Books captioned in "Ted's" letters sorted alphabetically by author
The UNABOM investigation
Chart listing author, title and related "Ted" documents.
Books captioned in "Ted's" letters sorted alphabetically by author
The periodical, The Skeptical Inquirer, is noted individually when an author and/or title is available | Skeptical Inquirer, The | T-33; T-34; T-56; T-78; T-79; T-103;T-140; T-156 |
Adams, Andy | Log of a Cowboy, The | T-48, Pg 1 |
Allen, Jerry | Sea Years of Joseph Conrad, The | T-20, Para 35 |
Alsop, Joseph | FDR - A Remembrance | T-143 |
Altamirano | Navidad en Las Montanas | T-55, Pg 2 |
Apostol, T. M. | Advanced Calculus | T-102, Pg 2 |
Author Unknown | Schizophrenias - Yours and Mine, The | T-40, Pg 3, Para 3; T-77 |
Bouchard, Thomas J. & Lykken, David T. | Genetic vs. Environmental Influences in the Development of Human Personality, Science (article) | T-100, Pgl |
Braddy, Haldeen | Mexico and the Old Southwest (Poems) | T-10 |
Brooks, Lester | Great Civilization of Ancient Africa | T-114 |
Carcopino, Jerome | Daily Life in Ancient Rome | T-7 |
Carlyle, Thomas | French Revolution, The | T-7; T22; T-84, Pg 1, Para 2 |
Carriage, Horacio | Tacho, El (The Roof) Short Story | T-9 |
Conrad, Joseph | Heart of Darkness | T-20, Para 5; T-52; T-85, Pg 8 |
Conrad, Joseph | Secret Agent, The | T-156 |
Conrad, Joseph | Outpost of Progress, An | T-20, Para 40 |
Conrad, Joseph | Mirror of the Sea | T-24, Pg 2; T-85, Pg 1 |
Creed, Thomas L. | Subliminal Deception, Skeptical Inquirer, Vol 11, No 4 | T-103, Pgl |
CSICOP (Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal) | Skeptical Inquirer, The | T-79 |
Davalos, Juan Carlos | Fort of Tacuil, The | T-28 |
DeCamp, L. Sprague | Ancient Engineers, The | T-44 |
DelGado, Jose N. R. | Physical Control of the Mind | T-2, Pg 3 |
Deutscher, Isaac | Stalin, A Political Biography, New York, 1967 | T-104; T-114, Pgs 1, 2 |
Donaldson, Kenneth | Insanity Inside Out | T-43, Pg 3 |
Drinnon, Richard | White Savage: The Case of John Dunn Hunter Schoken Books, 1972 | T-104, Pgl |
Eaves, L. J. Eysenck, H. J. & Martin, N.J. | Genes, Culture and Personality: An Empirical Approach | T-108, Pgl |
Ellul, Jacques | Technological Society, The | T-2, Pg 10; T-85; Pg 9; T-120 |
Epstein, Jack | Along the Gringo Trail | T-24 |
Evans-Pritchard, E. E. | Nuer - A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic Peoples, The Oxford University Press, 1972 | T-81 |
Eysenck, H. J. | Sense and Nonsense in Psychology | T-34, Pg 10 |
Fineman, Mark, B. (Assoc. Prof.) | Skeptical Inquirer Vol IV, No 2 Winter 1979-80 | T-34 |
Frazer, (FNU) | Golden Bough | T-138, Pg 7 |
Galados, Benito Perez | Dona Perfecta (Novel) | T-102, Pgs 1,2, 4 |
Galsworthy, John | Shadows | T-52 |
Garber, Judy & Seligman, E. P. (edited by both) | Human Helplessness: Theory and Applications, Academic Press, 1980 | T-103, Pgl |
Gimbutas, Maria | Slavs, The | T-114 |
Glass, David, C. & Singer, J. E. | Urban Stress: Experiments on Noise and Social Stressors, Academic Press, 1972 | T-110, Pgs 1, 3 |
Gonzalez, Manuel del Rio | Juarez, Su Vida y Su Obra | T-105, Pgl |
Granivet, Angel | Hombres Del Norte | T-19, Para 1, 2; T-20, Para 6 |
Griffin, C. W. | Frontier Freedoms and Space Age Cities, Saturday Review, 2/7/70 | T-130 |
Harris, Thomas A. | I’m OK - You’re OK | T-34, Pg 9 |
Hayes, K. J. | Psychological Reports, Science - Vol 10, 299, 1962 (article) | T-107, Pgs 1, 4 |
Helfer, Otto J. | World of the Huns, The 1973 | T-78 |
Hollander, Paul | Survival of the Adversary Culture, The: Social Criticism and Political Escapism in American Society | T-104, Pgl |
Hooper, Finley | Greek Realities | T-140 |
Hunter, John D. | Manners and Customs of the Indians | T-141 |
I.D. London | Some Consequences for History and Psychology of Langmuir’s Concept of Convergence and Divergence of Phenomena Psychology Review, vol 53, | T-114 |
Ibanez, Vicente Blasco | Arroz y Tartana | T-113, Pgs 1, 2 |
Ibarguiengoitia | Old Pedro’s Crime | T-86 |
Ibarguiengoitia | Thunders of August, The | T-86 |
Iturribarria, Jorge Fernando | Benito Juarez Porfino Diaz: Hechos Historicos de la Vida Estos Proceres de la Reforma | T-105 |
Jared Diamond | Third Chimpanzee, The | T-111 |
Jean-Aubry, G. | From Joseph Conrad: Life and Letters | T-52 |
Jean-Aubry, G. | Life and Letters From Joseph Conrad | T-25; T-52; T-53 |
Kahn and Weiner | Year 2000, The. | T-2, Pg 10 |
Kanter, Donald L. & Mirvis, Philip | Cynical American, The: Living in an Age of Discontent and Disillusion Publisher: Joey Bass | T-102, Pgs 2, 5 |
Kearney, Jack | Tracking: A Blueprint for Learning How Pathway Press | T-101, Pgs 1,2 |
Kelley, John, L. | General Topology | T-105, Pg 2 |
Kephart, Horace | Book of Camping and Woodcraft | T-13;T-164 |
Kirk, Donald R. | Wild Edible Plants of the Western United States | T-15, Pg 1; T-87, Pg 2 |
Kirk, (FNU) | Fruit of the C. Foctidissima (Re: buffalo Gourd.) | T-16 |
Klass, Philip | UFO's Identified Skeptical Inquirer | T-33 |
Leiby, June | Beneath the Mask | T-31 |
Leikind, Bernard & Dennett, William (UI) | Investigations of Firewalking Skeptical Inquirer Fall 1985, Vol 10, No 1 | T-156 |
Leydet, Francois | Coyote, The: Defiant SongDog of the West | T-151,Pgs 1,2 |
London, Perry | Behavior Control | T-2, Pg 10 |
London, Jack | Road, The | T-112, Pgs 1, 2 |
Lyle, David | Esquire Magazine, 1967 The Human Race Has Maybe Thirty-Five Years Left. | T-119(G), (F) Article found in Ted’s trunk at his mother’s home. |
Mackay, G. | Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, The | T-54 |
Mackey, G. | Foundations of Quantum Theory | T-55, Pg 1 |
Maugham, W. Somerset | Summing Up, The | T-52; T-55, Pg 1, 2; T-54; Pg 1 |
Maugham, Somerset | Razor's Edge, The | T-19, Para 15; T-66, Pg 1 |
Morley, Sylvanus G. | Ancient Maya, The | T-8 |
Muenscher, Walter Conrad | Poisonous Plants of the United States | T-6 |
Newspaper | Saturday Review | T-25; T-85; T-130; T-133;T-137; T-148 |
Nietzsche | Zarathustra Zaranthustra’s Prologue, 4 | T-3, Pg 2; T-18, Pg 2 |
Nisbett, R.E. & Ross, L. | Human Inference: Strategies and Shortcomings of Social Judgement, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall, 1980 | T-109, Pgs 1,3 |
Nunez | Cabeza de Vaca | T-47;T-51; T-52; T-55; T-56 |
Orozco, Fernando | La Gue*** de Treirt akos Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy | T-54 |
Orwell, George | Homage to Barcelona (The librarian indicated this may be Catalonia, not Barcelona) New York, Harcourt, 1952 | T-109, Pgs 1, 2 |
Orwell, George | 1984 | T-3; T-66, Pg 1 |
Parati, (FNU) | Geller Papers, The | T-79 |
Pasek, Jan Chrystostom | Memoirs | T-106 |
Premanand, B. | Levitation, Miracles in India Skeptical Inquirer Spring 1989, Vol 13 | T-156 |
Quiroga, Horacio | Flies, The: Replica of the Dead Man | T-8 |
Quiroga, Horacio | Wild Colt, The | T-26; T-29 |
Quiroga, Horacio | Juan Darien | T-17, Pg 7 |
Quiroga, Horacio | Nuestro Primor Cigarro (Our First Cigarette) | T-11, Pg 3, Line 15 |
Quiroga, Horacio | Conductor del Rapido, El | T-80 |
Rand, James | Geller, (Uri) | T-140 |
Robertiello | Your Own True Love | T-34, Pg 10 |
Rose, W.J. | From Serfdom to SelfGovernment Memoirs of a Polish Village Mayor | T-113 |
Royal Spanish Academy | Outline of a New Grammar of the Spanish Language | T-58 |
Scarr, S. & McCartney, K. | Child Development, Science - Vol 54, 424, 1983 (article) | T-107, Pg 1 |
Segal, Ronald | Leon Trotsky: A Biography | T-108, Pg 1; T-104 |
Seligman, Martin, E. P. | Learned Optimism | T-106; T-115 |
Seligman, Martin, E. | Depression | T-103, Pgl |
Sherwood and Taylor | Calculus | T-17, Pg 6 |
Sierra, Justo | Juarez Su Obra y Su Tiempo | T-105, Pg 1 |
Smith, Colin | Collins Spanish and English Dictionary, The | T-77 |
Speer, Albert | Spandau | T-17, Pg 5 |
Speer, Albert | Inside the Third Reich | T-17, Pg 5 |
Spinder, Herbert J. | Study of Maya Art, A Dove Publications, New York, 1975 | T-29 |
Stanley, Henry M. | How I Found Livingstone | T-20, Para 7 |
Starkie, Walter | Raggle Taggle | T-38, Pg 2, Para 1; T-41, Pg 1; T- 51 |
Stein, Gordon | Lore of Levitation, The Skeptical Inquirer, Spring 1989, Vol 13 | T-156 |
Stuart, Granville | Forty Years on the Frontier | T-81 |
Sulimirski | Sarmatians, The | T-42, Pg 5; T-44 |
Terrill, Ross | Mao: A Biography Harper and Row, 1980. | T-111 |
Thomas, W. I. and Zaniecki, F. | Polish Peasant in Europe and America, The Vol I | T-115 |
Thucydides | History of the Peloponnesian War | T-140 |
Turnbull, Colin | Wayward Servants: The Two Worlds of the African Pygmies | T-61 |
Turnbull, Colin | Forest People, The | T-10, T-22, Para 13; T-24; T-61 |
Turnbull, Colin | Man In Africa | T-113 |
Valdes, Armando Palacio | La Novela de un Novelista | T-110, Pgs 1, 2 |
Valdes, Armando Palacio | Novela de un Novelista, La | T-110 |
Voxman | Method for Trombone or Baritone | T-156 |
Waterman, John T. | History of German Language | T-23, Pg 3, Para 1 |
Weissman, Gerald | Aspirin Scientific American Magazine Jan 1991 | T-90 |
Welch, Galbraith | Africa Before They Came | T-115 |
White, Robert (Editor) | Study of Lives Essays on Personality in Honor of Henry Murray, The | T-106, Pgl |
White, K. R. | Psychological Bulletin, Vol 86, 461 (1982) Science (article) | T-107, Pgl |
Womack, John Jr. | Zapata and the Mexican Revolution | T-49, Pg 1 |
Womack, John Jr. | Zapata and the Mexican Revolution Vintage Book, 1968 | T-49;T-51 |
Zamora, Cristobal, A. | Pastor, El: la Perso y la Obra de Benito Juarez Vistas Dentro de Marco Singular de Su Epoca | T-105, Pg 1 |
Zhores and Medvedev, Roy | Question of Madness, A | T-33 |