a trial by the government.
Ace: I was just wondering if somebody actually took one of these “How To Kill” books and then actually killed and then said “I learned how to kill from Loompanics, they ‘re responsible blah blah blah...” It’s a total copout but I could see how that might come up.
Michael: Yeah, a trial like that would not be a criminal trial it would be a civil suit. There was a case a couple of years ago with Soldier 01 Fortune Magazine, because unbeknownst to them they had accepted an ad, a classified ad, by some guy who turned out to be a hitman. There was a 9.1 million dollar judgement awarded against Soldier Of Fortune Magazine That made headlines and it was played up in the press but what you never read about kt the press was that a few months later, that judgement was appealed and it was totally over-turned Soldier Of Fortune never had to pay a penny. US Today didn’t have anything on that judgement being overturned but when the judgement first came in they made it look like a big deal.
Ace: It sets an absurd precedent If someone finds a male In a personal ad and the marriage turns out bad then they could sue the paper...
Michael: Or sue the computer dating service When it comes to getting slack from the government. I think what protects Loompanics more than anything is that we see such a wide variety of stuff. If all we had in our catalog was six books on how to make pipe bombs or something, that would make it look a lot creepier or more suspicious There’s a lot of violent stuff in the catalog and I seems to stand out. People seem to notice it It’s really far from the majority of the stuff that’s in there There’s stuff like “How To Mulch Zucchini”, “How To Start A Flower Shop” you know.
Ace: That’s the interesting thing, in the over all context of all the different books you pull out. there’s a general thing that connects all these wide ranging subjects. What about George Hayduke “The Master Of Malice” who wrote Rte eight different volumes about revenge? I’ve always been curious about him.
Michael: Yeah. um. Those books are published by Paladin Press and not by Loompanics. I retail a lot of his books. Under his real name he has several books about weapons, and firearms and silencers and military matters. That’s basically about all I know about him.
Ace: He’s such a mysterious character. This guy coming up with all these plots about how to gel back at people. I mean everybody can relate to that. Everybody thinks about that stuff but doesn’t quite admit it to themselves. That somewhat of symbolizes Loompanics for me — there’s a lot of stuff that people think about but for whatever reason they just don’t want to admit to, but Loompanics does. That gives Loompanics a lot of it’s power. The stuff is deeply Ingrained In our subconscious. Would you like to talk about any of the other writers that you personally feel are along the lines of what you do. Like Bob Black or any of those other people that are noted for their connection with Loompanics.
Michael: The next supplement that is coming out March 15 Is gonna have a piece by Bob Black in there called “Bob Hopeless Desert Classic”. It’s a first person thing if Bob Hope were over in the Saudi Desert entertaining the troops, you know like he used to do. That’s the latest thing I have from Bob Black. I think it’s really good. “Where there’s war, there’s Hope.” I don’t get involved at all in Bob’s personal fueds, he just loves to pick fueds with people. (Laughs).
Ace: He’s gets Into more trouble that me. so I get a kick out of the guy for that. How about Bradley Smith, I’ve got a lot of feedback about that. People associate Bradley Smith with Loompanics since you did that interview with him in the catalog, even though you don’t actuary publish him. How did you get involved with doing that interview with him?
Michael: Apart from that the only Holocaust Revisionist stuff I ever had was the Arthur Butz book, “The Hoax of the Twentieth Century “, I think I added that to the catalog back in 1977 or something, it’s just really fascinating to me how people react to that or something that you’re not supposed to ask question about. And if you do there’s something wrong with you. My interest is not so much which side is right or something. It’s just the epistemology of it. They’re not in a position to really know anything about it yet they’re so certain that what they think they know is right. You know what I mean?
Ace: Exactly...
Michael: Like "Haler marched 6 million Jews up to the gas chambers...”, the attitude if you question that is that you must be a Nazi or something is what fascinated me When I read Bradley’s book. It’s not so much like a revisionist book but it’s like his personal experience with taking this idea seriously and how people react to it.
Ace: I was amazed at how strongly people reacted to it, like, “ How dare you say this!” And then you ask them what they have to back up their opinion, you find how flimsy their own research on the subject Is. Yet their opinions are so strong.
Michael: Yeah, that really is fascinating. Most people don’t really know any more about it than they know about Christopher Columbus or George Washington but you can say; “I don’t think George Washington ever really cut down the cherry tree” and people won’t think you’re a “dirty son- of-a-bitch”. But if you say “Sometimes I wonder if Hitler ever really had an extermination program”, then they’ll say “Well you must be trying to whitewash the Nazi’s or something.
Ace: It really does challenge people’s basic assumptions.
Michael: That is what drew me into doing an interview.
Ace: I could imagine the response you got because I myself got compared to Hitler for just printing his letter. People were demanding that I defend this guy and all sorts of stuff...
Michael: You had mentioned to me In a letter that there were people coming up to you saying: “How could you let Loompanics publish your book because they’re a bunch of anti-Semitic Nazis.”
Ace: That’s right The latest one I got was that supposedly there was this guy “Michael Hoy” that works for that guy David Duke the white supremacist guy...
Michael: Oh. that might be Robert Hoy, there’s some guy named Robert Hoy who’s active in right wing racism...
Ace: It shows how quick people are to jump to all these conclusions when they really have very little actual evidence I know very little about the Holocaust myself but there’s something about that kinda symbolized Loompanics — the willingness to get in there and don’t think about the stuff as taboo.
Michael: Right. I like to find loopholes in consensus ready, look at the man behind the curtain.
Ace: I’d like to ask about your own politics That’s sort of an open-ended question...
Michael: I don’t really have any except that I’m skeptical of any organized solution to any trumped up problem I guess I’d be pretty much of a Libertarian Anarchist, except that I’ve found that the Libertarians and the Anarchists are too organized. They have too many rules. I guess I’m a political solipsist, that would be the best description of my politics
Ace: Even the underground, which was supposed to be an alternative to the status quo, almost immediately congeals into it’s own status quo John Crawford mentions in his Introduction to my book how tire rules of rebellion invariably become more rigid than the ones you’re rebelling against. The thing I love about Loompanics is I don’t see it congeal into dogma.
Michael: Yeah, I say I’m a political solipsist, and kinda that’s what the Loompanics logo represents. It’s a space colony, it’s like an ideal would where everybody could literally have his own world If that were so then all human relations with each other would be voluntary. I think a lot of the political problems come just because people are jammed in together They can’t get away from each other on this little planet.
POB 1197, Port Townsend, WA 98368
($3.00 for catalog or $12.95 for Ace’s multi-spectacular 128 page collection Ace Backward’s “Twisted Image” comic strips.)

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Dennis Fiery | Temp Worker's Guide To Self-Fulfillment, The | How to Slack Off, Achieve Your Dreams, and Get Paid for It! | archive.org/details/the-temp-workers-guide-to-self-fulfillment-how-to-slack-off-acheive-your-dreams-loompanics-unlimited |
Desert Publications | Deal the First Deadly Blow! | Encyclopedia of Unarmed and Hand to Hand Combat | |
Dick Hart | Screw the Bitch! | Divorce Tactics for Men | archive.org/details/screw-the-bitch-divorce-tactics-for-men-loompanics-unlimited |
Don Lilly | How to earn $15 to $50 an hour and more with a pickup truck or van | ||
Don McLean | Do-it-yourself Gunpowder Cookbook | ||
Dossie Easton and Catherine A. Liszt | Ethical Slut | A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities | |
Doug Richmond | How to Disappear Completely & Never Be Found | ||
Doug Richmond | How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found | archive.org/details/how-to-disappear-completely-and-never-be-found-loompanics-unlimited | |
Dr. Alexander Shulgin and Ann Shulgin | PiHKAL | A Chemical Love Story | |
Dr. Alexander Shulgin and Ann Shulgin | TIHKAL | The Continuation | |
Dr. K. | A Complete Hacker's Handbook | Everything You Need to Know about Hacking in the Age of the Web | |
E.X. Boozhie | Outlaw's Bible, The | How To Evade The System Using Constitutional Strategy | archive.org/details/the-outlaws-bible-how-to-evade-the-system-using-constitutional-strategy-loompanics-unlimited |
Ed Regis | Great Mambo Chicken And The Transhuman Condition | Science Slightly Over The Edge | |
Eddie the Wire | Complete Guide to Lock Picking, The | archive.org/details/the-complete-guide-to-lock-picking-loompanics-unlimited | |
Eddie The Wire | Home Workshop Professional Lock Tools | archive.org/details/home-workshop-professional-lock-tools-loompanics-unlimited | |
Eddie the Wire | How to Bury Your Goods | The Complete Manual of Long Term Underground Storage | archive.org/details/how-to-bury-your-goods-revised-edition-loompanics-unlimited-cleaned |
Eddie the Wire | How to Make Your Own Professional Lock Tools - Volume 1 | archive.org/details/how-to-make-your-own-professional-lock-tools-eddie-the-wire-vol-1 | |
Eddie the Wire | How to Make Your Own Professional Lock Tools - Volume 2 | archive.org/details/how-to-make-your-own-professional-lock-tools-eddie-the-wire-vol-2 | |
Eddie the Wire | How to Make Your Own Professional Lock Tools - Volume 3 | archive.org/details/how-to-make-your-own-professional-lock-tools-eddie-the-wire-vol-3 | |
Eddie the Wire | How to Make Your Own Professional Lock Tools - Volume 4 | archive.org/details/how-to-make-your-own-professional-lock-tools-eddie-the-wire-vol-4 | |
Edited by Dom Saleml | Brutarian #14 & #15 | archive.org/details/brutarian-14 & archive.org/details/brutarian-15 | |
Edward Preston | How to Buy Land Cheap | archive.org/details/how-to-buy-land-cheap-loompanics-unlimited | |
Erwin S. Strauss | Basement Nukes | The Consequences of Cheap Weapons of Mass Destruction | archive.org/details/basement-nukes-the-consequences-of-cheap-weapons-of-mass-destruction-loompanics-unlimited |
Erwin S. Strauss | How to Start Your Own Country | Revised Second Edition! | archive.org/details/how-to-start-your-own-country-loompanics-unlimited |
Eunice Minette Schuster | Native American Anarchism | A study of left-wing American individualism | archive.org/details/nativeamericanan0000schu |
For Ourselves | Right to Be Greedy, The | Theses on the Practical Necessity of Demanding Everything | theanarchistlibrary.org/library/for-ourselves-the-right-to-be-greedy-theses-on-the-practical-necessity-of-demanding-everything |
Gene GeRue | How to Find Your Ideal Country Home | Ruralize Your Dreams | |
H. L. Mencken | Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, The | archive.org/details/philosophyoffrie00menc/page/n3/mode/2up | |
Hakim Bey | T.A.Z. | The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism | |
Harold Barclay | People Without Government | An Anthropology of Anarchism | |
Harold Hough | Freedom Road | archive.org/details/freedom-road-loompanics-unlimited | |
Harold Hough | Practical Guide to Photographic Intelligence, A | archive.org/details/practical-guide-to-photographic-intelligence-loompanics-unlimited | |
Harold Hough | Satellite Imagery For The Masses | How to Use and Profit From the Satellite Revolution | archive.org/details/satellite-imagery-for-the-masses-loompanics-unlimited |
Harold Hough | Satellite Surveillance | archive.org/details/satellite-surveillance-loompanics-unlimited | |
Harold Peterson | Last of the Mountain Men, The | The True Story of an Idaho Solitary | archive.org/details/lastofmountainme0000haro |
Harold S. Long | How to Collect Illegal Debts | archive.org/details/how-to-collect-illegal-debts-loompanics-unlimited | |
Harold S. Long | Surviving in Prison | archive.org/details/surviving-in-prison-loompanics-unlimited | |
Henry Tufts | Autobiography of a Criminal, The | archive.org/details/the-autobiography-of-a-criminal-loompanics-unlimited | |
Howard Zinn | People’s History of the United States, 1492 - Present | ||
Hugh Taylor | Porn 101 | Eroticism, Pornography, and the First Amendment | |
Ivan Illich | Tools For Conviviality | ||
J. Andrew Anderson | How to Steal Food from the Supermarket | FROM THE SUPERMARKET | archive.org/details/how-to-steal-food-from-the-supermarket-loompanics-unlimited |
J. Flores | How to Make Disposable Silencers | A Complete Guide | archive.org/details/How_to_Make_Disposable_Silencers_A_Complete_Guide_J_Flores |
J. Randall | Personal Defense Weapons | archive.org/details/personal-defense-weapons-loompanics-unlimited | |
Jack B. Nimble | Construction and Operation of Clandestine Drug Laboratories, The | archive.org/details/the-construction-and-operation-of-clandestine-drug-laboratories-loompanics-unlimited | |
Jack Luger | Ask Me No Questions, I’ll Tell You No Lies | How to Survive Being Interviewed, Interrogated, Questioned, Quizzed, Sweated, Grilled… | archive.org/details/ask-me-no-questions-ill-tell-you-no-lies-how-to-survive-being-interviewed-loompanics-unlimited |
Jack Luger | Big Book of Secret Hiding Places, The | archive.org/details/the-big-book-of-secret-hiding-places-loompanics-unlimited | |
Jack Luger | Code Making and Code Breaking | archive.org/details/luger_code | |
Jack Luger | Street Smarts for the New Millennium | archive.org/details/street-smarts-for-the-new-millennium-loompanics-unlimited | |
Jack Luger | How to Use Mail Drops for Privacy and Profit | archive.org/details/howtousemaildrop00luge_0 | |
James B. DeKorne | Hydroponic Hot House, The | Low-Cost, High-Yield Greenhouse Gardening | archive.org/details/the-hydroponic-hot-house-low-cost-high-yield-greenhouse-garden-loompanics-unlimited |
James F. Dunnigan & Austin Bay | Quick & Dirty Guide to War | ||
James J. Martin | An American Adventure in Bookburning | In the Style of 1918 | |
James J. Martin | Men Against the State | The Expositors of Individualist Anarchism in America 1827-1908 | |
James J. Martin | Revisionist Viewpoints | Essays in a Dissident Historical Tradition | |
James Wilson | Freelance Writer’s Handbook | The Real Story | archive.org/details/freelance-writers-handbook-1st-edition-loompanics-unlimited |
Jay C. “Champ” Thomas | How to Be an Ass-whipping Boxer | archive.org/details/how-to-be-an-ass-whipping-boxer-loompanics-unlimited | |
Jeremy Holcomb | Speak Up, Speak Out and Be Heard | How to Protest and Make It Count | archive.org/details/speakupspeakoutb0000holc |
Jim Broadstreet | Building With Junk and Other Good Stuff | A Guide to Home Building and Remodeling Using Recycled Materials | archive.org/details/buildingwithaoth0000unse |
Jim Dekorne | Psychedelic Shamanism | The Cultivation, Preparation and Shamanic Use of Psychoactive Plants | archive.org/details/psychedelic-shamanism-loompanics-unlimited |
Jim Hogshire | Opium for the Masses | A Practical Guide to Growing Poppies and Making Opium | archive.org/details/opiumformassespr0000hogs |
Jim Hogshire | Sell Yourself to Science | The Complete Guide to Selling Your Organs, Body Fluids, Bodily Functions and Being a Human Guinea Pig | archive.org/details/sell-yourself-to-science-the-complete-guide-to-selling-your-organs-loompanics-unlimited |
Jim Hogshire | You Are Going to Prison | archive.org/details/you-are-going-to-prison-loompanics-unlimited | |
John Donner | Professional’s Guide to Pyrotechnics | Understanding and making exploding fireworks | |
John Fisher | Uninhabited Ocean Islands | archive.org/details/uninhabited-ocean-islands-loompanics-unlimited | |
John Hoffman | Art & Science of Dumpster Diving, The | archive.org/details/the-art-and-science-of-dumpster-diving-paladin-press | |
John Lago | Sunstone Superstove, The | A Safer, More Efficient Way of Heating With Wood | archive.org/details/sunstone-superstove-a-safer-more-efficient-way-of-heating-with-wood-loompanics-unlimited |
John Q. Newman | Be Your Own Dick | Private Investigating Made Easy | archive.org/details/be-your-own-dick-private-investigating-made-easy-loompanics-unlimited |
John Q. Newman | Heavy Duty New Identity, The | Revised and Expanded Second Edition | archive.org/details/the-heavy-duty-new-identity-2nd-edition-loompanics-unlimited |
John Q. Newman | Identity Theft | The Cybercrime of the Millennium | archive.org/details/identity-theft-the-cybercrime-of-the-millennium-loompanics-unlimited |
John Sample | Methods of Disguise | Second Edition — Revised and Expanded | archive.org/details/methods-of-disguise-loompanics-unlimited |
John Zerzan | Running on Emptiness | The Pathology of Civilization | thetedkarchive.com/library/john-zerzan-running-on-emptiness |
John Zerzan (Editor). Illustrated By R.L. Tubbesing. Alon K. Raab, Andrew Bard Schmookler, Anonymous, Arnold DeVries, Barbara Mor, Charles Fourier, Chellis Glendinning, Chrystos, David Watson, Derrick Jensen, Des Refractaires, Disorderly Conduct, Frederick Turner, Fredric Jameson, Fredy Perlman, Friedrich Schiller, George P. Marsh, Glenn Parton, Group of Anarcho-Futurists, Henry David Thoreau, Hoxie Neale Fairchild, Ivan Illich, James Axtell, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John (Fire) Lame Deer, John Landau, John Mohawk, John Zerzan, Joseph A. Tainter, Kevin Tucker, Kirkpatrick Sale, labor of ludd, Lynn Clive, Madhusree Mukerjee, Mark Nathan Cohen, Marshall Sahlins, Marvin Harris, Max Horkheimer, Max Nordau, Oswald Spengler, Paul Shepard, Peter Sloterdijk, Pierre Clastres, Ramona Wilson, Richard Erdoes, Richard Heinberg, R.L. Tubbesing, Robert Wolff, Robin Fox, Roy Walker, Rudolf Bahro, Sigmund Freud, Susan Griffin, Tamarack Song, Ted Kaczynski, T. Fulano, Theodor Adorno, Theodore Roszak, Ursula K. Le Guin, William H. Koetke, William Morris, Wolfi Landstreicher, Zygmunt Bauman | Against Civilization | Readings and Reflections | theanarchistlibrary.org/library/john-zerzan-against-civilization |
Jon Fisher | Last Frontiers On Earth, The | Strange Places Where You Can Live Free | archive.org/details/the-last-frontiers-on-earth-loompanics-unlimited |
Jon Fisher | Uninhabited and Deserted Island | ||
Jordan Cooper | How to Make Cash Money at Swap Meets. Flea Markets. Etc | ||
Jordan Cooper | Second-Hand Success | How to Turn Discards into Dollars | archive.org/details/second-hand-success-how-to-turn-discards-into-dollars-loompanics-unlimited |
Jordan L. Cooper | How to Make Cash Money Selling at Swap Meets, Flea Markets, Etc. | archive.org/details/how-to-make-cash-money-selling-at-swap-meets-flea-markets-etc-loompanics-unlimited | |
Judge X | How to Avoid a Drunk Driving Conviction | archive.org/details/how-to-avoid-a-drunk-driving-conviction-loompanics-unlimited | |
Karl Hess | Capitalism For Kids | ||
Kathlyn Gay and Martin K. Gay | Encyclopedia of Political Anarchy | archive.org/details/encyclopediaofpo0000gayk | |
Keith Wade | Anarchist's Guide to the BBS, The | archive.org/details/the-anarchists-guide-to-the-bbs-loompanics-unlimited | |
Keith Wade | Your Revenge is in the Mail | archive.org/details/yourrevengeisinm0000wade | |
Kerry W. Thornley | Zenarchy | theanarchistlibrary.org/library/kerry-thornley-zenarchy | |
L. A. Rollins | Myth of Natural Rights, The | archive.org/details/rollins_myth | |
Lysander Spooner | Lysander Spooner Reader | With an Introduction by George H. Smith | |
M. Harry | Muckracker’s Manual, The | How to Do Your Own Investigative Reporting | archive.org/details/the-muckrakers-manual-how-to-do-your-own-investigative-reporting-loompanics |
Malaclypse the Younger, Kerry Wendell Thornley, Robert Anton Wilson | Principia Discordia, or How I Found Goddess and What I Did to Her When I Found Her | The Magnum Opiate of Malaclypse the Younger | archive.org/details/principia-discordia-2nd-due |
Marilyn Morgan | Baffling Murder Mysteries | Famous Unsolved Homicides | archive.org/details/baffling-murder-mysteries-loompanics-unlimited |
Mark A. Ludwig | Computer Viruses, Artificial Life and Evolution | The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses | |
Mark Garvey | 1994 Writer's Market | Where & How To Sell What You Write 4.000 | |
Max Forge | How to Make Driver's Licenses and Other ID on Your Home Computer | archive.org/details/how-to-make-drivers-licenses-and-other-id-on-your-home-computer-loompanics-unlimited | |
Max Stirner | Ego and Its Own, The | The Case of the Individual Against Authority | theanarchistlibrary.org/library/max-stirner-the-unique-and-its-property |
Maxwell Hutchkinson | Poisoner's Handbook, The | archive.org/details/the-poisoners-handbook-loompanics-unlimited | |
Michael E. Chesbro | Don't Be A Victim! | How to Protect Yourself from Hoaxes, Scams, and Frauds | archive.org/details/dont-be-a-victim-how-to-protect-yourself-from-hoaxes-scams-and-frauds-loompanics-unlimited |
Michael Hoy | Loompanics Unlimited Live! In Las Vegas | Articles and Features from the Best Book Catalog in the World | archive.org/details/loompanics-unlimited-live-in-las-vegas-articles-and-features-from-the-best-book-in-the-world |
Michael Hoy | Loompanics' Golden Records | Articles and Features from the Best Book Catalog in the World | archive.org/details/michael-hoy-loompanics-golden-records-articles-and-features-loompanics-unlimited |
Michael Newton | Holy Homicide | An Encyclopedia of Those Who Go With Their God & Kill | archive.org/details/holy-homicide-an-encyclopedia-of-those-who-go-with-their-god-and-kill-loompanics-unlimited |
Michael Newton | Hunting Humans | An Encyclopedia of Modern Serial Killers | archive.org/details/huntinghumansenc0000newt |
Michael Newton | Still at Large | A Casebook of 20th Century Serial Killers Who Eluded Justice | archive.org/details/stillatlargecase0000newt |
Michael Parenti | Against Empire | A Brilliant Exposé of the Brutal Realities of U.S. Global Domination | |
Michael Reynolds | Earthship: Volume I | How to Build Your Own | |
Michael Reynolds | Earthship: Volume II | System and Components | |
Michael Reynolds | Earthship: Volume III | Evolution Beyond Economics | |
Michael Valentine Smith | Psychedelic Chemistry | archive.org/details/psychedelic-chemistry-loompanics-unlimited | |
Michael Ziesing | I Walked Away | An Expatriate's Guide to Living Cheaply in Thailand | archive.org/details/iwalkedawayexpat0000zies |
Michail Bakunin | God and the State | theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michail-bakunin-god-and-the-state | |
Mick Shaw | Beating the Check | How to Eat Out Without Paying | archive.org/details/beating-the-check-how-to-eat-out-without-paying-loompanics-unlimited |
Monte Beauchamp | Blab! #5 | Kitchen Sink Press | |
Monte Beauchamp | Blab! #6 | Kitchen Sink Press | |
Mr. Unzip | How to Screw the Post Office | archive.org/details/howtoscrewpostof0000mrun | |
Ned Beaumont | Kill-as-catch-can | Wrestling Skills for Streetfighting | archive.org/details/kill-as-catch-can-wrestling-skills-for-streetfighting-loompanics-unlimited |
Nicholas A. Roes | America's Lowest Cost Colleges | A Comprehensive Directory of More Than 1,000 Fully Accredited Colleges and Universities With Low or No Tuition | |
Nicholas J. Karolides, Margaret Bald and Dawn B. Sova | 100 Banned Books | Censorship Histories of World Literature | |
Nicholas Saunders with Rick Doblin | Ecstasy | Dance, Trance & Transformation | |
Nick Evangelista | Blood-Lust Chickens and Renegade Sheep | A First Timer's Guide to Country Living | archive.org/details/blood-lust-chickens-and-renegade-sheep-loompanics-unlimited |
Nick Evangelista | Fighting With Sticks | archive.org/details/fighting-with-sticks-loompanics-unlimited | |
Nikola Tesla, with additional material by David Hatcher Childress | Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, The | ||
Noam Chomsky | 9-11 | ||
Noam Chomsky | Necessary Illusions | Thought Control In Democratic Societies | |
P.M. | bolo’bolo | theanarchistlibrary.org/library/p-m-bolo-bolo | |
Patrick Wells with Douglas Rushkoff | Stoned Free | How to Get High Without Drugs | archive.org/details/stoned-free-how-to-get-high-without-drugs-loompanics-unlimited |
Paul Feyerabend | Against Method | Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge | theanarchistlibrary.org/library/paul-feyerabend-against-method |
Paul Krassner | Sex, Drugs, and the Twinkie Murders | archive.org/details/sex-drugs-and-the-twinkie-murders-loompanics-unlimited | |
Paul Price | Real Work, The | Essential Sleight of Hand For Street Operators | archive.org/details/the-real-work-essential-sleight-of-hand-for-street-operators-loompanics-unlimited |
Paul Stamets | Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World | New Edition | |
Philip D. Harvey | Government Creep | What the Government is Doing That You Don't Know About | archive.org/details/government-creep-what-the-government-is-doing-that-you-dont-know-about-loompanics-unlimited |
Philip D. Harvey | Government Vs. Erotica, The | The Seige of Adam & Eve by Philip D. Harvey Foreword by Nadine Strossen, | |
Pierre Clastres | Society Against the State | theanarchistlibrary.org/library/pierre-clastres-society-against-the-state | |
Professor Buzz | Recreational Drugs | Tho Complete Guide to Recreational Drug Manufacture | archive.org/details/professor-buzz-recreational-drugs-loompanics-unlimited |
Ragnar Benson | David's Tool Kit | A Citizen's Guide to Taking Out Big Brother's Heavy Weapons | archive.org/details/davidstoolkitcit0000bens |
Ragnar Redbeard, Walter Raleigh | Might Is Right or the Survival of the Fittest | archive.org/details/might-is-right-or-the-survival-of-the-fittest-loompanics-unlimited | |
Ralf Dean Omar | Prison Killing Techniques | Blade, Bludgeon and Bomb | archive.org/details/prison-killing-techniques-blade-bludgeon-and-bomb-loompanics-unlimited |
Ralph Thorn | Combat Knife Throwing | A New Approach to Knife Throwing and Knife Fighting | archive.org/details/combat-knife-throwing-loompanics-unlimited |
Ralph Warner | Everybody’s Guide to Small Claims Court | ||
Ralph Warner | Get a Life | You Don’t Need a Million to Retire Well | |
Ralph Warner | Independent Paralegal’s Handbook, The | How to Provide Legal Services Without Going to Jail | |
Ramsey Clark and Others | War Crimes | A Report on United States War Crimes Against Iraq | |
Rayo, edited Jon Fisher | Vonu | The Search for Personal Freedom | archive.org/details/vonu-the-search-for-personal-freedom-loompanics-unlimited |
Re/Search Publications. master-minded by V. Vale and Andrea Juno, | Incredibly Strange Films | ||
Re/Search Publications. master-minded by V. Vale and Andrea Juno, | Modern Primitives | Re/Search Publications. master-minded by V. Vale and Andrea Juno, | |
Re/Search Publications. master-minded by V. Vale and Andrea Juno, | Pranks! | Dazzling deceptions and provocative put-ons from some of the most outrageous artists and personalities living today! | |
Reed Glenn | Ten Best Opportunities for Starting a Home Business Today, The | The New Careers Center, Inc. with Reed Glenn | |
Renato Vesco and David Hatcher Childress | Man-made Ufos 1944-1994 | 50 Years of Suppression | |
Rex A. Hudson | Who Becomes a Terrorist and Why | The 1999 Government Report on Profiling Terrorists | |
Richard A. Nossen | Advanced Investigative Techniques For Private Financial Records | archive.org/details/advancedtechniqu0000fest | |
Richard Roeper | Urban Legends | The Truth Behind All Those Deliciously Entertaining Myths That Are Absolutely, Positively, 100% Not True! | |
Rob Cohen & David Wollock | Etiquette for Outlaws | ||
Robert Anton Wilson | Natural Law or Don't Put a Rubber on Your Willy | archive.org/details/natural-law-or-dont-put-a-rubber-on-your-willy-loompanics-unlimited | |
Robert Anton Wilson | Cosmic Trigger | ||
Robert Anton Wilson | Cosmic Trigger, Volume Two | ||
Robert Anton Wilson | New Inquisition, The | Irrational Rationalism and the Citadel of Science | |
Robert Anton Wilson | Quantum Psychology | How Brain Software Programs You and Your World | |
Robert Anton Wilson | Sex, Drugs & Magick | A Journey Beyond Limits | |
Robert Anton WUson | Coincidance | ||
Robert Anton WUson | Prometheus Rising | ||
Robert Ellis Smith | Our Vanishing Privacy | And What You Can Do to Protect Yours | archive.org/details/our-vanishing-privacy-and-what-you-can-do-to-protect-yours-loompanics-unlimited |
Robert L. Williams | Houses to Go | How to Buy a Good Home Cheap | archive.org/details/houses-to-go-how-to-buy-a-good-home-cheap-loompanics-unlimited |
Robert L. Williams | How to Build Your Own Log Home for Less Than $15,000 | archive.org/details/how-to-build-your-own-log-home-for-less-than-15000-loompanics-unlimited | |
Robert V. Hine | California's Utopian Colonies | ||
Ronald B. Brown | Homemade Guns and Homemade Ammo | archive.org/details/Homemade_Guns_And_Homemade_Ammo_Ronald_Brown_Loompanics | |
Ronald George Eriksen 2 | Getaway | Driving Techniques for Evasion and Escape | archive.org/details/getaway-driving-techniques-for-escape-and-evasion-loompanics-unlimited |
Ronald George Eriksen 2 | How to Find Missing Persons | A Handbook for Investigators | archive.org/details/howtofindmissing00erik |
Samuel Rubin | Secret Science of Covert Inks, The | archive.org/details/the-secret-science-of-covert-inks-loompanics-unlimited | |
Sean Shayan | Divining Ecstasy | The Magical and Mystical Essence of Salvia Divinorum | archive.org/details/diviningecstasym0000shay |
Seymore Klitz & Ima Peeper | Genitology | Reading the Genitals | archive.org/details/genitologyreadin0000klit |
Steve Kubby | Politics of Consciousness, The | A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom | archive.org/details/politicsofconsci0000kubb |
Steve Preisler / Uncle Fester | Practical LSD Manufacture | Revised and Expanded Second Edition | archive.org/details/practical-lsd-manufacture-loompanics-unlimited |
Strike | Sources | An International Reference of Supply Houses and Resources for the Chemist | |
Strike | Total Synthesis II | ||
Sun Tzu | Art of War | The Modern Chinese Interpretation | thetedkarchive.com/library/thomas-cleary-the-art-of-war |
Taylor, Hugh | Hollywood Job-hunter's Survival Guide, The | How To Survive (And Succeed) In Hollywood Without Being Sleazy An Insider's Winning Strategies | |
Th. Metzger | Birth of Heroin and the Demonization of the Dope Fiend, The | archive.org/details/the-birth-of-heroin-and-the-demonization-of-the-dope-fiend-loompanics-unlimited | |
The Knightmare | Secrets of a Super Hacker | archive.org/details/secrets-of-a-super-hacker-loompanics-unlimited | |
The Leveller | Killer Cops: Licensed to Kill | theanarchistlibrary.org/library/the-leveller-killer-cops-licensed-to-kill | |
Tim Lewis | Kitchen Improvised Fertilizer Explosives | ||
Timothy Leary | Info-psychology | ||
Timothy Leary | Politics of Ecstasy, The | ||
Timothy Leary | What Does Woman Want? | ||
Timothy Leary (With Robert Anton Wiison and George A. Koopman) | Neuropolitique | The Sociobiology of Human Metamorphosis | |
Tony Lesce | Big House, The | How American Prisons Work | archive.org/details/the-big-house-how-american-prisons-work-loompanics-unlimited |
Tony Lesce | Escape From Controlled Custody | archive.org/details/escape-from-controlled-custody-loompanics-unlimited | |
Tony Lesce | Modern Frauds and Con Games | archive.org/details/modern-frauds-and-con-games-loompanics-unlimited | |
Tony Lesce | Privacy Poachers, The | How the Government and Big Corporations Gather, Use and Sell Information About You | archive.org/details/lesce_privacy |
Tony Lesce, Lesce Tony | Protect Yourself Against Terrorism | archive.org/details/protect-yourself-against-terrorism-loompanics-unlimited | |
Trent Sands | Fake ID By Mail and Modem | archive.org/details/fakeidbymailmode0000sand | |
Trent Sands | Reborn in Canada | Personal Privacy Through a New Identity | archive.org/details/reborn-in-canada-2nd-edition-personal-privacy-through-a-new-identity-loompanics-unlimited |
Trent Sands | Reborn in the U.S.A. | Personal Privacy Through a New Identity | archive.org/details/reborn-in-the-usa-3rd-edition-personal-privacy-through-a-new-identity-loompanics-unlimited |
Trent Sands | Reborn Overseas | Identity Building in Europe, Australia and New Zealand | archive.org/details/reborn-overseas-identity-building-in-europe-australia-and-new-zealand-loompanics-unlimited |
Ty Treadwell, Michelle Vernon | Last Suppers | Famous Final Meals from Death Row | archive.org/details/last-suppers-famous-final-meals-from-death-row-loompanics-unlimited |
U.S. Department of Justice | Crimmal Use of False Identification, The | a summary report on the nature, scope, and impact of false ID use in the United States with recommendations to combat the problem | archive.org/details/the-criminal-use-of-false-identification-loompanics-unlimited |
Uncle Fester | Advanced Techniques of Clandestine Psychedelic & Amphetamine Manufacture | archive.org/details/advanced-techniques-of-clandestine-psychedelic-amphetamine-manufacture-loompanics-unlimited | |
Uncle Fester | Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture | including recipes for MDA, ecstacy and other psychedelic amphetamines | archive.org/details/secretsofmethamp0000fest |
Uncle Fester | Silent Death | archive.org/details/silent-death-2nd-edition-loompanics-unlimited | |
United States Army Infantry School | Principles of Quick Kill | briefings on present and potential wars | |
Unknown | Night Movements | (Translated From the Japanese) | archive.org/details/night-movements-loompanics-unlimited |
US Army | Field Manual 21-150 Combatives | ||
US Senate | Right to Keep and Bear Arms, The | Report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution | |
V. Vale and John Sulak | Modern Pagans | An Investigation of Contemporary Pagan Practices Interviews | |
Valorian Society | Human History | Viewed as Sovereign Individuals versus Manipulated Masses from The Valorian Society | |
Victor Santoro | 21st Century Revenge | Down and Dirty Tactics for the Millennium | archive.org/details/21stcenturyreven0000sant |
Victor Santoro | Frauds, Rip-offs and Con Games | archive.org/details/frauds-rip-offs-and-con-games-breakout-productions | |
Victor Santoro | Gaslighting | How to Drive Your Enemies Crazy | archive.org/details/gaslighting-how-to-drive-your-enemies-crazy-loompanics-unlimited |
Victor Santoro | Rip-Off Book, The | The Complete Guide to Frauds, Con Games, Swindles, and Rackets | archive.org/details/the-rip-off-book-loompanics-unlimited |
Voltairine de Cleyre | Anarchism | Arguments For And Against | theanarchistlibrary.org/library/voltairine-de-cleyre-anarchism |
Walker Lane | Our Enemy, the State | The Pyramid Against the Circle | theanarchistlibrary.org/library/walker-lane-our-enemy-the-state-the-pyramid-against-the-circle |
Walter Kafton-Minkel | Subterranean Worlds | 100,000 Years of Dragons, Dwarfs, the Dead, Lost Races and UFOs from Inside the Earth | archive.org/details/subterranean-worlds-loompanics-unlimited |
Wayne B Yeager | Techniques of the Professional Pickpocket | archive.org/details/techniques-of-the-professional-pickpocket-loompanics-unlimited | |
Wayne B. Yeager | Techniques of Burglar Alarm Bypassing | archive.org/details/techniques-of-burglar-alarm-bypassing-loompanics-unlimited | |
Wayne B. Yeager | Techniques of Safecracking | archive.org/details/techniques-of-safecracking-loompanics-unlimited | |
Weston La Barre | Peyote Cult, The | Fifth Edition | |
William A. Rinehart | How to Clear Your Adult and Juvenile Criminal Records | archive.org/details/how-to-clear-your-adult-and-juvenile-criminal-records-loompanics-unlimited | |
William B. Moran | Covert Surveillance and Electronic Penetration | archive.org/details/covert-surveillance-and-electronic-penetration-loompanics-unlimited | |
William J. Murray | Unconditional Freedom | Social Revolution Through Individual Empowerment | archive.org/details/unconditional-freedom-social-revolution-through-individual-empowerment-loompanics-unlimited |
William Luther Pierce (as Andrew Macdonald) | Turner Diaries, The | archive.org/details/the-turner-diaries-andrew-mac-donald-william-pierce_202201 | |
William Noble | Bookbanning in America | Who Bans Books? — And Why | |
Xavier Crement | Asshole No More | A Self-Help Guide for Recovering Assholes — and Their Victims |
No, not downloadable
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Author/s | Title |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1980 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1980 New Year’s Supplement |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1980 Summer Supplement |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1981 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1981 Summer Supplement |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1982 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1983 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1984 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1985 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1986 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1987 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1988 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1989 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1990 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1991 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1992 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1993 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1995 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1996 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1997 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1998 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 1999 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 2000 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 2001 Main Catalog |
Mike Hoy(?) | 2002 Main Catalog |
Author/s | Title | Subtitle |
“Salacious Crumb” | Forbidden Secrets of the Legion of Doom Hackers | A Handbook of Condemned Programs and Techniques |
A. R. Bowman | Be Your Own Undertaker | How to Dispose of a Dead Body |
Ace Backwords | Twisted Image | |
Adam Parfrey | Apocalypse Culture II | |
Allan H. Weiner | Access to the Airwaves | My Fight for Free Radio |
Allen Thornton | Laws of the Jungle | |
Andrew Conway | New Bullwhip Book, The | |
Andrew Conway | Bullwhip Book, The | |
Andrew Yoder | Pirate Radio Operations | |
Anonymous (Paladin Press) | False Identification | The Problem and Technological Options |
Boston T. Party | You & the Police! | |
Bradley J. Steiner | Disarming the Armed Assailant | |
Bradley J. Steiner | Essential Elements of Personal Combat, The | (With and Without Weapons) |
Burt Rapp | B & E Book, The | Burglary Techniques and Investigation, A Complete Manual |
Burt Rapp | Check Fraud Investigation | |
Burt Rapp | Credit Card Fraud | |
Burt Rapp | Deep Cover | Police Intelligence Operations |
Burt Rapp | S.W.A.T. Team Operations | |
Burt Rapp | Sex Crimes Investigation | A Practical Manual |
Burt Rapp | Two Eleven Book, The | Armed Robbery Investigation |
Burt Rapp | 211 Book, The | Armed Robbery Investigation |
Burt Rapp | Shoplifting and Employee Theft Investigation | A Complete Handbook |
Burt Rapp | Vehicle Theft Investigation | A Complete Handbook |
Charles Beene | Decoy Ops | Fighting Street Crime Undercover |
Claire Wolfe | Freedom Outlaw's Handbook, The | 179 things to do 'til the revolution |
Claire Wolfe | How To Kill The Job Culture Before It Kills You | Living a Life of Autonomy in a Wage-Slave Society |
Claire Wolfe | Think Free to Live Free | A political burnout’s guide to life, activism and everything |
Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman | State Vs. The People, The | The Rise of the American Police State |
Dale Martin | Into the Primitive | Advanced Trapping Techniques |
Dan Steiner & Bradley J. Steiner | Subway Survival! | The Art of Self-Defense on American Public Transit Facilities |
Don Wilson | All About Hydraulic Ram Pumps | How and Where They Work Pump Water for Free! |
Don Wilson | Small Scale Crayfish Farming | For Food and Profit |
Ed Lange | Shameless Nude, The | A Selection of Articles and Stories from Nude Living |
Ed Lange & Stan Sohler | Nudist Magazines of the 50s & 60s: Collectors Edition Book Four | |
Ed Lange & Stan Sohler | Nudist Magazines of the 50s & 60s: Collectors Edition Book One | |
Ed Lange & Stan Sohler | Nudist Magazines of the 50s & 60s: Collectors Edition Book Three | |
Ed Lange & Stan Sohler | Nudist Magazines of the 50s & 60s: Collectors Edition Book Two | |
Ed Roth | Confessions of a Rat Fink | Confessions of a Rat Fink: The Life and Times of Ed "Big Daddy" Roth |
Eden Press | Eden Directory of Private Mail Drops, The | In the U.S. and 90 Foreign Countries |
Eden Press | How to Use the Federal F.O.I. Act AND THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 | A Citizen's Guide on Using the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act of 1974 to Request Government Records |
Green Panthers! | Green Panthers! Action Manual | Techniques for Creative Interference Official Handbook of the Green Panthers! |
I.R.S. | How to Determine Undisclosed Financial Interests | A Manual for Financial Investigators |
J. Flores | How to Make Disposable Silencers VOLUME II | A Complete Illustrated Guide |
Jayson Loam | Body/Self Appreciation | 100 unique unretouched photographs, from all over the world, illustrating the wide range of normal bodies and organs of all ages and both sexes. The professional team narration emphasizes individual uniqueness. |
Jim Fleming & Sue Ann Harkey | Semiotext(e) USA Compedium | A Compedium |
Joe Coleman | Cosmic Retribution | The Infernal Art of Joe Coleman |
Loompanics Unlimited | Handbook of vital records information for attorneys and welfare workers | |
Paladin Press | They Write Their Own Sentences | The FBI Handwriting Analysis Manual |
Paladin Press | U.S. Attorney's Manual on Electronic Surveillance | |
US Department of Justice | Electronic Fund Transfer Systems Fraud | |
Various Authors | Gauntlet #23 | Exploring the Limits of Free Expression - Animal Rights Issue |
William J. Murray | Anarchic Harmony | The Spirituality of Social Disobedience |
Xavier Crement, M.D. | Asshole Conspiracy, The | Is there time to stop it? |
Xavier Crement, M.D. | Assholes Forever | How to spot 'em How to stop 'em |
Unknown if downloadable
Need to check availability.
Author/s | Title | Subtitle |
Ace Backwords, Michael Hoy | Ace Backwards interviews Michael Hoy of Loompanics Unlimited | |
Adam Gottlieb | Pleasures of Cocaine, The | |
Adam Gottlieb | Sex Drugs and Aphrodisiacs | |
Adam Starchild | New Zealand Immigration Guide, The | |
Alan Charles Kors and Harvey A. Silverglate | Shadow University, The | The Betrayal of Liberty on America’s Campuses |
Alan M. Schlein | Find It Online | The Complete Guide to Online Research |
Alan McKenzie | How to Draw and Sell Comic Strips | For Newspapers and Comic Books! |
Alan Tonelson | Race to the Bottom, The | Why a Worldwide Worker Surplus and Uncontrolled Free Trade are Sinking American Living Standards |
Alastair Dow | Deprenyl | The Antl-Aglng Drug |
Albert Castel and Thomas Goodrich | Bloody Bill Anderson | The Short, Savage Life of a Civil War Guerrilla |
Albert Hofmann | LSD: My Problem Child | Reflections on Sacred Drugs, Mysticism, and Science |
Albert Jay Nock | Disadvantages of Being Educated, The | And Other Essays |
Alexa Albert | Brothel | Mustang Ranch and Its Women |
Alexander G. Weygers | Complete Modern Blacksmith, The | |
Alexander T. Shulgin, Ph.D. | Controlled Substances | Chemical & Legal Guide to Federal Drug Laws |
Alexis A. Gilliland | Who Says Paranoia Isn't “In" Anymore? | |
Alexis Gilliland, William Rotsler | Iron law of bureaucracy, The | cartoons |
Alfred W. McCoy | Politics of Heroin, The | CIA Complicity In The Global Drug Trade |
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators | Comparative Data | State and Provincial Licensing Systems |
Andrew Gauntlett | Net Spies | Who’s watching you on the Web? |
Andrew McLaughlin | Regarding Nature | Industrialism and Deep Ecology |
Andrew W. Lee | Backyard Market Gardening | The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Selling What You Grow |
Andrew Weil, M.D. and Winifred Rosen | From Chocolate to Morphine | Everything You Need to Know About Mind-Altering Drugs |
Andy Kane | You’re Fired! | How to Turn a Pink Slip into a Golden Opportunity |
Angela Woodhull | Private Investigation Strategies and Techniques | The World’s Greatest Private Eye Reveals Her Secrets |
Angus Gtes | How to Build a Bugproof Room | |
Anita Evangelista | Backyard Meat Production | How To Grow All The Meat You Need In Your Own Backyard |
Anita Evangelista | How to Develop a Low-Cost Family Food-Storage System | |
Anita Evangelista | How to Live Without Electricity - And Like It | |
Anonymous | New I.D. In America | How to Create a Foolproof New Identity |
Anthony Lewis | Bazooka | How to Build Your Own |
Anton Szandor LaVey | Satan Speaks! | |
Antonio Escohotado | A Brief History of Drugs | From the Stone Age to the Stoned Age |
Arnold S. Goldstein | Asset Protection Secrets | |
Arnold S. Goldstein | How to Protect Your Money Offshore | |
Arnold S. Goldstein | How to Settle With the IRS | For Pennies on the Dollar |
Arnold S. Goldstein | Offshore Havens | ...and other safe places to keep your money in unsafe times! |
Arthur Drews | Christ Myth, The | |
Arthur R. Butz | Hoax of the Twentieth Century, The | The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry |
Arthur Winter, M.D. and Ruth Winter | Build Your Brain Power | The Latest Technlques to Preserve, Restore and Improve Your Brain’s Potential |
Ashida Kim | Ninja Death Touch | |
Attorney David Brown | Beat Your Ticket | Go to Court and Win! 2nd Edition |
Attorney Frederick VZ Dally | Surviving an IRS Tax Audit | |
Attorney Joseph Matthews | Lawsuit Survival Guide, The | A Client’s Companion to Litigation |
Attorney Lisa Sedano | How to Change Your Name in California | |
Attorney Loida Nicolas Lewis with Len T. Madlansacay | How to Get a Green Card | Legal Ways to Stay in the U.S.A., 4th Edition |
Attorney Stephen Fishman | Public Domain, The | How to Find & Use Copyright-Free Writings, Music, Art & More |
Attorney Stephen Fishman | Working for Yourself | Law & Taxes for Independent Contractors, Freelancers & Consultants |
Attorneys Paul Bergman and Sara J. Berman-Barrett | Criminal Law Handbook, The | Know Your Rights, Survive the System |
Attorneys Robin Leonard and Deanne Loonin | Credit Repair | You don’t have to be stuck with bad credit 6th Edtion |
B. Andy | How to Circumvent a Security Alarm in 10 Seconds or Less | An Insider’s Guide to How It’s Done and How to Prevent It |
Barbara A. Fanson | Start and Run a Profitable Desktop Publishing Business | |
Barbara Ann Martell | Crowds, Groups and Cults | The Role of tho Cluster Instinct in Human Behavior |
Barbara Brabec | Creative Cash | How to Profit from Your Special Artistry, Creativity, Hand Skills, and Related Know-How, 6th Edition |
Barbara Brabec | Homemade Money | The Definitive Guide to Success in a Home Business |
Barbara Branden | Passion of Ayn Rand, The | A Biography |
Barbara Garson | All the Livelong Day | The Meaning and Demeaning of Routine Work |
Barbara Garson | Electronic Sweatshop, The | How Computers Are Transforming the Office of the Future into the Factory of the Past |
Barbara R. Stock | It's Easy to Avoid Probate | |
Barry Farber | How to Learn Any Language | Quickly, Easily, Inexpensively, Enjoyably and On Your Own |
Barry Rdd | Eden Guide to Complete Financial Privacy, The | |
Barry Reid | Paper Trip III, The | The Master Guide to New Identity |
Barry Reid Leave the Past. Start Life Over. | How to Disappear in America | |
Bart Brodsky and Janet Gels | Finding Your Niche | Marketing Your Professional Service |
Bart Brodsky and Janet Gets | Teaching Marketplace, The | Mako Money with Freelance Teaching, Corporate Trainings, and On the Lecture Circuit |
Bart Rommel | Execution | Tools and Techniques |
Becky Bee | Cob Builders Handbook, The | You Can Hand-Sculpt Your Own Home |
Ben Watson | Cider Hard and Sweet | History, Traditions, and Making Your Own |
Bernard Kamoroff, C.P.A. | Online Operator | Business, Legal, and Tax Guide to the Internet |
Bernard Kamoroff, CPA | Small Time Operator | How to Start Your Own Small Business, Keep Your Books, Pay Your Taxes, and Stay Out of Trouble |
Beth Hafacy and Dan Halacy | Cooking With the Sun | How to Build and Use Solar Cookers |
Beverly A. Potter, Ph.D. and J. Sebastian Orfali, M.A. | Pass the Test | An Employee Guide to Drug Testing |
Bill Brent | Make a Zine! | A guide to self-publishing disguised as a book on how to produce a zine |
Bill Holmes | A Do-it-yourself Submachine Gun | Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance, Volume V The AR-15/M16 |
Bill Holmes | Home Workshop .50-caliber Sniper Rifle | |
Bill Holmes | Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance, Volume Four: The 9mm Machine Pistol | |
Bill Holmes | Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance, Volume III | |
Bill Holmes | Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance, Volume IV | |
Bill Holmes | Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance, Volume One: The Submachine Gun | |
Bill Holmes | Home Workshop Prototype Firearms | How to Design, Build, and Sell Your Own Small Arms |
Bill Holmes | .50-caliber Rifle Construction Manual, The | With Easy-to-Follow Full-Scale Drawings |
Bill Holmes | Home Workshop Guns for Defense and Resistance, Volume Three: The .22 Machine Pistol | |
Bill Kaysing | Great Hideouts of the West | An Idea Book for Living Free |
Bill Kaysing | Senior Citizens' Survival Manual, The | Get Bold, Not Old! |
Bill Pryor | Personal and Business Privacy | A Special Report on Why and How Your Privacy Is Invaded |
Bill Quinn | How Wal*mart is Destroying America (and the World) | And What You Can Do About It |
Bill Sloan | “I Watched a Wild Hog Eat My Baby!” | A Colorful History of Tabloids and Their Cultural Impact |
Bill Tate | Survival With the Atlatl | |
Bill Valentine | Gangs and Their Tattoos | Identifying Gangbangers on the Street and in Prison |
Bill Wilson | Backyard Catapults | How to build your own |
Bill Wilson | Under The Table And Into Your Pocket | The How and Why of The Underground Economy |
Bjorn Lomborg | Skeptical Environmentalist, The | Measuring the Real State of the World |
Blanche Barton | Church of Satan, The | A History of the World's Most Notorious Religion |
Blanche Barton | Secret Life of a Satanist, The | The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey |
Blue Evening Star | Building Tipis & Yurts | Authentic Designs for Circular Shelters |
Bob Black | Friendly Fire | |
Bob Burton | Bail Enforcer | The Advanced Bounty Hunter |
Bob Burton foreword by Ralph "Papa" Thorson | Bounty Hunter | |
Bob Hammond | Credit Secrets | How to Erase Bad Credit |
Bob Hammond | How to Beat the Credit Bureaus | The Insider's Guide to Consumer Credit |
Bob Hammond | Super Privacy | The Complete Guide to Personal Privacy and Financial Freedom In Tomorrow’s Cashless Society |
Bob Harris | Growing Shiitake Commercially | A Practical Manual for Production of Japanese Forest Mushrooms |
Bob McCoy | Quack! | Tales of Medical Fraud from the Museum of Questionable Medical Devices |
Bolton Hall | Selections From Free America | And Other Works |
Bradford Angier | Gourmet Cooking for Free | Wild Game, Fish & Plants — 300 Ways to Serve Them |
Bradford Angier | One Acre & Security | How to Live Off the Earth Without Ruining It |
Bradley J. Stainer | Manuals On Mayhem | A Complete Guide to the Literature of Combat Martial Arts and Serious Self-Defense |
Bradley R. Smith | Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist, Part I | |
Brenda Love | Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices, The | |
Brett Woods | Art & Science of Money Laundering, The | Inside the Commerce of The International Narcotics Traffickers |
Brian Innes | History of Torture, The | |
Brian Wo wk and Michael Darwin | Cryonics | Reaching for Tomorrow |
Brien King and Stuart Swozey | Amok Fourth Dispatch | A reading list from Hell... |
Bruce E Johansen | Forgotten Founders | How tho American Indian Helped Shape Democracy |
Bruce Fife | Make Money Reading Books | How to Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based Freelance Reading Service |
Bruce S. Thornton | Plagues of the Mind | The New Epidemic of False Knowledge |
Bruce Schneier | Applied Cryptography | Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C |
Bruce Sterling | Hacker Crackdown, The | Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier |
Bud Schutts and Ruth Schultz | It Did Happen Here | Recollections of Political Repression In America |
Buffalo George Toomer | American Extremes | |
Burgess Laughlin | Black Markets Around the World | |
Burgess Laughlin | Job Opportunities in the Black Market | |
Butter D. Shaffer | Calculated Chaos | Institutional Threats to Peace and Human Survival |
Byrd Laboratories | Conquering the Urine Tests | A Complete Guide to Conquering the Urine Drug Tests |
Cam Cloud | Acid Trips and Chemistry | |
Cam Cloud | Little Book of Acid, The | |
Camden Benares | A Handful of Zen | |
Camden Benares | Zen Without Zen Masters | |
Capt. S. J. Cuthbert, Scots Guard | "We Shall Fight in the Streets" | Guide to Street Fighting |
Captain Jack Seaborn | How to Own a Yacht and Make It Pay | What to Do and How to Do It» with Illustrations, Sample Forms, Insurance Guidance, Tax Reforms, Success Stories and Instruction |
Cari Fowler and Pat Mooney | Shattering | Food, Politics,and the Loss of Genetic Diversity |
Cari Japikse | $1.98 Cookbook, The | How to Eat Like a Gourmet and Save $6,000 a Year |
Carl Black | Opening Combination Padlocks | No Tools, No Problem |
Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D. | Nutrition and Mental Illness | An Orthomolecular Approach to Balancing Body Chemistry |
Carl Hammer | Expedient B & E | Tactics and Techniques for Bypassing Alarms and Defeating Locks |
Carl Hammer | Home Security | How to Select Reliable Locks and Alarms for Your Home, Office, or Car |
Carl Hammer | Techniques of Secret Warfare | The Complete Manual of Undercover Operations |
Carl Jensen & Project Censored | Censored 1995 | The News That Didn’t Make The News — And Why The 1995 Project Censored Yearbook |
Carol Milano | Hers | The Wise Woman's Guide to Starting a Business on $2,000 or Less |
Carol Sherman and Andrew Smith with Erik Tanner | Highlights | An Illustrated History of Cannabis |
Carolyn Meinel | Überhacker! | How to Break Into Computers |
Carolyn P. Meinel | Überhacker II | more ways to break into a computer |
Carolyn P. Memel | Happy Hacker, The | |
Cathy Winks and Anne Semans | New Good Vibrations Guide to Sex, The | Tips and Techniques from America’s Favorite Sex Toy Store |
Cecil C. Hoge, Sr | Mail Order Moonlighting | |
Charles Daniel | Traditional Ninja Weapons | |
Charles Gatewood and David Aaron Clark | True Blood | |
Charles J. Sykes | A Nation of Victims | The Decay of the American Character |
Charles Long | Life After The City | A Harrowsmith Guide to Rural Living |
Charles Mackay | Extraordinary Popular Delusions | and the Madness of Crowds |
Charles Pierce LeWarne | Utopias on Puget Sound 1885-1915 | |
Charles Platt | Gas, The | A Novel of Sex and Violence |
Charles Stephens | Cowboy Action Pistol Shooting | Secrets of Fast and Accurate Gunplay |
Charlotte Hill and William Wallace | Erotica | An Illustrated Anthology of Sexual Art and Literature |
Cheries Long | How to Survive Without a Salary | |
Cheryl Pellerin, Illustrated by R, Crumb and Ellen Seefelt | Trips | How Hallucinogens Work in Your Brain |
Chet Antonín!, Editor and Publisher | Pills-a-go-go | Journal of Pills |
Chet Fleming | If We Can Keep a Severed Head Alive... | Discarporation and U.S. Patent 4,666,425 |
Chic Gaylord | Handgunner’s Guide | Including the Art of the Quick Draw and Combat Shooting |
Chris Bennett and Neil McQueen Foreword by Richard Cowan | Sex, Drugs, Violence and The Bible | |
Chris Conrad | Hemp: Lifeune to the Future | The Unexpected Answer for Our Environmental and Economic Recovery |
Chris Kilham | Psyche Delicacies | Coffee, chocolate, chiles, kava, and cannabis, and why they’re good for you |
Chris Pfouts | Lead Poisoning | 25 True Stories from tho Wrong End of a Gun |
Chris Wroblewski As An&MffiS Ttmo, as modem as tomorrow... | Skin Shows II | The Art of Tattoo |
Christian Parenti | Lockdown America | Police and Prisons In the Age of Crisis |
Christian Ratsch | Marijuana Medicine | A World Tour of the Healing and Visionary Powers of Cannabis |
Christopher M. King, Curtis E. Dalton, and E. Ertem Osmanoglu | Security Architecture | Design, Deployment & Operations |
Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D. | Psychopath’s Bible, The | |
Chuck Klein | Instinct Combat Shooting | Defensive Handgunning for Police and Personal Protection |
Chuck Shepherd | America’s Least Competent Criminals | True talcs of would-be outlaws who have botched, and otherwise haplessly but hilariously fumbled their crimes |
Chuck Shepherd, John J. Kohut and Roland Sweet | News of the Weird | Over 500 Bizarre-But-True Stories That Reveal Weirdness, Weirdness Everywhere! |
Chuck Shiver | Rape of the American Constitution, The | |
Clarence Darrow | Resist Not Evil | |
Claude Whitmyer, Salli Rasberry & Michael Phillips | Running A One Person Business | |
Cliff Hakim | We Are All Self-employed | The New Social Contract for Working in A Changed World |
Cliff Hollenbeck | Big Bucks Selling Your Photography | Second Edison |
Clifford Burke | Printing it | |
Colin A. Ross, M.D. | Bluebird | Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists |
Compiled by Al Hidell and Joan D’Arc | Conspiracy Reader, The | From the Deaths of JFK and John Lennon to Government-Sponsored Alien Cover-ups |
Compiled by BRB Publications, Inc. | State Public Records | The Definitive Guide to Searching for Public Record Information at the State Level |
Compiled by Chick Shepard, John J. Kohut & Roland Sweet | More News of the Weird | Over 500 All-New, All-Weird, All-Rcal News Stories That Prove the World Is Completely Out to Lunch |
Compiled by Chuck Shepherd, John J. Kohut & Roland Sweet | Beyond News of the Weird | |
Compiled by David Hatcher Childress | Free-energy Device Handbook, The | A Compilation of Patents & Reports |
Compiled by Eric S. Raymond | New Hacker's Dictionary, The | Second Edition |
Compiled by Mark Sloan, Roger Manley, and Michelle Van Parys | Dear Mr. Ripley | A Compendium of Curloddltles from the Believe It or Not! Archives |
Compiled by The Berkeley Pop Culture Project | Whole Pop Catalog, The | |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | A Catalog of Archeological Anomalies | |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | Ancient Infrastructure | Remarkable Roads, Mines, Walls, Mounds, Stone CirclesA Catalog of Archeological Anomalies |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | Ancient Man: a Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts | |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | Ancient Structures | Remarkable Pyramids, Forts, Towers, Stone Chambers, Cities, Complexes |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | Biological Anomalies: Humans I | |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | Biological Anomalies: Humans II | A Catalog of Biological Anomalies |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | Biological Anomalies: Humans III | |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | Biological Anomalies: Mammals II | |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | Incredible Life | A Handbook of Biological Mysteries |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | Mysterious Universe: a Handbook of | ASTRONOMICAL ANOMAUES |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | Remarkable Luminous Phenomena in Nature | A Catalog of Geophysical Anomalies |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | Science Frontiers | Some Anomalies and Curiosities of Nature |
Compiled by William R. Corliss | Unknown Earth: a Handbook of | GEOLOGICAL ENIGMAS |
Complied by Bill Brent | Black Book 1993-1994, The | The Guide for the Erotic Explorer |
Complied by John J. Kohut and Roland Sweet | Countdown to the Millennium | Curious But True News Dispatches Heralding the Last Days of the Planet |
Complied by the Board on Science end Technology for International Development of the National Research Council | Microlivestock | Little-Known Small Animals with a Promising Economic Future |
Complied by the Feminist Anti-Censorship Task Force | Caught Looking | Feminism, Pornography & Censorship |
Corey Sandler Carey SatasiSer | Buy More, Pay Less | Insider Tips to Get the Price You Want on Anything! |
Craig Chilton | How to Get Paid $30,000 a Year to Travel | Without Selling Anything |
Craig Chilton | How to Get Paid $50,000 a Year to Travel | *Without Selling Anything Complete Handbook and Guide 2002-2003 Version |
Craig S. Meissner | Disguised Weapons | The Law Enforcement Guide to Covert Guns, Knives, and Other Weapons |
Craig Wallin | Backyard Cash Crops | The Source Book for Growing and Marketing Specialty Plants |
Crawford Undsey | For Fun and Profit | Self-Employmont Opportunities In Recreation, Sports and Travel |
Curtis D. MacDougall | Superstition and the Press | |
D. O'Nes | Guide to Legally Obtaining A FOREIGN PASSPORT, The | The Easy Way to Get Additional Citizenship |
D.B. Gilles | Screenwriter Within, The | How to Turn the Movie in Your Head into a Salable Screenplay |
Dale Carpenter | Hitchhiking in America | Using the Golden Thumb |
Dale Smith and John Tomerdn | Beating the Radar Rap | Tested Techniques for Fighting Electronic Speed Entrapment — and Winning |
Dan Bawfy | Subterranean Economy, The | |
Dan D. Lyon | Gourmet Cannabis Cookery | The High Art of Marijuana Cuisine |
Dan Haakenson | Small Commercial Garden, The | How to Make $10,000 a Year in Your Backyard |
Dan Merkur | Psychedelic Sacrament, The | Manna, Meditation, and Mystical Experience |
Dan Poynter | Self-publishing Manual, The | How to Write, Print & Sell Your Book |
Dan Verton | Hacker Diaries, The | Confessions of Teenage Hackers |
Daniel Carter Beard | Shelters, Shacks and Shanties | |
Daniel Francis | Imaginary Indian, The | The Image of the Indian In Canadian Culture |
Daniel J. Pilla | How to Get Tax Amnesty | A Guide to the Forgiveness of IRS Debt, Including Penalties & Interest |
Daniel J. Pllla | How Anyone Can Negotiate WITH THE IRS —AND WIN! | A Daring Expose of the Vulnerability of the System and the People Who Run It |
Darrell Huff | How to Lie With Statistics | |
Daryl Bernstein | Better Than a Lemonade Stand | Small Business Ideas for Kids |
Dave Ingram | Guide to Emergency Survival Communications | How to Build and Power Your System |
Dave Marsh | 50 Ways to Fight Censorship | & Important Facts to Know About the Censors |
David Alexander | How You Can Manipulate the Media | Guerrilla Methods to Get Your Story Covered by TV, Radio, and Newspapers |
David Bainbridge with Athena and BUI Steen | Plastered Straw Bale Construction | Super Energy Efficient and Economical |
David Bodanls | Secret House, The | 24 Hours in the Strange and Unexpected World In Which We Spend Our Nights and Days |
David Burnham | A Law Unto Itself | The IRS and The Abuse of Power |
David C. Korten | When Corporations Rule the World | New Edition |
David Cole and James X. Dempsey | Terrorism and the Constitution | Sacrificing Civil Liberties in the Name of National Security |
David Del Porto & Carol Steinfeld | Composting Toilet System Book, The | A Practical Guide to Choosing, Planning and Maintaining Composting Toilet Systems, an Alternative to Sewer and Septic Systems |
David DeMercurio | Hard-core Collections | Brutal but Effective Techniques for Getting the Money |
David Easton | Rammed Earth House, The | Discovering the Most Ancient Building Material |
David F. Aberle | Peyote Religion Among the Navaho, The | Second Edition |
David Friedman | Machinery of Freedom, The | Guide to a Radical Capitalism |
David Gunn | Poor Man’s Ray Gun | Deadly Rays |
David Harber | Assorted Nasties | |
David Harley, Robert Slade, and Urs E. Gattiker | Viruses Revealed | Understand and Counter Malicious Software |
David Hi Brown | Fight Your Ticket | California Fifth Edition |
David Horowitz | Uncivil Wars | The Controversy Over Reparations for Slavery |
David Kahn | Kahn on Codes | Secrets of the New Cryptology |
David Kennedy, D.D.S. | How to Save Your Teeth | Toxic-Free Preventive Dentistry |
David Meyer | Memoirs of a Book Snake | Forty Years of Seeking and Saving Old Books |
David Ramsdale and Ellen Dorfman | Sexual Energy Ecstasy | A Guide to The Ultimate, Intimate Sexual Experience |
David Ross | Pissing Away the American Dream | Government-Mandated Urine Drug Testing and the Fourth Amendment |
David Sonenschein | Pedophiles on Parade | Volume 1: The Monster in the Media Volume 2: The Popular Imagery of Moral Hysteria |
David Stophlot Flattery and Martin Schwartz | Haoma and Harmaline | The Botanical Identity of the Indo-lranlan Sacred Hallucinogen “Soma" and Its Legacy in Religion, Language, and Middle Eastern Folklore |
David W, Felder | Best Investment, The | Land in a Loving Community |
David Warner | Where There is No Doctor | A Village Health Care Book |
Dean Tong | Elusive Innocence | Survival Guide for the Falsely Accused |
Denise Winn | Manipulated Mind, The | Brainwashing, Conditioning and Indoctrination |
Dennis Crstg Smith with Dr. William Sparks | Growing Up Without Shame | The Naked Child |
Dennis Eichhorn | Dennis Eichhorn's Real Life Comix | |
Dennis Fiery | How to Hide Things in Public Places | |
Dennis Fiery | Temp Worker’s Guide to Self-fulfillment, The | How to slack off, achieve your dreams, and get paid for it! |
Dennis King | Get the Facts on Anyone | Find Out Confidential Information About Any Person or Organization |
Dennis M. Mariock | How to Become a Professional Con Artist | |
Denny Hansen | Justifiable Homicide | The Intelligent Use of Deadly Force |
Derek Hinton | Criminal Records Book, The | The Complete Guide to the Legal Use of Criminal Records |
Derek Humphry | Final Exit | The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying |
Derek Humphry | Lawful Exit | The Limits of Freedom for Helping In Dying |
Desert Publications | Combination Lock Principles | |
Desert Publications | Fitting Keys by Reading Locks | |
Desert Publications | How to Fit Keys by Impressioning | |
Desert Publications | How to Open Handcuffs Without Keys | |
Desert Publications | Keys To Understanding Tubular Locks | |
Desert Publications | Lock Out | Techniques of Forced Entry |
Deva Beck, R.N. and James Beck, R.N. | Pleasure Connection, The | How Endorphins Affect Our Health and Happiness |
Devon Jackson | Conspiranoia! | The Mother of All Conspiracy Theories |
Diane Sward Rapaport | How to Make and Sell Your Own Record | The Complete Guide to Independent Recording |
Dominique Laporte | History of Shit | |
Don McLean | Do-it-yourself, The | GUNPOWDER COOKBOOK |
Don Pentecost | Put Em Down, Take ’em Out! | Knife Fighting Techniques From Folsom Prison |
Donald A. Norman | Psychology of Everyday Things, The | |
Donis Wood | Power of Maps, The | |
Donn Is RHey | Expatriate's Employment Handbook | Seeing the World... and Getting Paid for it! |
Donna A. Demac | Liberty Denied | The Current Rise of Censorship In America |
Donna Kossy | Strange Creations | Aberrant Ideas of Human Origins from Ancient Astronauts to Aquatic Apes |
Donna Woolfolk Cross | Mediaspeak | How Television Makes Up Your Mind |
Dossie Easton and Catherine A. Liszt | Ethical Slut, The | A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities |
Douglas Husak | Legalize This! | The case for decriminalizing drugs |
Douglas J. Hill, J.D. | Federal Criminal Defendant’s Handbook | Negotiating the Long Lonely Road from Arrest to Prison to Freedom |
Douglas P. Hinkle | Mug Shots | A Police Artists Guide to Remembering Faces |
Dr. Haha Lung | Assassin! | The Deadly Art of the Cult of The Assassins |
Dr. Haha Lung | Knights of Darkness | Secrets of the World’s Deadliest Night Fighters |
Dr. Harold Litten | Joy of Solo Sex, The | |
Dr. Helmut Lammer & Marion Lammer | Milabs | Military Mind Control & Alien Abduction |
Dr. Morton Walker | Chelation Way, The | The Complete Book of Chelation Therapy How to Use Chelation Therapy to Reverse Hardening of the Arteries and Prevent Degenerative Diseases |
Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning | Angels Don’t Play This Haarp | Advances in Tesla Technology |
Dr. Ted GambordeHa | 100 Deadliest Karate Moves, The | |
Drew Edwards | West Coast Smoke | The Inside Story of the B.C. Pot Boom |
Dsn Poynter | Publishing Short-run Books | |
Duke McCoy | Brave words and bloody knuckles | how to start your own white nationalist party |
Duke McCoy | How to organize and manage your own religious cult | a psycho-political primer |
Duke McCoy | How to start and run your own motorcycle gang | a psycho-social primer |
Duncan Long | Modern Camouflage | |
Duncan Long | Poor Man's Fort Knox, The | Home Security with Inexpensive Safes |
Duncan Long | You Can Be An Information Writer | |
Duncan Long | Defeating Industrial Spies | |
Duncan Long | Homemade Ammo | How to Make It, How to Reload It, How to Cache It |
Duncan Long | How to Survive a Nuclear Accident | |
Duncan Long | Make $$$ as a Non-fiction Writer | |
Duncan Long | Modern Ballistic Armor | Clothing, Bomb Blankets, Shields, Vehicle Protection Everything You Need To Know |
Duncan Long | Nuclear War Survival | |
Duncan Long | Survival Bartering | |
Duncan Long | Surviving Major Chemical Accidents | And Chemical/Biological Warfare |
Duncan Long | To Break a Tyrant's Chains | Nco-Gucrrilla Techniques for Combat |
Duncan Long (co-authored by S. Spencer Jones) | Bioterrorism | Secrets for Surviving the Coming Terrorist Germ Warfare Attacks on U.S. Cities |
Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw | Freedom of Informed Choice: | FDA Versus Nutrient Supplements |
Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw | Life Extension: a Practical Scientific Approach | Adding Years to Your Life and Life to Your Years |
Durk Pesrson and Sandy Shaw | Life Extension Companion | |
Dustin D. Marks | Cheating at Blackjack Squared | The Dark Side of Gambling |
Dwight Edgar Abbott with Jack Carter | I Cried, You Didn't Listen | A Survivor’s Expose of the California Youth Authority |
E P. Evans | Criminal Prosecution, The | AND CAPITAL PUNISHMENT OF ANIMALS |
E. J. Gold and Cybele Gold | Tantric Sex | |
E.X. Boozhie | Outlaw’s Bible, The | How to Evade the System Using Constitutional Strategy |
Earl Doherty | Jesus Puzzle, The | Did Christianity Begin With a Mythical Christ? Challenging the existence of an historical Jesus |
Ed and Carol Robinson | "Have-More" Plan, The | A Little Land — A Lot of Living |
Ed Jiedemann and Ruth Benn | War Tax Resistance | A Guide to Withholding Your Support From the Military |
Ed Rosenthal | Closet Cultivator, The | |
Ed Rosenthal and William Logan, Atty. | Ask Ed: Marijuana Law | Don’t Get Busted |
Eddie the Wire | Eddie's Iron | Best New Lock Pick Design in More than 20 Years |
Eddie the Wire | How to Make Your Own Professional Lock Tools, Vol 1-4 | Four Volume Set |
Edited and with an Introduction by Paul Baepler | White Slaves, African Masters | An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives |
Edited by Barry Hoffman | Gauntlet #1 | Exploring the Limits of Free Expression |
Edited by Barry Hoffman | Gauntlet #15 | The Many Faces of S/M |
Edited by Barry Hoffman | Gauntlet #16 | Bad Boys (And Girl) of Erotic Photography: The Furor Over Nude Youth in Art |
Edited by Barry Hoffman | Gauntlet #19 | |
Edited by Barry Hoffman | Gauntlet #2 | Exploring the Limits of Free Expression |
Edited by Barry Hoffman | Gauntlet #22 | |
Edited by Barry Hoffman | Gauntlet #3 | Exploring tho Limits of Free Expression Politically (In) Correct Issue |
Edited by Barry Hoffman | Gauntlet #4 | Media Manipulation |
Edited by Barry Hoffman | Gauntlet #5 | Porn In the U.S.A. |
Edited by Barry Hoffman | Gauntlet #6 | |
Edited by Barry Hoffman | Gauntlet #7 | Exploring the Limits of Free Expression |
Edited by Da ve Foremen and Bill Haywood | Ecodefense | A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching New Third Edition — Revised & Enlarged |
Edited by David Wescott | Primitive Technology | A Book of Earth Skills from the Society of Primitive Technology |
Edited by David Wescott | Primitive Technology II - Ancestral Skills | From the Society of Primitive Technology |
Edited by Dom Saiemi | Brutarian Magazine #8 & #9 | "The Magazine That Dares To Be Lame" |
Edited by Dom Salem! | Brutarian #3-#6 | The Magazine That Dares To Be Lame! |
Edited by Don Ed Hardy | Tattootime Volume 1: New Tribalism | |
Edited by Don Ed Hardy | Tattootime Volume 2: Tattoo Magic | |
Edited by Don Ed Hardy | Tattootime Volume 3: Music & Sea Tattoos | |
Edited by Don Ed Hardy | Tattootime Volume 4: Life & Death Tattoos | |
Edited by Don Ed Hardy | Tattootime Volume 5: Art From The Heart | |
Edited by Eugene Ecclf | Low-cost, Energy-efficient Shelter | For the Owner and Builder |
Edited by Fredertque De/scoste | Sex Work | Writings by Women In the Sex Industry |
Edited by Gardner D. H/scox, M.E. | Henley’s Formulas | For Homo and Workshop |
Edited by Harvey Bennett Stafford | Muerte! | Death in Mexican Popular Culture |
Edited by James R. Lewis | Odd Gods | New Religions and the Cult Controversy |
Edited by James Taylor | Shocked and Amazed! | On & Off the Midway |
Edited by James Tracy | Civil Disobedience Handbook, The | A Brief History and Practical Advice for the Politically Disenchanted |
Edited by Jim Keith | Secret and Suppressed | Banned Ideas & Hidden History |
Edited by John Morgen thaler | Stop the Fda | Save Your Health Freedom |
Edited by John Schaeffer | Alternative Energy Sourcebook | 7th Edition |
Edited by John Strausbaugh and Donald Blaise | Drug User, The | Documents: 1840-1960 |
Edited by John Zerzan and Alice Carnes | Questioning Technology | A Critical Anthology |
Edited by Julie Holland, M.D. | Ecstasy: the Complete Guide | A Comprehensive Look at the Risks and Benefits of MDMA |
Edited by Kristina Borjesson | Into the Buzzsaw | Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press |
Edited by Lamar Underwood | Man Eaters | True Tales of Animals Stalking, Mauling, Killing, and Eating Human Prey |
Edited by Larry Crane | Tape Op | The Book About Creative Music Recording |
Edited by Margaret J. Goldstein | World’s Top Retirement Havens, The | How to Relocate, Retire, and Increase Your Standard of Living |
Edited by Martin Sprouse | Sabotage in the American Workplace | Anecdotes of Dissatisfaction, Mischief and Revenge |
Edited by Michael Hoy | Loompanics Unlimited Conquers | THE UNIVERSE Articles and Features from The Best Book Catalog in the World |
Edited by Michael L. Sankey and James R. Flowers, Jr. and Peter Weber | Public Records Online | The National Guide to Private and Government Online Sources of Public Records, 4th Edition |
Edited by Michael Spragow | Produced and Abandoned | The Best Films You’ve Never Seen |
Edited by Michod E. Coughlin, Charles H Hamilton, and Mark A. Sullivan | Benjamin R. Tucker & the Champions of Liberty | A Centenary Anthology |
Edited by Paul Krassner | Psychedelic Trips for the Mind | |
Edited by Peter Ludlow | Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias | |
Edited by Reinhold Aman | Best of Maledicta, The | A scholarly, scatological and witty investigation of outrageous insults, forbidden language, and wicked jokes. |
Edited by Richard Glyn Jonas | Poison! | The World*s Greatest True Murder Stories |
Edited by Rm Marnell | Drug Identification Bible | |
Edited by Robin James | Cassette Mythos | |
Edited by Ron Sakolsky & James Koehnllne | Gone to Croatan | Origins of North American Dropout Culture |
Edited by Ron Sakolsky and Stephen Dunifer | Seizing the Airwaves | A Free Radio Handbook |
Edited by Rudy Rucker, R.U Sirius & Queen Mu | Mondo 2000 | A User’s Guide to the New Edge Cyberpunk, Virtual Reality, Wetware, Designer Aphrodisiacs, Artificial Life. Tcchno-Erotic Paganism, And More |
Edited by Russ Kick | Everything You Know is Wrong | The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies |
Edited by Russ Kick | You Are Being Lied to | The Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes and Cultural Myths |
Edited by Stuart Swezey | Amok Fifth Dispatch | Sourcebook of the Extremes of Information |
Edited by Ted Schultz | Fringes of Reason, The | (A Whole Earth Catalog) A Field Guide to New Age Frontiers, Unusual Beliefs & Eccentric Sciences |
Edited by William R. Corliss | Biological Anomalies: Mammals I | A Catalog of Biological Anomalies |
Edmond A. Madnaugh | Disguise Techniques | Fool All of the People Some of the Time |
Edmund J. Pankau, CLi, CPPI, CFE | How to Make $100,000 a Year as a Private Investigator | |
Edward B. Nitchie | Lip Reading Made Easy | |
Edward de Bono | I Am Right — You Are Wrong | From This to the New Renaissance: from Rock Logic to Water Logic |
Edward de Bono | Lateral Thinking | Creativity Step by Step |
Edward H. Romney | Living Well on Practically Nothing | |
Edward Lewis | Hostile Ground | Defusing and Restraining Violent Behavior and Physical Assaults |
Edward Luttwak | Coup D'etat | A Practical Handbook |
Edward Yourdon | Byte Wars | The Impact of September 11 on Information Technology |
Elayne Rapping | Looking Glass World, The | OF NONFICTION TV |
Eldon Taylor, Ph.D. | Subliminal Learning | An Eclectic Approach |
Eldon Taylor, Ph.D. | Subuminal Communication | Emperor's Clothes or Panacea? |
Eleanor Goldstein and Kevin Farmer | True Stories of False Memories | |
Eleanor Goldstein with Kevin Farmer | Confabulations | Creating False Memories • Destroying Families |
EmIIR. Johnson | Fur, Food & Survival | An Expert’s Guide to Trapping |
Enoch Tompkins and Roger M. Griffith | Practical Beekeeping | |
Eric Cole | Hackers Beware | Defending Your Network from the Wiley Hacker |
Eric Dexter | How to Get Your Filipina Fiancee to the U.S. | |
Eric Hobsbawm | Bandits | Revised with a new Introduction by the author |
Eric Hoffer | True Believer, The | |
Eric S. Moore | $51 Fantasy, The | Legal Prostitution for American Men |
Eric S. Rabkln. Ph.D. and Eugene M. SHverman, M.D. From tho PTcfaco: | It's a Gas | A Study of Flatulence |
Erica Barkemeyer | 80+ Great Ideas | FOR MAKING MONEY AT HOME A Guide for the First Time Entrepreneur |
Erle Montaigue | Dim-Mak's 12 Most Deadly Katas | Points of No Return |
Erle Montaigue | Dim-mak | Death Point Striking |
Erle Montalgue | Advanced Dim-mak | The Finer Points of Death-Point Striking |
Erle Montalgue and Wally Simpson | Encyclopedia of Dim-mak, The | The Main Meridians |
Ernest Callen bach | Living Cheaply With Style | Live Better & Spend Loss |
Ernest Wilkinson | Snow Caves | For Fun & Survival |
Ernlo J. Zcllnskl | Joy of Not Working, The | |
Ervin L. Jordan, Jr. | Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia | |
Ervlng Goff man | Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, The | |
Erwin S. Strauss | Case against a libertarian political party, The | |
Erwin S. Strauss | Complete guide to science fiction conventions, The | |
Etta Clark | Growing Old is Not for Sissies | Portraits of Senior Athletes |
F.JP. Veaie | Advance to Barbarism | Tho Development of Total Warfare |
fan I. Mltrott and Warren Bennis | Unreality Industry, The | The Deliberate Manufacturing of Falsehood and What It is Doing to Our Lives |
Foreword by Chuck Melson, Chief Historian, U.S. Marine Corps | Combat Conditioning | The Classic U.S. Marine Corps Physical Training and Hand-to-Hand Combat Course |
Forward Progress | A Repossessor’s Guide to Auto Locks | Designed for on-the-job reference with easy to read text, photos and diagrams |
Fowler Solar Electric Inc. | Solar Electric INDEPENDENT HOME BOOK, The | |
Francis Moraes | Heroin User's Handbook, The | |
Francis Moraes, Ph.D. | Little Book of Heroin, The | |
Francis X. Joxwik, Ph. D. | Greenhouse and Nursery Handbook, The | A Complete Guide to Growing and Selling Ornamental Container Plants |
Francis X. Joxwik, Ph.D. | Make Money Growing Plants, Trees & Flowers | A Guide to Profitable Earth-Friendly Ventures |
Francis X. Jozwlk, Ph.D, | How to Find a Good Job working with Plants, Trees & Flowers | Earn Income and Enjoy Life |
Frank Camper | High Seas Security | |
Frank Kirkpatrick | How to Find and Buy Your Business in the Country | |
Frank M. Cassady | Financial Freedom for the Common Man | |
Franklin J. Camper | Mercenary Operations Manual | |
Fred B. Wrixon | Codes, Ciphers & Other Cryptic & Clandestine Communication | Making & Breaking Secret Messages from Hieroglyphs to the Internet |
Fred Rltchln | In Our Own Image | The Coming Revolution in Photography How Computers Are Changing The Way Wc View The World |
Frederick M. Beyerlein | Drink as Much as You Want and Live Longer | The Intelligent Person's Guide to Healthy Drinking |
Frederick W. Daily | Stand Up to the IRS | Everything you need to know to successfully: Defend yourself in an audit; Challenge an Incorrect tax bill; Represent yourself in Tax Court |
Friedrich Nietzsche Translated and with an Introduction by H.L. Mcnckcn | Antichrist, The | |
From the Church of the SubGenius (Reviewed by Mike Hoy) | Arise | The SubGenius Video |
From the Vnlorlan Society | Gangs and Governments | Th© Human Predicament |
G. A. Wells | Historical Evidence for Jesus, The | |
G. Edward Griffin | Creature From Jekyll Island, The | A Second Look at the Federal Reserve |
G.A. Wells | Did Jesus Exist? | Revised Edition |
G.O.W. Mueller and Freda Adler | Outlaws of the Ocean | The Complete Book of Contemporary Crime on the High Seas |
Gail A. Eisnitz | Slaughterhouse | The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect, and Inhumane Treatment Inside the U.S. Meat Industry |
Gareth Branwyn | Jamming the Media | A Citizen’s Guide Reclaiming Tools of Communication |
Garry Davis | Passport to Freedom | A Guide for World Citizens |
Gary B. Clark | Ditching your debts | |
Gary B. Clark | How to Get Lost and Start All over Again | |
Gary K. Farlow | Prison-Ese | A Survivor's Guide to Speaking Prison Slang |
Gary Webb | Dark Alliance | The CIA, The Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion |
Gene Logsdon | Good Spirits | A New Look at Ol’ Demon Alcohol |
General Alberto Bayo | 150 Questions for a Guerrilla | |
George D. Zgourides | Don’t Let Them Psych You Out! | |
George Dmitrleff | How to Build Flash/stun Grenades | |
George H. Smith | Why Atheism? | |
George Hay duke | Kickass! | More Mayhem from the Master of Malice |
George Hay duke | Righteous Revenge | Getting Down to Getting Even |
George Hay duke | Up Yours! | |
George Hayduke | Hayduke Silencer Book, The | Quick and Dirty Homemade Silencers |
George Hayduke | Byte Me! | Hayduke’s Guide to Computer-Generated Revenge |
George Hayduke | Get Even | The Complete Book of Dirty Tricks |
George Hayduke | Get Even 2 | More Dirty Tricks from the Master of Revenge |
George Hayduke | Payback! | Advanced Backstabbing and Mudslinging Techniques |
George Hayduke | Sweet Revenge | A Serious Guide to Retribution |
George M. Hollenback | Workbench Silencers | The Art of Improvised Designs |
George P. Brockway | End of Economic Man, The | |
Gerry Vassilatos | Lost Science | |
Gerry Vassllatos | Secrets of Cold War Technology | Project HAARP and Beyond |
Giorgio Samorini | Animals and Psychedelics | The Natural World and the Instinct to Alter Consciousness |
Gone Mason | Save Your License! | A Driver’s Survival Guide |
Gore Vidal | Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace | How We Got To Be So Hated |
Grace Llewellyn | Teenage Liberation Handbook, The | How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education |
Greg Ruggiero | Microradio & Democracy | (Low) Power to the People |
Gregory J. Davenport | Wilderness Survival | |
Greta Garbage | That’s Disgusting | An Adult Guide to What’s Gross, Tasteless, Rude, Crude, and Lewd |
Greta Garbage | Greta Garbage’s Outrageous Bathroom Book | A bathroom book with attitude — not the usual boring crap! |
Gustave Le Bon | Crowd, The | A Study of the Popular Mind |
H. R. D. | How to collect unemployment insurance (even if you're not eligible) | |
H. Skip Thomsen | More Power to You! | A Proven Path to Electric Energy Independence |
Haha Lung | Cao Dai Kung-fu | Lost Fighting Arts of Vietnam |
Haha Lung, Christopher B. Prowant | Theatre of Hell | Dr. Lung's Complete Guide to Torture |
Hans Conkel | How to Open Locks With Improvised Tools | Practical, non-destructive ways of getting back into just about everything when you lose your keys |
Hans Zinsser | Rats, Uce and History | The Biography of a Bacillus A Bacteriologists Classic Study of a World Scourgo |
Harold Hough | A Practical Guide to Photograph Intelligence | |
Harold J. Jenks and Michael H. Brown | Prison's Bloody Iron | Deadly Knife Fighting Tactics Revealed |
Harold S. Long | Gening Started in the Illicit Drug Business | |
Harold S. Long | Getting Started in the Illicit Drug Business | |
Harold S. Long | Making Crime Pay | |
Harold S. Long | Successful Armed Robbery | |
Harold Thomas | Master strategies for world conquest | a program of the World Power Foundation |
Harold Thomas | Secession--1985! | a program of the World Power Foundation |
Harold Thomas | World Power Foundation, The | Its Goals And Platform |
Harry Bennett | Two Thousand Formulas, Recipes and Trade Secrets | The Classic "Do-It-Yourself" Book of Practical Everyday Chemistry |
Harry Henderson | Global Terrorism | The Complete Reference Guide |
Harry Jonesburg | Waste Streams of Ignorance, The | |
Harvey Peter | New American Splendor Anthology, The | Stories |
Helen Garvy | Before You Shoot | A Guide to Low-Budget Film and Video Production |
Henry Board and Christopher Cerf | Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook, The | |
Henry Hazlitt | Economics in One Lesson | |
Henry L. Elsenson | Television Gray Market, The | The Theft of Satellite, Cable, and Videotape Programming.... |
Howard Bone With Daniel Waldron | Side Show | My Life With Geeks, Freaks & Vagabonds in the Carny Trade |
Howard Zinn | A People’s History of the United States, 1492 — Present | |
Howard Zinn | Terrorism and War | |
Hudson Grubber | Growing the Hallucinogens | |
Hugh L. Coffee | Ditch Medicine | Advanced Field Procedures for Emergencies |
Humphrey B. Neill | Art of Contrary Thinking, The | It pays to be contrary! |
Ian V. Hogg, Illustrated by Ray Hutchins | Counter-terrorism Equipment | |
Instructional Telecommunications Foundation | 90’s Hemp Video, The | |
Ira Berlin | Slaves Without Masters | The Free Negro in the Antebellum South |
Ivan lllich | Toward a History of Needs | |
Ivan NHeh | Celebration of Awareness | A Call for Institutional Revolution |
Ivan Stang | High Weirdness by Mail | A Directory of the Fringe: Mad Prophets, Crackpots, Kooks & True Visionaries |
J. A. Bigley | Aboman’s Guide to Survival and Self-Reliance | Practical Skills for Interesting Times |
J. A. Bigley | Aboman’s Guide to Wilderness Schools and Primitive Events | |
J. Allan South | Sense of Survival, The | |
J. Da vid Gillespie | Politics at the Periphery | Third Parties In Two-Party America |
J. David Truby | Zips, Pipes, and Pens | Arsenal of Improvised Weapons |
J. DevJd Truby end John Minnery | Improvised Modified Firearms | Deadly Homemade Weapons |
J. Flores | Full Auto | Modification Manual |
J. Paul de River, M.D., F.A.C.S. | Sexual Criminal, The | a psychoanalytical study Second edition |
J.C. Jenkins | Humanure Handbook, The | A Guide to Composting Human Manure |
J.D. Gallant | How to Buy an RV without getting ripped-off! | |
J.R. Schwartz | Best Cat Houses in Nevada | Everything You Want to Know About Legal Prostitution in Nevada |
Jack A. Spigarelli | Crisis Preparedness Handbook | A Comprehensive Guide to Home Storage and Physical Survival Updated Second Edition |
Jack Black. Introduction by William S. Burroughs. Afterword by Michael Disend | You Can’t Win | The Autobiography of Jack Black |
Jack Bucklin | Stuntman | A Freelancer's Guido to Learning the Craft and Landing the Jobs |
Jack E. Strauser | Invest in Yourself | How to Put a Cash Business on Every Comer |
Jack Fecker, Recovering Workaholic | Freedom From Work | Our Obsession With Work: Is There a Way Out? |
Jack Frazier | Great American Hemp Industry, The | |
Jack Henstridge | Building the Cordwood Home | |
Jack Herer | Emperor Wears No Clothes, The | Hemp & The Marijuana Conspiracy: The Authoritative Historical Record of the Cannabis Plant, Hemp, Prohibition, and How Marijuana Can Still Save the World |
Jack Katz | Seductions of Crime | Moral and Sensual Attractions In Doing Evil |
Jack Kearney | Tracking: A BLUEPRINT FOR LEARNING HOW | |
Jack Kneece | Ghost Army of WWII | |
Jack Luger | Counterfeit I.D. Made Easy | |
Jack Luger | How to use mail drops for profit, privacy, and self-protection | |
Jack Luger | Improvised Weapons in American Prisons | IN AMERICAN PRISONS |
Jack Luger | Snitch | A Handbook for Informers |
Jack Trimpey | Rational Recovery | The Revolutionary Alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous The New Cure for Substance Addiction |
Jacob Liberman, O.D., Ph.D. | Light: Medicine of the Future | |
Jacquln Sanders | Freakshow | A Novel |
James Axtell | European and the Indian, The | Essays In the Ethnohistory of Colonial North America |
James Bamford | Puzzle Palace, The | Inside The National Security Agency, America’s Most Secret Intelligence Organization |
James Basii-Hnrt | Part-time Diplomacy | For Fun, Profit & Prestige |
James Brazil | Cheaters Always Prosper | 50 Ways to Beat the System Without Being Caught |
James C Krohn, Ph.D. | Partisan Fighter's Manual, The | |
James F. Dunnigan & Albert A. Nofi | Dirty Little Secrets of the Vietnam War | Military Information You’re Not Supposed To Know |
James F. Dunnigan & Albert A. Nofi | Dirty Little Secrets of World War II | Military Information No One Told You About the Greatest, Most Terrible War in History |
James F. Dunnigan & Austin Bay | A Quick & Dirty Guide to War | Briefings on Present and Potential Wars |
James F. Dunnigan and Albert A. Nof | Dirty Little Secrets | Military Information You’re Not Supposed to Know |
James Jeffries as told to Charles Oliver | Book on Bookies, The | An Inside Look at a Successful Sports Gambling Operation |
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James MacLaren | Hitchhiker's Handbook, The | |
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James P. Carter, M.D., Dr. P.H. | Racketeering in Medicine | The Suppression of Alternatives |
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John Q. Newman | Understanding U.S. Identity Documents | |
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Michael Hoy | Loompanics' Greatest Hits | Articles and Features from the Best Book Catalog in the World |
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National Commission for the Review of Federal and State Laws Relating to Wiretapping and Federal Surveillance | Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance | |
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Robert Eringer | Conspiracy peddlers, The | a review of the conspiracy media in the United States |
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Russ Kick | Disinformation Book of Lists | Subversive Facts and Hidden Information in Rapid-Fire Format |
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Selected by The Editors of The Comics Journal | Best Comics of the Decade, VOLUME 1 & 2, The | |
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Tony Husch and Linda Foust | That's a Great Idea! | The New Product Handbook |
Tony L. Jones | Specialty Police Munitions | The Hottest New Specialty Ammunition, Weapons Platforms, Devices, and Chemical Agents for Real-World Law Enforcement |
Tony Lesce | 21st Century Fraud | How to Protect Yourself in the New Millennium |
Tony Lesce | Cops | Media Vs. Reality |
Tony Lesce | Espionage: Down and Dirty | |
Tony Lesce | They're Watching You! | The Age of Surveillance |
Tony Lesce | Wide Open to Terrorism | |
Tony Lesce | They’re Watching You! | The Age of Surveillance |
Tony Newborn | Secrets of International Identity Change | New I.D. in Canada, England, Australia, and New Zealand |
Trent Hammerstein | Stealth Juror | The Ultimate Defense Against Bad Laws and Government Tyranny |
Trent Sands | Personal Privacy Through Foreign Investing | |
Trent Sands | Reborn With Credit | |
Trent Sands | Renacer en Estados Unidos | Guía completa para obtener una identidad estadounidense |
Trent Sands | Reborn in the USA | Personal Privacy Through a New Identity |
Trey Bloodworth and Mike Raley | Hidden in Plain Sight | A Practical Guide to Concealed Handgun Carry |
Uncle Fester | Vest Busters | How To Make Your Own Body Armor Piercing Bullets |
Uncle Fester | Home Workshop Explosives | |
United States Army | U.S. Army Survival Manual (Fm 21-76) | |
United States Army | Camouflage | THE CODE BOOK U.S. Army Field Manual FM 5-20 |
UNITED STATES CONGRESS. OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT(?) | Electronic Surveillance and Civil Liberties | Federal Government Information Technology Analysis and commentary by Eden Press |
Urbano | Fighting in the Streets | A Manual of Urban Guerrilla Warfare |
US Army | How to Kill Tanks FC 7-2 | FC 7-2 |
US Congress Office of Technology Assessment | Criminal Justice | New Technologies and the Constitution |
Various Writers | Why Work? | Arguments for the Leisure Society |
Victor Koman | Publish Your Own Book FOR UNDER $50.00! | How You Can Get Your Book Into Print and Keep It Thore! |
Victor Santoro | Disruptive Terrorism | |
Victor Santoro | Economic Sodomy | How Modern Frauds Work and How to Protect Yourself |
Victor Santoro | Fighting Back on the Job | |
Victor Santoro | Gaslighting How to Drive Your Enemies Crazy | |
Victor Santoro | Political Trashing | |
Victor Santoro | Rip-Off Book Volume 2, The | |
Victor Santoro | Be Your Own Equalizer | How to Fight the System and Win |
Victor Santoro | Street Smart Survival | A Nineties Guide to Staying Alive and Living Well |
Victor Santoro | Techniques of Harassment | How the Underdog Gets Justice |
Victor Santoro | Techniques of Revenge | |
Victor Santoro | Vigilante Handbook | |
Vin Suprynowicz | Ballad of Carl Drega, The | Essays on the Freedom Movement, 1994 to 2001 |
Vin Suprynowicz | Send in the Waco Killers | Essays on the Freedom Movement, 1993-1998 |
Vladimir M. DUman, M.D., Ph.D.t D.M.Sc. | Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging and Degenerative Disease, The | |
W. Ben Hunt | How to Build and Furnish a Log Cabin | The Easy Natural Way Using Only Hand Tools and the Woods Around You |
W. Scott Persons | American Ginseng: Green Gold | A grower’s guide, including ginseng’s history and use |
WalfIF. Lcff& Marilyn G. Haft | Time Without Work | People who are not working tell their stories - How They Feel • What They Do • How They Survive |
Wallace Wang | Steal This Computer Book 2 | What They Won’t Tell You About the Internet |
Waller Block | Defending the Undefendable | |
Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall | Agents of Repression | The FBI’s Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement |
Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall | Cointelpro Papers, The | Documents from the FBI’s Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States |
Ward Dean, M.D. | Biological Aging Measurement | Clinical Applications |
Ward Dean, M.D. and John Morgcnthaicr | Smart Drugs & Nutrients | How to Improve Your Memory And Increase Your Intelligence Using the Latest Discoveries in Neuroscience |
Ward Dean, M.D., John Morgcnthaler and Steven Wm. Fowkes | Smart Drugs II the Next Generation | New Drugs and Nutrients to Improve Your Memory and Increase Your Intelligence |
Warren Siege!, Attorney | Criminal Records Book, The | How to Regain Your Good Name |
Wayne B. Yeager | Techniques of Burglar Alarm Bypassing | |
Wayne D. Ford, Ph.D. | How to Spot a Liar in a Job Interview | An employer’s guide to detecting those who speak falsely in interviews, assessment sessions, and all other communication when seeking employment. |
Wayne D. Ford, Ph.D. | How to Spot a Phony Resume | Secrets of the Most Successful Writers of False Information |
Wayne Yeager | Status For Sale | The Complete Guide to Instant Prestige |
Weasel Murphy | Professional Gambler’s Handbook, The | Beating the System by Hook and by Crook |
Will Elsner | Comics & Sequential Art | |
William B. Moran | Investigative Methods for White Collar Crime | |
William Beaver | Overseas Americans | The Essential Guide to Living and Working Abroad |
William Beaver | Wealth-building Secrets | As Practiced by the World’s Richest People What the Kuwaitis Can Teach You about Getting Rich — and Staying Rich |
William Broad and Nicholas Wade | Betrayers of the Truth | Fraud and Deceit In the Halls of Science |
William Evans, Ph D., | Biomarkers | The 10 Determinants of Aging You Can Control |
William Gurstelle | Backyard Ballistics | Build potato cannons, paper match rockets, Cincinnati fire kites, tennis ball mortars, and more dynamite devices |
William Keller, EMT | Keller’s Outdoor Survival Guide | How to Prevail When Lost, Stranded, or Injured in the Wilderness |
William L. Seavey | Eden Seeker's Guide, The | |
William Lutz | Doublespeak | From "Revenue Enhancement" to Terminal Living- How Government, Business, Advertisers, and Others Use Language to Deceive You |
William Meyers | Vampires or Gods? | The True Stories of the Ancient Immortals |
William Rathjo 6 Cullen Murphy | Rubbish! | The Archaeology of Garbage |
William S. Butler & L. Douglas Keeney | Secret Messages | Concealment, Codes & Other Types of Ingenious Communication |
Willis George | Surreptitious Entry | |
Wilmot Robertson | Ethnostate, The | |
Winn Schwartau | Information Warfare | Cyberterrorism: Protecting Your Personal Security in the Electronic Age Second Edition |
Winn Schwartau | Cybershock | Surviving Hackers, Phreakers, Identity Thieves, Internet Terrorists and Weapons of Mass Disruption |
Winston Arrington | Now Hear This! | Electronic Eavesdropping Equipment Design |
With an Introduction by Jonathon Green and cartoons by Kipper Williams | Big Book of Filth, The | 6500 sex slang words and phrases |
Written & Compiled by Joseph J. CulUgan | Requirements to Become a P.i. In the 50 States and Elsewhere | A Reference Manual |
Fingerprint Identification System, The | ||
Hardcore | ||
Opium |
Author/s | Title | Subtitle |
Anthony A. Zaffuto, Ph.D. | Complete Guide to Sexual Positions, The (VHS Video) | |
Bill Holmes | Home Workshop .50-caliber Sniper Rifle (VHS Video) With Bill Holmes, The | |
Derek Humphry | Final Exit (VHS Video) | The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying 2000 Version |
Dr. Andrew Stanway | Advanced Sexual Techniques (VHS Video) | |
Dr. Andrew Stanway | Lover's Guide To Better Orgasms, The (VHS Video) | |
House O’ Chicks | Masturbation Memoirs, Vol. I & II | An erotic guide to women’s self pleasuring (VHS Video) |
Mark Allen | Art of the Bullwhip (VHS Video) | |
Nick Dougas | Death Scenes 2 (VHS Video) | Produced and Directed |
Produced by House O’Chicks | How to Find Your G-spot (VHS Video) | |
Produced by House O’Chicks | Magic of Female Ejaculation, The | VHS Video With Booklet |
Sarrival Research Laboratories Produced and Directed by Jonathan Rc/ss | A Scenic Harvest | FROM THE KINGDOM OF PAIN and VIRTUES OF NEGATIVE FASCINATION Two VHS Videos of Machine Performances |
With Betty Dodson, Ph.D. | Viva La Vulva | Women’s Sex Organs Revealed (VHS Video) |
B and E: A to Z (VHS Tape) | HOW TO GET IN ANYWHERE, ANYTIME VHS Video Tape | |
Deadly Weapons | Firearms & Firepower VHS Video Tape | |
Expert Lock Picking (VHS Video) | State-of-the-Art Lock Picking Secrets | |
Hemp for Victory (VHS Videotape) | ||
Hidden Doorways (VHS Video) | ||
High Speed Entry (VHS Video) | Instant Opening Techniques | |
How I Steal Cars | (A Repo Man's. Guide to Car Thieves’ Secrets) (VHS Video) | |
Jim Rose Circus Sideshow, The | ||
Personal Picks (VHS Video) | Starring Eddie the Wire Fine Quality lock tods are hard to come by — potting pood picks |
Misc. mentions of the publisher
On Archive.org
Author/s | Title | Subtitle | Source |
2600 | Off The Hook - 09/14/1994 | archive.org/details/wbai-2600-off-the-hook-1994-09-14 | |
Anábasis | Anábasis 059 - (2-III-15) - Bob Black | archive.org/details/Anabasis2mar15BobBlack | |
Bill Pryor | Secret Agent Vol. 1 | archive.org/details/secret-agent-1 | |
Bob Black | Beneath the Underground | archive.org/details/BlackBeneathTheUnderground | |
Bob Black & Adam Partrey | Rants and Incendiary Tracts | Voices of Desperate Illumination 1558 to Present | archive.org/details/rants-and-incendiary-tracts-voices-of-desperate-illumination-1558-present-loompanics-unlimited |
FBI | FBI File on Loompanics Unlimited 1981-1995 (Includes partial copy of 1991 Dealer Catalog) | archive.org/details/fbi-file-on-loompanics-unlimited-1981-1995 | |
Gia Cosindas | Covert Censorship on the Web | archive.org/details/covert-censorship-on-the-web-loompanics-unlimited | |
Loki Hulgaard | White Praxis | A Guide to Right, White Life | archive.org/details/white-praxis-2021-version |
Loompanics Unlimited | An Interview With Mike Hoy | archive.org/details/an-interview-with-mike-hoy-loompanics-unlimited | |
Loompanics Unlimited | Uncle Fester Interview | archive.org/details/uncle-fester-interview-loompanics-unlimited | |
Michael Servetus | Key to the I-Ching (易经/팔괘점) | archive.org/details/servetus2001 | |
Michael Starks | Fabulous Illustrated History of Psychoactive Plants, The | or, great grandma's pleasures, being an illustrated survey of the sources, preparations and uses of stimulating, narcotising and intoxicating drugs in past centuries | archive.org/details/michael-starks-the-fabulous-illustrated-history-of-psychoactive-plants-loompanics-unlimited |
Mike Gunderloy | How to Publish A Fanzine | archive.org/details/mike-gunderloy-how-to-publish-a-fanzine-loompanics-unlimited | |
Mike Hoy | Mike Hoy | archive.org/details/podcast_authorviews-video-podcast_mike-hoy_24746346 | |
Office of Film and Literature Classification | Court Document about the Loompanics Unlimited 2002 Catalog | archive.org/details/office-of-film-and-literature-classification_200766 | |
Resistance Books | Resistance Books | archive.org/details/resistance_202309 | |
gov.uscourts.mdd.68734 | archive.org/details/gov.uscourts.mdd.68734 | ||
Leave It Buried HWSM 02 016 | archive.org/details/leave-it-buried-hwsm-02-016 | ||
Ragnar Benson The Granddaddy Of Survivalism And How To Survive The Coming Plagues.. PT 2 | archive.org/details/ragnar-benson-the-granddaddy-of-survivalism-and-how-to-survive-the-coming-plagues..-pt-2 |
On The Anarchist Library
On Worldcat
Author/s | Title | Subtitle | Source |
Loompanics Unlimited | Loompanics Unlimited | main catalog | search.worldcat.org/title/503242277 |
Loompanics Unlimited | Main Catalog | search.worldcat.org/title/25761007 | |
Loompanics Unlimited | Supplement to the Loompanics Unlimited book catalog | search.worldcat.org/title/942763502 | |
Loompanics Unlimited (Author), Vale Zines Collection (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library) | A sampler of unusual books from the best book catalog in the world | search.worldcat.org/title/1097646120 | |
Loompanics Unlimited, Michigan State University Libraries American Radicalism Collection | Loompanics | file of clippings and miscellanea | search.worldcat.org/title/28536834 |
Michael Hoy | Index to the National lampoon | search.worldcat.org/title/24335104 | |
Michael Hoy | Index to the National Lampoon; the first four years (48 issues) | search.worldcat.org/title/26469400 |